Why Should Only God Have All The Fun?

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Glenn Reynolds:

I don’t think it’s 1917. But in 1917, it’s obvious in retrospect that the only moral and practical thing to do was to kill Bolsheviks, starting at the top. An unparalleled human [tragedy] could have been prevented, had the Czarists, or the Mensheviks, been willing to act appropriately.

John Hinderaker: Voter Fraud: The Issue They’d Rather You Didn’t Talk About

I commented: John, I am sorry you and your team are being compelled to undergo this abuse. The Minnesota Ring wants you gone. They count on feds backing them by action or inaction and your pockets and patience being insufficiently deep to sustain a defense much less achieve a victory. What are you prepared to do?

I am sure you read Glenn’s remark earlier this week that Czarists and Mensheviks could have saved their countrymen and the world much sorrow had they marshaled courage to kill Bolsheviks, top first, at the start of unpleasantries.

You are aware that this time they are asking and next time they are making you quit town and probably state. This answer to their asking is tangential to their periphery — bounced right off it and into the blue — nothing like a kill shot to their center of mass (willful nullification of Equal Protection Clause). They have noted that discrepancy between opportunity and execution.

My first effort at compiling target information appeared on All Saints Day, November 1, 2010. There follows my second effort in this regard, in priority order.

Tier One: Jesuits, Prelates, Denomination Officers, mega-church Pastors

Tier Two: Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Life Counselors

Tier Three: College and University Presidents, Provosts, and Deans, Teachers Union Officers and Shop Stewards, Principals Association Officers, District School Board members

Tier Four: Big Law Managing Partners and Partners, TNTL, and TNLG Officers

Tier Five: Wives of NGO Chairs, Presidents, and Senior Fellows

Tier Six: Civilian kinetic actors: journalists, infotainment celebrities, teachers, professors, students, parents

Ironic, is it not, that this list of bad actors coincides with the list of marks maintained by our socialist friends, even as to priority order of address.

Why should only God have all the fun? In these days of bumptious criminal insanity, well is it to remind such as may listen of the inscrutability of God, classically by way of Job 38 (RSV). One feels lifelong now that tone of divine wrath in full spate of justice. A correlate is Anthony’s declaration as alone in the Senate with Caesar’s bloodied body. So let it be, Dear Swami, so let it be.

Embrace The Inscrutability Of God

You must offer the Lord, not flowers that plants grow; that will reward the plant, not you! The Lord wants you to offer the lotus that blooms in the Lake of your Heart, the fruit that ripens on the tree of your earthly career, not the lotus and the fruit available in the marketplace! You may ask – “Where can we find the Lord?” Well, He has given His address, in Chapter 18, Shloka 61 of Bhagavad Gita. Turn to it and note it down – Ishwarah sarva bhutanam hrid-dese, Arjuna, tisthati – “O Arjuna, the Lord resides in the heart of all beings.” Now, after knowing that, how can you look down on any living being in contempt or how can you revel in hating him or indulge in the pastime of ridiculing? Every individual is charged with the Divine Presence, moved by Divine attributes. Love, honour, friendliness – that is what each one deserves from you. Give these in full measure.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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