Taxonomy And Teleology Of Transgressives

Grey Bear

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

I have taken to denoting Socialists, Leftists, Progressives, Communists, Liberals, Deep Staters, Libertarians, Conservatives, Fascists, Administrative Staters, and those answering to related designations, such as The [soi-disant] Foreign Policy Establishment, as Transgressives.

I think the name Transgressive plumbs the fundamentals of these obsessives across the range of their integrated and synergistic company.

I think Transgressives answer to three interlocking but distinguishable types: Ideologues, Prigs, Crooks.

They have in common the urge to transgress whatever is upright, again, and again, and again.  Put a boundary in front them and immediately they want to cross it, and then they set to it.

This is at once their terrifying aspect and their lethal weakness.  Gramsci marches through the institutions, but reality closes in right behind him to moot his machinations.

Transgressives are unintelligent.  They think they can ravage at will the world which God makes for love.  Transgressing that provenance of reality truly is stupid, and ultimately undoing.

We watch this drama in real time.  It is an improving play, being given a monitory performance.

Remember the prophets: trust not in human agency, trust only in divine agency and expect that to be paradoxical, surprising, to include incredulously, even depressingly unexpected.

We know very little, less than a fraction of a fraction, beyond that God makes the world for truth and love and does defend it accordingly, using human agency, but not such as we can predict or control beyond our own ability to act.

In that truth we can have faith, and should.  As for faith in this or that person’s fidelity to truth and/or loyalty in love, entertain no such nonsense lest you be thrown into confusion and despair.  Trust God to uphold his world and uphold that resolve of His as best you are able to see is right you do.  Happiness is that way and no other.

The successor order to the post-WW II inter-nation order, which comprised the Anglosphere plus Germany, France, Japan, and Italy, is already in view.

It comprises India, USA, and Russia plus Japan and Egypt.

What these three plus two brother nations want, individually and jointly, define now what is right and what is wrong for inter-nation order now and forwardly for a long time.

VULGARITY.  We need more vulgarity, in the classical Prophetic, Pauline, Hieronymean sense, not in the obscene or profane sense.  Vulgar people see lessons in and take inspiration from natural, common facts.  The furrow and the plow.  The tree laden with fruit bending over in humility under the weight of its accomplishments rather than spiking up in pride to brag about them.  The words of liars evaporating like clouds in the wind.  The desire of a man to raise his family and pay his way in freedom.  The desire of a woman to be safe in her husband’s arms and home and to safely rear her children there.  The joy of self-confidence and the sweetness of self-sacrifice.  These vulgar, intensely common experiences we want our representatives to share with us, not deny us.  This vulgarity is God’s way and therefore ours and ours only.

What is wrong with a cult of personality?  We elect a person who seems to have a personality we want to steward our affairs.  Life is personal.  Everything is personal.

A husband, properly meant, is a personality cult for his wife and she is the same for him.  You marry a law, a machine?  You bear a law, a machine?  You sacrifice your life to raise a law, a machine?  No, all of those are cults of personality.  For your spouse, your parents, your children, your representatives, etc.  Cults of personality are a good thing, auspicious, salutary.  None of us would be alive unless someone fixed us in their heart as a cult of personality.

And who is God, pray tell, but another one, another cult of personality?

These obvious propaganda slurs and charges — cult of personality, uncouth, intemperate, racist, libidinous, incompetent, chaotic, crude, rude, morally reprehensible, dangerous, chaotic, impulsive, etc. — are thrown forth at POTUS Trump by Transgressives calling themselves Progressives.

From inception late in the 19th Century, the intention of Transgressives, such as created the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921, is to achieve global governance by themselves through hired practitioners and in substitution for national sovereignties.  The teleology of that ambition is transgressive.  Transgressives consider and describe their ambition as the high road, the moral high ground, the arc of history, and they claim exclusive ownership of it, which is more transgression, and pan-optical.

