Tune Out The Pundits

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.


What should be happening is happening.
This lifts weight from the spirit, who
can / should go forth to confidently be.
To be is to be the Presence of God, no less.

North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France

All known knows. Fact: all the information thrown at this situation has not caused its remediation. Fact: all the mainline comms are heaving up spiritual and intellectual cholera. Fact: all the pundits are ingesting that spiritual and intellectual cholera, daily. And spreading the infection by welcoming or inciting outrage against it.

And nothing changes, the infection spreads, successfully resisting treatment, laughing in the face of the doctor, our precious pundits. The pundits are scammers. They know nothing not known to all already, which is very little and that mostly inaccurate.

So why did Rs not see the heist coming? They got their very own 911 and never saw it coming? Really? Like the CIA never saw 911 coming? Rs thought PDJT could overwhelm the heist, somehow; that a colossal heist really would not occur because it was just too nervy; that it would benefit them, like the old days, even though they would lose, again?

Why? Better, who?

What traverses the comms is not the problem. Everything now traversing the comms spreads disease, not health. Do colossal heist and you have blown your cover of assumed sanctity.

The comms themselves, the wells and pipelines, are the problem: who owns them, not who operates them. The wells’ and pipelines’ owners are the problem, not who draws unhealthy water from the wells and pumps it through the well owners’ pipelines into the masses. Mike Wallace and his declarations are known knowns, pathogenic. The one who owns the chair in which Mike sits is the problem, not Mike. Focus on Mike, his minions, peers, and persuasions, spreads disease, nothing changes heals.

Map the bosses, the actual owners of the cholera-spreading comms, and you will be getting somewhere, Roger. You will discover a large number, perhaps a majority of them, are females. The Dons have given over to their wives, so to speak. The world is upside down in consequence. With your friends, operate the Three Fs, E, and A: Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze.

When the well yields unhealthy water, remove the handle from the well. Remove the ability to get water from the well. Better yet, plug the well. Turn off your TV. Gather together with those who, also, have turned off their TV. Talk with them. Examine experiences with them. Make plans with them. Rear your children with them.

Anyone who writes now of any MSM personality — celebrity, actor, consultant, expert, infotainment personality — whether in approbation or opprobrium, is spreading spiritual and intellectual cholera.

Look ahead, anticipate, plan, as best you can. Assume that, in every possible scenario, wildfire, as an avenging angel, stalks the land, seeking whom she may devour. Americans have initiated or countenanced abuse of Dharma and other countries long enough. That abuse is ending, one way and another.

  • Rita Hayworth
  • Rita Hayworth
  • Rita Hayworth
  • Rita Hayworth
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr And Cary Grant As An Affair To Remember
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Deborah Kerr
  • Katherine Hepburn
Humankind are, at root, generators.
This is why the Bible starts with a book named Genesis.

Sadhana (spiritual striving) will disclose to you your identity. But be careful; Sadhana can foster even pride and envy as the by-product of progress. You calculate how much or how long you have done Sadhana and you are tempted to look down on another, whose record is less. You are proud that you have written the name of Sai ten million times; you talk about it whenever you get the chance, so that others may admire your faith and fortitude. But it is not the millions that count but the purity of mind that results from genuine concentration on the name. Your Sadhana must avoid becoming like drawing water from a well in a cane basket! You get no water however often you may dip and pull the basket up. Each vice is a hole in the bucket. Keep the heart pure, keep it whole. 

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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