Their Tires, Ziva, Not Their Necks

Four Faces Of The Avatar


But are not Schiff and Co. trying to accomplish in a dirty manner what you feel is best for yourself, family, and friends but so far have been unable to accomplish in a clean manner?

You know why tyrants resort to slavery, always and of necessity?  Very simple.  Wealth is produced by people.  It is a product.  It does not lay about waiting to be collected.  A tyrant’s first wish is to take to themselves the wealth produced by other persons, families, groups, and nations.  But when people feel rifled for their wealth, whatever its amount, they lose incentive to produce it.  Prelates of the kakistocracy call this a recession.  In fact, it is a strike, and not for better wages, but for freedom from being looted.

When people are not producing wealth, a tyrant feels bereft and wanting.  So he or she orders people to produce wealth to stoke his or her gaiety.  Now the generality of people, who are the world’s only wealth producers, are slaves.  And any displeasure they express regarding their condition is considered by the tyrant and his or her minions as servile insurrection.

Tyrants resort to slavery in order to satisfy their lust to loot wealth produced by their fellow creatures.  Desire for wealth, not desire for power, is the prius of a tyrant’s taxonomy.

Democrats and RINOs are livid at PDJT for managing to get astride their logistics.  That is all.  For decades he signaled to them that he would do that.  It is not about power.  It is about wealth, and specifically, Democrats’ and RINOs’ taking wealth from their countrymen who make it instead of making their own for themselves.

Surveying developments in these terms, Democrats and RINOs regard PDJT with a contempt tyrants nurse for the leader of a servile insurrection.  Adam Smith is right: the wealth of a nation is the amount of incentive her citizens have to produce wealth and steward its applications.  PDJT implicitly tells his countrymen, The more the better of both, so do it.

Now, zoom out to this picture: Democrats, RINOs, and the Church-Synagogue-USG-Acad-Infotainment Complex is owned by the ChiComs, who, in their minds and actually, face adversaries on two fronts: elements of The White House, Treasury, State, DHS, DOE, and DOD, and the Salafi-Shiite Jihad Complex.

The title of this post is a line from an NCIS episode.  The Boss, Special Agent Jethro Gibbs, gives Ziva David, an Officer of the Mossad assigned to work with Gibbs’ team at NCIS, a knife and orders her to deal with the FBI team surveilling them from a car across the street.  As she departs on her mission, Gibbs calls after her, Their tires, Ziva, not their necks.

The words and moment express a military and general-life verity: cut their comms and you need not close with an adversary enough to afford them opportunity to harm your full system.  GA MacArthur is celebrated for practicing this verity during the SWPA Campaign from Brisbane to Tokyo and at Inchon, Korea.  PDJT has practiced it by telling Americans what subconsciously they know has been happening to them — a Hydra-like tyrant has been looting their wealth and enslaving their persons and families — and what to do about it.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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