Transgressives may be compared to a trocar.  The trocar is medical instrument used to relieve pressure from liquid or gas inside a body, human or animal.  In this comparison, Transgressives are taken as a geo-psycho-political trocar comprising at its operating end a three-faced wedge, call it the Transgressive Trocar Wedge, a flying wedge, so to speak, a composite comprising three identifiable components:

Ideologues populate the tip of the wedge composite.  These are attention-arresting crazies, charismatic revolutionaries inspired by dreams of directing and/or looting the wealth of others.

Prigs are behind Ideologues, forming the front middle of the wedge composite.  These are prominently sententious families eager to appease or employ ideologues so as to maintain their prominence.

Crooks are behind Prigs, forming the broad and thick base of the wedge composite.  These are the armies of bureaucrats employed by Ideologues and Prigs to execute acceptance and institution in so-called religious organizations, schools, governments, businesses, and NGOs of concepts and practices friendly to trans-national global governance.

These components of the composite Transgressive Trocar Wedge serve each others’ purposes even though their self-interests are not the same.

Where Ideologues get control of an area or an institution, their first act is to slaughter Prigs and their second act is to conscript Crooks. This behavior is inevitable because it is logical given the power differentials and priority of place intra-body between these components of the Transgressive Trocar Wedge: tip in first, then front middle, then the broad, thick base.

Who wields the trocar?

Observed theologically, that would be the powers of non-being, anthropomorphized, sometimes quite realistically, as The Devil.  Observed geo-politically, that would be psychiatrists and their psychologist cousins.  The trocar, after all, is a medical device.  So really, and taken routinely, all this hubbub is psychiatrists and psychologists conjuring personal and therefore geo-political mayhem.  Taken ontologically, the hubbub is structures of being — all having boundaries — meeting irrational attack by powers of non-being.

A trocar is meant for use as an aid in healing, although it can be used as a weapon, of course.  Psychiatrists and psychologists use the Transgressive Trocar Wedge, which they themselves fashion and wield, as a weapon.  For what reason?  Well, whatever it is, it includes sadism in heaps and mounds.  Conclusion: avoid psychiatrists and psychologists.  They conjure The Devil.

Appropriately, psychiatrists and psychologists used to be called bone crackers and/or quacks.  Mayhem is the intended fruit of their ministrations.  Psychotropic drugs, which they push to their patients victims, cause their personal decrepitude.  Two comedic but pointed movies stand out to me as illustrating this reality: Serial and Overboard.

Examples of Ideologues would include Mario Savio, James Cone, Harvey Cox, Gloria Steinem, James Baldwin, Malcolm Boyd, Margaret Sanger, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jeremiah Wright, and Ilhan Omar.  Examples of Prigs would include Woodrow Wilson, Tom Donohue, several Rockefellers, Leonard Bernstein, numerous Sulzbergers, Bill Kristol, and galaxies of parvenus.  Examples of Crooks would include, just modernly, Valerie Jarrett, Barak Obama, John Brennan, James Comey, Sally Yates, Robert Mueller, Loretta Lynch, Samantha Power, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, and Susan Rice.

Decades ago, a Prig family sought to appease and employ me as their Ideologue and Crook.  I turned them down.

Yale Psychiatrist [a female] Claims Pelosi Can Subject Trump to ‘Involuntary’ Mental Health Evaluation

Andrew Roberts: The Wall Street Journal: “It’s Time To Revive The Anglosphere”

Jesus Christ demonstrated and preached the power of faith and ultimately, invited on Himself the supreme sacrifice of life itself.  Jesus was conscious of His supreme purpose and duty, and sanctified His body by sacrificing it for protecting others.  With faith in the oneness of humanity, Jesus stood against opponents and critics, and confronted their onslaughts.  Jesus taught Peter, His foremost disciple, to live in love, for Love is God.  Jesus advised that one can experience God only when one becomes the embodiment of Love, who doesn’t seek anything or expect even gratitude in return!  Love spontaneously becomes sacrifice and service!  When Peter listened to such exhortations from the Master, he found a new joy welling up within him and also, a new meaning in the word ‘joy’.  ‘J’ meant Jesus and the letter directed him to love Jesus first.  ‘O’ meant others who must be loved next.  ‘Y’ meant yourself who ought to be loved only last.

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, December 25, 1986

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