It Was ChiComs All Along

Four Faces Of The Avatar


I have no direct and no clear circumstantial evidence for this assertion of fact.  I have anecdotal evidence which requires pattern recognition and intuition, which NCIS’s writers call Gibbs’ gut.

The assertion of fact I make in these circumstances is:

It has been ChiComs all along.

That includes today’s wheeze invoking Ukraine.  Others besides ChiComs, to include elements of the USG, and swarms of so-called NGOs (there is no such thing), participate in decades-long and contemporary sedition and even treason against The USA.

In fact, three vectors of sedition and treason long have been conducting multi-domain operations against The USA as a sovereign nation state and against her citizens as sovereign persons: Chinese Communists, Euro-American Socialists, and Salafi-Shiite Jihadis.

Euro-American Socialists operate through swarms of NGOs which front elements of the USG, mainly IC-related and of those mainly CIA, USAID, and some other IC-related offices of the US Department of State.  NGO swarms also front information operations — and other types — by foreign governments and individuals against USA sovereign citizens and nationhood.  NGOs in fact today present a foreign/domestic force vector of near unanimous animosity to the personal and national freedom and sovereignty of Americans and their native country, The USA.

Of the three anti-American force vectors, however, ChiComs always have been and remain the most potent, skilled, determined, resourced, and therefore dangerous.  ChiComs generously purchase, as favorable to their desires, activities by USG elected, appointed, and hired officials, and they liberally fund so-called NGO and regular academic programs bent to the same purpose.  ChiComs nurse an ambition as simple and direct as it is stupid and callow: control global trade, economics, finance, social interaction, and electronic envelopes.

News is what is not said in public.
Everything else is propaganda.
Propaganda is info-ops.

However, it happens that news can be sussed out from juxtaposing and ruminating upon correlations and connections in a simultaneity of so-called headlines and pieces.  To do this is standard academic practice, where learning matters.

An example, follows, comprising twelve headlines and their accompanying pieces, simultaneous within one day of one another.

Ask your gut what these info-ops say that someone does not want said in public.

L. Todd Wood: If You Were The Dem Organized Crime Family And About To Be Prosecuted For An Illegal Coup, What Would You Do?

Stefan Stanford: ‘Impeachment’ Is Nothing Less Than A Full-Scale Communist Coup Attempt By Treasonous Democrats Who Long Ago Sold Out America And The American People For Globalism

Jan Jekielek: Deception, Espionage & Totalitarianism—The Communist China Threat to US National Security—Bill Gertz

James Gorrie: The ‘China Miracle’ Is Over

Janita Kan: Former NSA Chief of Staff Suggests Whistleblower May Have Had Congress Members’ Help on Drafting Complaint

Don Surber: Obama Is Behind Impeachment

Tom Ozimek: Whistleblower’s Complaint Against Trump Cites George Soros-Funded NGO

Sundance: “Gossip-blower” is Male CIA Operative Formerly Part of White House NSC

Aaron Klein: Dossier 2.0: ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint Relies on Soros-Funded ‘Investigative Reporting’ Group that Partnered with BuzzFeed

Mike Brest: ‘This wasn’t drafted by this individual’: Trump lawyer claims whistleblower complaint written ‘by a law firm’

Thomas Lifson: Mitt Romney adviser sits on Burisma board of directors

Three items, related to the theme of this post, from September 2019:

Aaron Klein: Common Funding Themes Link ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint and CrowdStrike Firm Certifying DNC Russia ‘Hack’

Bill Gertz: California Probes Chinese Communist Police Impersonators

Sundance: Attorney General Bill Barr Visits Italy on “Official Business”? – Remember That Audio-Tape Deposition by Joseph Mifsud?

The Eyes, The Eyes, Note The Eyes
And The Grins

Update 1: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

\Βασιλεία του Θεού

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