Taxonomy And Teleology Of Transgressives

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole I have taken to denoting Socialists, Leftists, Progressives, Communists, Liberals, Deep Staters, Libertarians, Conservatives, Fascists, Administrative Staters, and those answering to related designations, such as The [soi-disant] Foreign Policy Establishment, as Transgressives. I think the name Transgressive plumbs the fundamentals of these obsessives across the range of…


The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole CIA was created/structured/tasked to promote the Globalist/Transgressive agenda their authors called liberal hegemony or liberal democracy.  OSS, claimed by CIA as their ancestor, had a completely different, and military, remit and was shut down before CIA was opened up.  Some OSS operators came to CIA, but…

And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Devin Nunes, podcast of historic interview, 20 December 2019, including Lee Smith and Ray Appleton, discussing Smith’s The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History. Transcript Creatures — all of them — are by…

Abandoned To Self-Destruction – Take 2

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Ecclesia, Academia, and Iudiciaria are abandoned to self-destruction.  Resort is made to Abbatia.  There The Spirit rests and recreates awaiting orders to reædificabo. All this evidence of corruption and decay is signage indicating that breath has gone out of the body.  Life has left it and…

Authority Over The Body

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). You are here to exercise authority…

Mau-Mauing Stampede

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). For generations, Progressives Transgressives — aka…


AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). The tragedy inside their whole outlook…

The Truth Matters, After All

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). The foundations are shaking, at last.…

Recon Seattle

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). I spent about 5 hours this…

A Job For The FBI

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). Welcome To The Potemkin Village Of…

Louche Predators

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA BLUF: Cut Their Comms Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). Outside The…

VUCA Is Opportunity

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Volatility Uncertainty Complexity Ambiguity are constants of existence and of life.  There is no avoiding VUCA.  But there are ways to cope with it, ways both deleterious and auspicious. There are three deleterious ways to cope with VUCA: ignore it, suppress it, manage it. There is one auspicious way to cope with…


AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Scott Johnson: Somebody Up There Likes To Think We Are Stupid I commented: Well, we kind of are stupid.  How many decades has the IC writ large effectively been ruling the country’s affairs, domestic and foreign?  And how much slash, smash, and grab did D-R UniParty get away with in post-Soviet Russia…

America Strong, Be Not A Coward

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Thanksgiving 2019 A Great Day To Be An American In the mid-to late-60s, American leaders in all walks of life, but especially in the key leader development fields of religion and education, turned coward.  They sacrificed their self-confidence in order to be liked by two groups who wanted to subjugate them: Moslems…

To Lead The World Or Protect The Nations

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Judeo-Bolsheviks and Globalists believe the way to lead the world is to set a good example. Hindus and Christians believe the way to lead the nations is to annihilate their enemies. Moslems and Confucians believe the way to lead the world is to subjugate her. J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American-born Soviet deep-cover…

The US HPSCI Conducts A Superb Civics Lesson

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA The salient question is, who or what has authority to conduct US foreign policy?  The answer is, without dispute, someone bearing authority to execute as The US Government. A subtle question is, who or what is that someone?  A subtler question is, who or what is The US Government? The US HPSCI…