11 September 2001, A Reminder

The Dance Of Siva


Never Forget How U.S.
Intelligence Failed You.

If George W. Bush had been a better, braver, man, he would have recognized that new reality instead of creating the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security.  But both the Democrats and the establishment Republicans are heavily invested in making ordinary Americans feel powerless and helpless.  And their worst nightmare is that it hasn’t really worked.

Glenn Reynolds

Forgetfulness occurs when those who have been long inured to civilized order can no longer remember a time in which they had to wonder whether their crops would grow to maturity without being stolen or their children sold into slavery by a victorious foe.

They forget that in time of danger, in the face of the Enemy, they must trust and confide in each other, or perish.

They forget, in short, that there has ever been a category of human experience called the Enemy. And that, before 9/11, was what had happened to us.  The very concept of the Enemy had been banished from our moral and political vocabulary.  An enemy was just a friend we hadn’t done enough for — yet.  Or perhaps there had been a misunderstanding, or an oversight on our part — something that we could correct.  And this means that our first task is that we must try to grasp what the concept of the Enemy really means.

The Enemy is someone who is willing to die in order to kill you.  And while it is true that the Enemy always hates us for a reason — it is his reason, and not ours.

A passage from Lee Harris’s Civilization And Its Enemies

One thing I guess I didn’t believe 17 years ago is that America would elect such a feckless President in 2008, and stand idly by while he flushed our global position, and security, down a left-wing toilet.  But we did, and we’ll be paying the price for a long time.  That said, for the first time I feel like our diplomacy is on a good track, and that — thanks also to fracking — the problems that led to 9/11 are being addressed.

God bless America.  We need it.

Glenn Reynolds

POTUS G. W. Bush, the permanent bipartisan fusion party, and the US foreign policy establishment agreed that what is a statecraft problem — there are no non-state actors — is a law-enforcement problem.  They meant that when they vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice.  White guilt is a misnomer.  The proper name is white fear.  Fear drove POTUS G. W. Bush, et al., to cowardice, dis-serving their nation, colossally.  If western civilization (properly identified as The Latin Church) went down, it would be from fear of Her enemies.  The Church, Latin and Greek, does not go down.

Update 1: 9/11/2012: Politicized Intel on Benghazi Previewed the Obama Admin’s Russia Hoax

Update 2: 9/11/2012: Politicized Intel on Benghazi Previewed the Obama Admin’s Russia Hoax

Update 3: Katie Pavlich: Israel Planning to Host a Jerusalem Summit With the U.S. and Russia on Iranian Aggression

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