
As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

This is marijuana speaking. Note, no conservatives mention marijuana. They think its effects are merely physical. They are mostly spiritual. And conservatives and libertarians are not interested in spiritual, only financial and legal. But spiritual drives intellectual, and from there, financial and legal. If you do not know who you are, how can you know what to do? Wipe out spiritual, which marijuana does, and you wipe out financial and legal, as these ninnies and their political-judicial counterparts adequately demonstrate on the streets and in the homes of their cities and towns.


Deep dive to discover your true nature.  Read, discuss, sing, ask, pray, meanwhile performing your duties well, whatever they are in whatever your walk in life.

Marry and educate yourself, your spouse and your children in the modes of earning peace.  Earning peace is more important — to everyone, actually — than earning a living.

Let your home be a school, a sanctuary, an infirmary, a garden, and an oratory.

Marijuana induces impotence.  It makes for silly thoughts and stupid policies and proposals.

You desire to drink a sweet drink, but instead of sugar, you drop salt into the cup, imagining salt to be sugar. That is the state of man today. He craves for peace, but does not know how to attain it. The means he adopts do not lead him to the anticipated end. A large percentage of people who come to me ask for moksha (Self-Realisation or Liberation) from the bondage of grief and joy, birth and death. But, when I offer to bless them with the consummation of their wish, they do not come forward; they would rather have it ten years or five years later. So all the thirst and craving are just a pose; it is a fashionable slogan, and nothing more. Man must be sincere; his word must be in conformity with his feeling, and his action must be in conformity with his word. Resolve on this practice, at least from today. Do not be false to yourself.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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