Afro-Carib Voodoo Seasoned With Islam

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Call it not a battle for but rather an attack upon the American soul, which, our law embodies ever so adequately as the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to The Constitution Of The United States, or in a word, fairness.

The attack against our soul by Liberal Socialists — really, extrusions of European Monarchism by decadent European holders of titles of nobility and American pretenders to the same — occurred for over a century, fizzling finally in the late 20th Century from their own intellectual powerlessness (think Norman Cousins). Next, Moslem’s attack against our soul occurred for over half a century, fizzling finally in September 2001 upon a demonstration of their colossal stupidity (think Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi / John O. Brennan, and here).

Now comes the attack against our soul by practitioners of Afro-Carib Voodoo — critical race theory seasoned with Islam — an attack commenced early in the 20th Century and now in train of fizzling from their own obdurate pigheadedness (think Barack Obama / Eric Holder / Gina Haspel).

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Bill Ayers and then the Bond film team pulled the universe of Afro-Carib Voodoo into the mainstream of American political economics. At root, zeal to embrace Afro-Carib Voodoo among Americans apparently of birth in normal families was to justify a desire which had arisen among them for fornication and inebriation. They called it spiritual enlightenment.

Those impulses, widely asserted during the 1960s to be justified desires, probably originated among American military veterans and era participants going back to WWII. Think Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsburg, Alan Watts, Druid Heights, Hells Angels, Rebel Without A Cause, The Wild One. Churchmen had no answer to such, meaning, churchmen too had lost faith in personal, social, and political benefits of proper conduct, Dharma.

Voodoo is an horizontal universe, a Flatland, so to speak, called helping me by harming you, or, doing it to you before you can do it to me. Thus, for normals, the unimaginably garish misogyny and bloodthirstiness of Voodoo thought, iconography, vestiture, superstition, and ritual.

Team CIA-Obama, seconded by their fellow Deep State criminally insane sycophants of chaos, illustrate just how far Afro-Carib Voodoo seasoned with Islam penetrated inside the American Soul, to Fillet it.

And the dons?
Well, the dons, the dons.
The dons seem merely content
to cheat and lie to you.

Today’s dons — we call them oligarchs now — seem merely content to hide behind lethal ideologies dressed in idealistic non sequiturs — lies — while they not only cheat but also steal from Americans — and everyone they can reach — their liberties, their properties, their lives, their sacred honor, their loyalty to parents, siblings, and elders, their thirst for truth, their patriotism, their love of fairness, and their very spirit.

Today’s dons would enslave the world, not merely Alta California. Today’s dons are Bolsheviks and more. Team Trump has made them very, very, very angry.

Glenn Reynolds, commenting on this phenomenon: I don’t think it’s [i.e., our time] 1917. But in 1917, it’s obvious in retrospect that the only moral and practical thing to do was to kill Bolsheviks, starting at the top. An unparalleled human [tragedy] could have been prevented, had the Czarists, or the Mensheviks, been willing to act appropriately.

Note that Jesus commenced the Judean phase of His Ministry with what military professionals call a warning order (Luke 4: 16-30) and concluded it with acts of violence and condemnation (Luke 19:41-47) — aka war — which made the dons of those days very, very, very angry. He also announced a material result of his imminent persecution and death by torture as agitated by said dons (Luke 19:41-44): The Second Temple dismantled by the Army of Titus.

