China And Iran: A Strategic Hunch

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind the functionaries that they are not proprietors. This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment and intelligence community. The following is a hunch.  I have no direct or circumstantial evidence to support…

Our First-Line Protectors

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA The overlooked epic-scale film The Fall Of The Roman Empire, from 1964, poses what for Hollywood’s principal persuaders then and now is an unusual and inimical theme: The Family of Nations.  The same theme carries the often-overlooked El Cid, from 1961.  Both films are produced by Samuel Bronston, both star Sophia Loren, and both…

The Church Produces Nations, Not Global Governance

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA MultiCulturalism is to Humanism as Liberation Theology is to Christianity. MultiCulturalism and Liberation Theology are ideologies crafted and marketed by certain overbearing personalities — tyrants they are — to be psychotropic gateway drugs to yet stronger opiating concepts, phrases, and antisocial behaviors, ones that induce mass-dependency on said overbearing personalities. MultiCulturalism and…

Their Tires, Ziva, Not Their Necks

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA But are not Schiff and Co. trying to accomplish in a dirty manner what you feel is best for yourself, family, and friends but so far have been unable to accomplish in a clean manner? You know why tyrants resort to slavery, always and of necessity?  Very simple.  Wealth is produced by…

It Was ChiComs All Along

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA I have no direct and no clear circumstantial evidence for this assertion of fact.  I have anecdotal evidence which requires pattern recognition and intuition, which NCIS’s writers call Gibbs’ gut. The assertion of fact I make in these circumstances is: It has been ChiComs all along. That includes today’s wheeze invoking Ukraine.…

Women And Children Draw Attention To Themselves, Men Do Not

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Not without reason.  A woman needs a man to protect and inspire her.  A child needs a mother and father to protect and rear him or her.  A man who draws attention to himself is masochistic if not suicidal and radically endangers the vitality, and therefore, viability of his family, in both…

Spengler On China Strategics

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Spengler: We Need Our Mojo Back Vis-à-Vis China Spengler (David P. Goldman, Banker) is cogent as always.  He vacillates between hand-wringing and triumphalism, through the years.  This essay runs in the former type.   Lots of China experience.  Competent theologian.  Strategic interests and wisdoms.  Appreciates Augustine, as I Maimonides. Eight things stand out…

Presidential Executive Order, 10 September 2019

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Executive Order on Modernizing Sanctions to Combat Terrorism Good, the EO I mean.  State and Treasury ordered to work to the same end as DOD and just as assiduously.  Exceedingly late but happily received news.  That rationality can do wonders.  Diplomacy, Finance, and War-Fighting are the three assets of statecraft. (I know,…

Leader Development Discussion Two

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Looking For Trouble The Theologian And The Soldier: Two Fighters For One Freedom Is freedom something you have to take, something you have to make, something you have to earn, something you have to ask for, something someone has to give you, something you have already, something you are already?  Which is…

Who Is That Woman?

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Members of the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty) behave like a hive or a herd.  They talk the same way, they talk about the same things, they demand the same things, the same things irritate them, etc.  This is observable. Hives and herds have a boss, a central organizing figure…

Judeo-Bolshevik Gaslighting Reposes In Talmudic Moral Preening

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA There are no non-state actors.  No NGOs.  Dutch-Israeli Martin Van Creveld sows confusion.  His analysis is superficial, tendentious in the direction of Talmudic legalism.  Legalisms of any kind are closed systems and Talmudism, along with its counterpart Sharia, is a persisting representative of the breed. If you have a lobbyist you are…

The Manichaean Madness

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA The Judeo-Bolshevik, The Queer, and The Fabulist illustrate The Manichaean Madness.  Each in their own way conjures The Devil, summoning hosts of demonic force, and leaving in their wake chaos. It is under notice (and here) that the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty) is breaking apart if not into pieces under…

Leader Development Discussion One

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Prologue War is an essential human activity.  The great Greek Philosopher Heraclitus observes that war is the father of all things.  His meaning is, everything that comes into existence does so through struggle, through conflict of one sort or another. So, as a Soldier, you are the very root of creation.  What…


AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA In this seventy five minute discussion, whose most significant content emerges during their second half hour-plus, especially with regard to what they call the far east — and is really the far west vis-a-vis USA — Stephen Kotkin most stands out for knowing his stuff, getting it right, and making it clear.…

Thandava – XXVI

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Everything will be wonderful after I have everybody’s money. Socialism is envy with a mouth and marketing. Joshua Philipp: On Marxism in America, the Communist China Threat, Unconventional Warfare and Hong Kong Dated 03 August 2019, Superb Hour-Long Video Interview Cults obey a definable pattern: a nub of truth and a monster…