Spengler On China Strategics

The Dance Of Siva


Spengler: We Need Our Mojo Back Vis-à-Vis China

Spengler (David P. Goldman, Banker) is cogent as always.  He vacillates between hand-wringing and triumphalism, through the years.  This essay runs in the former type.   Lots of China experience.  Competent theologian.  Strategic interests and wisdoms.  Appreciates Augustine, as I Maimonides.

Eight things stand out to me in this essay of his:

1- Spengler says China’s interest is protecting her coast.  If true, that means entrance by way of her back doors — India, Mongolia, Russia, Afghanistan — has strategic punch.

2- World domination of electronics/comms, which he says China intends, undercuts his argument that China entertains no ambition for world domination by the usual methods, namely, geographical.  If you can control fires, you can control land.  The fault is in thinking China can control fires enough to control land enough to dominate the world.  If China thinks she can do that, let her to it, she heaps more water on Elijah’s altar of sacrifice.

3- There has to be truth to his observation that Chinese are Chinese — murderous — whether behind a Communist mask or not, ergo, one should not think Chinese would be different without wearing that mask.  Yet, there has to be something, strategically and tactically, the Communist face specifically brings to the mixture that is China today.  Were China China — murderous — even without Communism, there would be no accounting for the huge success Christian missionaries of many persuasions experienced in China prior to Communist rampancy there, and even still.  Communism brings some what’s it to China.  ChiComs are not merely Mandarins behind a different mask.

4- The POTUS Kennedy-launched moon landing/STEM boom was a civilian objective, not a military one, although indirectly it was, as are all governmental programs, ultimately, because government ipso facto is punitive authority.  In addition, it was undertaken with Congressional, meaning popular, approval.  Americans will not devote their totality to a military objective, especially a strategic one, unless they approve it Congressionally — and not by a Congress who overrides their wishes, as one did to impose ACA/Obamacare on Americans — or Presidentially with a supportive Congress.  Inner meaning of sole Congressional power to declare war.

5- Unless she can occupy land — occupy it, not just own it — China’s aspirations for world domination are weaknesses, not strengths.  She cannot occupy the amount of land needed to dominate the world.  No one can.  No one sane would even want to, much less try to.  A lethal Chinese weakness: vanity insanity.

6- Wall Street would benefit — huge governmental redistribution of taxpayer wealth — from the crash tech program Spengler advocates.  Everyone else?  Well, they would pay for it, like it or not, to include with their lives.

7- I think an effective program, and far less costly in lives, money, and time — to terrify China in her corset and disabuse her of vain insane ambitions — would comprise forcing American GOs and FOs — and their pressed sycophants — to face strategic questions in classical terms — namely, GEOGRAPHY — report these straight-up to their Commander-in-Chief, and bear responsibility for not doing so or for larding their counsel with clichéd, obsolete, attenuated, and/or inaccurate descriptions of strategic — namely, GEOGRAPHICAL — conditions.

8- Electronics is fires.  Teilhard’s Noosphere, and a GO’s or FO’s hyper-range artillery.  Nor China nor all the Mandarins in LA, Mombasa, and Gstaad can control that.  Use it, yes, certainly do, you are meant to.  Control it, no, never, impossible.

SCMP used to be anti-Communist, now it is ChiCom Lite at least.

Update 1: From 15AUG19, Allianz’s Mohamed El-Erian: Negative interest rates in the US would be a red flag

De-globalization is ongoing and effective, will re-wire theinter-connected world, plus other things.  So, what is the difference between globalization and inter-connected world?

Update 2: Gail Heriot: Remembering The Chinese Revolution’s Red August, building on this.

Update 3: ‘No safe harbors’: China plots to block US military from key ports, Pentagon warns

Update 4: The Chinese Communist Regime is on the Brink of ‘Disintegration,’ Says Leading China Expert

Update 5: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

Update 6: Richard Fernandez: Why China Wants USA Destabilized

Update 7: Major General Wang Haiyun: I advocate putting Wutong Taiwan on the agenda as soon as possible

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