The Manichaean Madness

The Dance Of Siva


The Judeo-Bolshevik, The Queer, and The Fabulist illustrate The Manichaean Madness.  Each in their own way conjures The Devil, summoning hosts of demonic force, and leaving in their wake chaos.

It is under notice (and here) that the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty) is breaking apart if not into pieces under strain imposed on its members by two emerging and contrary forces: The Manichaean Democracy movement and the Spiritual Patriotism movement.  Common parlance has these forces as Left and Right/Socialist and Fascist, respectively.  However, that taxonomy, while lately bearing some utility by virtue of accuracy, is un-useful today by virtue of non-thoroughness, to include especially the forces, just mentioned, driving permanent bipartisan fusion party members apart from one another.

The permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty) comprised the system of education (Judeo-Bolshevik), the system of religion, law, and politics (Queer), and the system of infotainment (Fabulist).  Attached to these as second-and-lower tier functionaries were financial, industrial, commercial, and [so-called] non-governmental organizations, large and small.

At its core, the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty) always has been what Communists and Fascists (aka Humanists) denominate as Democratic Socialism — Social Democrats in Europe — meaning, government in the place of God and democracy in the place of freedom.  This vision — Socialism — posits the characteristic Manichaean dualism: this (your) world is evil, that (my) world is good; nothing found here is worthwhile and everything dreamed of ahead is elysian, so meanwhile, let’s fornicate.

For eighty years and more, The Society of Jesus has been especially clever and prolific in promulgating this Manichaean vision of the present and future as The Christian Gospel.  Ironically, the so-called fathers summoned to their purpose the Aristotelian/Abelardian sense-based epistemology undergirding the self-deprecated labors of a Dominican friar, St. Thomas Aquinas.  This they used to energize their program of deconstruction, which, like all deconstructions, is a construction of despotism.  One of their programs in particular — so-called Liberation Theology — also happens to have been initiated as a KGB subversion operation directed against cultures and national sovereignties created by The Latin Church.  Liberation Theology — as if there is another kind! — is Communism bred to the manner born then slapped into breathing by Jesuit approval.

One of the forces parting the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty), namely, Spiritual Patriotism, is doing three things I wish to highlight.  I am hardly alone in noticing these phenomena.  Nor am I alone in estimating their effects as consequential.

One: Spiritual Patriotism is exposing to the antiseptic of recognition the anti-patriotic anti-Americanism of the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty).

Two: Spiritual Patriotism is the salutary fact inciting the madness driving many — but not so many as the mad hope and wish for — to the insane, Manichaean core of Democratic Socialism.  [Yeah TEA Party Movement!]

Three: Spiritual Patriotism and its dependent, Manichean Democracy, together are splitting the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty) into pieces and the oblivion of incredibility they deserve and always have done.


The Washington Pest is useful for bias confirmation.

Factoid: it was the GOs, specifically, not Bolton — not even State or CIA (!) — who argued PDJT, against his instincts and better judgement, into staying in AFPAK.  Some months back, in public, he called out the GOs for misleading him on reasoning to stay in AFPAK because they did not win, as promised, and clearly could not.

The GOs thought their tactical advantage could defeat the enemy.  Attrition-wise, as in Vietnam, they were correct on that.  But they gave no strategic/geo-theological reason for throwing tactical supremacy at that far-more-than-tactical problem set.  In fact, they had none, because they had long since convinced themselves that strategics is a civilian responsibility not theirs, which is tactical only.

This was a dereliction of duty of the same kind but even more egregious — national treasure wise — than that of the Vietnam-era GOs.  The AFPAK mission was complete with the punitive operation’s success in 2002-3.  There has been no strategic rationale for US war-fighting assets operating in AFPAK since that time.

And the GOs, all of them so engaged, even to this day — as per their internal preferences — have not provided POTUS with even a bare minimum strategic reason to deploy US war-fighting assets to the AFPAK AO.  He is short-reining their irresponsibility.

Tactical assets deployed without a strategically valid reason (i.e., upholding national sovereignty) are engines of chaos only.  US GOs (also FOs) long since renounced responsibility for strategic thought.  There is the dereliction of duty which in fact comprises a dagger at the nation’s throat.

Democracy IS Darkness.

The op was/is inter-national.  Comey had neither authority nor means to conduct it, only parts of it.  Everyone knows who had/has authority and means to conduct the op.  This report is missioned and crafted to not say what everyone knows.  Writing the names at this point feels anticlimactic.  Speaking them from the appropriate rostrum only would still the waters.

No mere IG report can be that rostrum.  No mere Congressional report can be that rostrum.  Certainly no mere Judicial determination can be that rostrum.

Lusting after prosecution of Comey, even of Obama and Brennan, is seduction by fool’s gold.  We can be grateful modern operators have intellects dirtier and courage weaker than did their forebears.  Dumbing down America has had its benefits.

Drop (fall down to the ground),
Crawl (to obtain cover),
Observe (where the enemy fire is coming from),
Range (close the range to the enemy so that he can be efficiently eliminated),
Fire (lay down massive amounts of fire to eliminate the enemy).

“Closing with the enemy”,
“striving to make contact with the enemy”,
“neutralizing the threat of the enemy”,
those are the fundamentals that are drilled into every Israeli warrior.

Napoleon: Victory on the battlefield
begins with the shine on a boot.

In 1542, St. Francis Xavier wrote from the Indies to his spiritual father St. Ignatius of Loyola: Many people in these places are not Christians simply because there is no one to make them such.  Many times I get the desire to travel to the universities of Europe, especially Paris, and shout from wherever, like a madman, to impel those who have more knowledge than charity with these words: ‘Ay, how many souls, by your sloth, are denied heaven and end in hell!’  (Emphasis added.)

Heinlein: Always listen to experts.
They’ll tell you what can’t be done, and why.
Then do it.

It’s too bad that she and Trump don’t get along, as she’d make a great VP choice for Trump.  The combination of Trump and Gabbard would blow up the permanent bipartisan fusion party while protecting the interests of ordinary Americans, like us.

Update 1: Sarah Lee: ICYMI: Brennan’s Role In Russia Collusion Hoax Becomes Clearer (Despite What Appear To Be Multiple Perjuries)

Update 2: Bishop Schneider says Vatican is betraying ‘Jesus Christ as the only Savior of mankind’

Update 3: David Archibald: Advice for Our Vietnamese Friends on China

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