  • The Arch of Titus, the triumph awarded him for defeating Judean separatists / terrorists, stands today in Rome. The Second Temple has not been replaced with a Third Temple. The words Judaism / Jew / Jewish refer, roughly, to the period of the Second Temple (516 BC – 70 AD) and specifically to the period spanning from the Maccabees to Titus.
  • Before the Exile, the people living in Judea and Samaria were known as Hebrews and their religion is called Davidic or Prophetic or, in Tillich’s phrase, Hebrew Prophetism. Hebrew Religion / Prophetism ends with the foundation of the Second Temple and the Prophet Malachi. After Malachi, it was said by Jews, the Shekhinah, Who inspired the Prophets, left Israel to her own devices.
  • After Malachi, Hebrews became recognizably Jews practicing a new religion, the religion of Judaism, until 70 AD, when they were forced to stop the practice of Judaism.
  • Judaism was a cult, a ritualistic religion held in place by an ideology that requires a vast effusion of the blood of animals, a financial system to supply the effusion through predatory commerce, and a guild of lawyers and their clerks imbued with arrogance so unmitigated and ruthless as to prevent challenge to the cult’s ideology and practice.
  • Destruction of the bloodbath — literal, legal, economic, intellectual, and spiritual — that was the Second Temple and the death and diaspora of lawyers and their clerks, along with predatory businessmen, commences what replaced Judaism and persists to this day: another new religion, justly denominated as Talmudism.
  • Judaism has not existed since 70 AD, thankfully. Even the Romans were aghast and appalled at the scale of the bloodletting Jews called religion. Romans built plumbing to carry down from the Second Temple the torrents of blood which were being non-systematically and un-hygienically disposed. Outflow was to the river which makes the Kidron Valley and flows into the Dead Sea.
  • Shekhinah had indeed abandoned Jews to self-destruction.

Well, the dons, the dons, the oligarchs, the oligarchs. Our dons are Bolsheviks. Their present and real hide since the 1960s is Afro-Carib Voodoo seasoned with Islam. Sex is their immediate motivation, usually homosexual, and drugs are at the six of sex.

Reynolds’ remedy The Church also — especially The Latin Church, aka Western Civilization — finds indicated.

At the concluding paragraph of her essay 2020 Is Tumbling Toward 1917, Helen Andrews highlights the Transition Integrity Project (see also here and here and here).

The Transition Integrity Project is retired and active duty US Generals and Admirals auditioning for roles as POTUS and other senior USG officials US domestic and foreign dons / oligarchs might assign to positions in their rules-based global order, the objective they call global governance.

The dons envision rapid and ineluctable completion of their agitation for global governance: no more national / cultural self-definition, sovereign freedom, or self-interest. Just plenary — and of course beneficent — rule by dons / oligarchs through functionaries credentialed and appointed to execute oligarchs’ intents.

Generals and Admirals in the Transition Integrity Project have remained non-political alright. They deny Americans’ status as a nation with sovereign freedom. They deny who commissioned them officers and of what. There is no polis about which Generals and Admirals need concern themselves. Whatever they and oligarchs want to do is definitionally non-political and entirely democratic because they are the decisive demos. This is convenient sophistry.

They really are ignorant and stupid, these dons / oligarchs. And cowardly, disloyal American Generals and Admirals are kissing their rings hoping for an appointment. No wonder POTUS Trump told a conclave of them very early on that he would not go to war with them because they are losers.

As Russian Army Officers swore allegiance to Bolsheviks and German Army Officers to Nazis, American Generals, Admirals, diplomats, and intelligence officers are swearing allegiance to Afro-Carib Voodoo seasoned with Islam — aka critical race theory. They do this in order to preserve and expand their perquisites — they call it our democracy — after what they imagine is an imminent triumph of global governance ideology. Pressed down on humanity by beneficent dons / oligarchs and themselves, fairness be hanged.

In protection from which is this:

The Omnipresence of God
The Oneness of Humanity

ZeroHedge: Only Full Transparency Will Save The CIA And FBI Now
L. Todd Wood: If You’re In The Military, Spreading ChiCom-Inspired SJW Critical Race Theory, You’re A Traitor To The Uniform
Cliff Kincaid: Red Faces Over Obama’s Red Mentor

It is a hard job to know about your own Self. Take the case of the food that you eat with your own mouth. You feel it in your stomach but after that you do not experience what happens to it at each stage. How then can you know, without acquiring the special means for it, the Truth that lies behind the sheaths that encase and enclose you – the Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya and Aanandhamaya (sheaths of material, vital energy, mind, intelligence and bliss)? Clear your intellect or intellectual power (dhee shakti) of the cobwebs of the ego, the dust of desire, the soot of greed and envy, and it becomes a fit instrument for revealing the Swarupa – the Inner Truth. “Know yourself, know the Inner Motivator, the Antaryamin” – that is the exhortation of the scriptures of all faiths. For, unless you are armed with that knowledge, you are like a ship without a compass, sailing on a stormy sea.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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