Women And Children Draw Attention To Themselves, Men Do Not

The Dance Of Siva


Not without reason.  A woman needs a man to protect and inspire her.  A child needs a mother and father to protect and rear him or her.  A man who draws attention to himself is masochistic if not suicidal and radically endangers the vitality, and therefore, viability of his family, in both directions.  Such is life in the world.  A man does his duty while seeking the company of righteous men and accepting the company of righteous women.

Antonio Gramsci counseled Socialist minions to march through the institutions.  He meant to overwhelm capitalist society — aka The Greco-Latin Church — by overtaking command of its institutions.  Socialists accepted his counsel, setting their sights first on academe, then on government, and finally on churches — which is backwards, because churches produce academe and government, but that point is tangential to our present one.

Gramsci and minions have achieved their objective.  But, what did they gain?  They wrested control of the rind of the fruit called nation.  That is what they gained.  They usurped things which gave them, at best, zero return on investment.

The fruit called nation is hard-earned sovereign freedom, which, alone, guarantees to citizens safety and peace in their homes and lives.  This is done by rationally, intelligently, integrally deploying the three assets of statecraft — Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting — to further the nation’s — all citizens’ — interests.

The seed of the fruit called nation Gramsci and minions did not capture and will not.  Nourishment by the pulp and juice of the fruit called nation they do not enjoy and cannot.  The sweetness of the pulp and juice of the fruit called nation Gramsci and minions will never know.

The physical plants — classrooms, offices, sanctuaries — the personnel — professors, politicians/bureaucrats, clergy — and the contents — curricula, dictates, idolatries — that Gramsci and minions aspire to control are rind.  Chaff.  Husk.

Gramsci and minions are welcome to these.  These gain them nothing moral and even less material.  Therefore, nothing puissant, no nourishment, nothing to sustain their predations.  Only the truth is strong and supportive.  Napoleon: In the difficult art of war, the moral is to the material as three is to one.

The seed of the fruit called nation is Confession.  The pulp and juice of the fruit called nation is Freedom.  The sweetness of the pulp and juice of the fruit called nation is Love.

Antonio Gramsci and minions settle for garbage, waste material.  They are un-intelligent.  And this is what the so-called Ivy League, the so-called Government Branches, Agencies, and Agents, and the so-called Churches are: garbage, effluent.  Their prestige is zero, or less, and their claim to authority is vacated the moment they reject Confession.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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