The Church Produces Nations, Not Global Governance

Four Faces Of The Avatar


MultiCulturalism is to Humanism as Liberation Theology is to Christianity.

MultiCulturalism and Liberation Theology are ideologies crafted and marketed by certain overbearing personalities — tyrants they are — to be psychotropic gateway drugs to yet stronger opiating concepts, phrases, and antisocial behaviors, ones that induce mass-dependency on said overbearing personalities.

MultiCulturalism and Liberation Theology
are gaslighting operations.

An ideology is a system of ideas invented, cooked up, if you will, for the purpose of enslaving humans in aggregates small to large.  In other words, ideologies are gaslighting operations.  By definition, ideologies do not accord with reality.  They accord with the purposes of their craftsmen and craftswomen, who, uniformly, nurse absolutist and tyrannical impulses, though not uniformly of the same cleverness or ferocity.

These craft-persons deploy ideologies as a skirmish line, so to speak, comprising psycho-chemical retardants, ahead of their main force, subversion, which goes on to rip through, rip up, and suck out persons and institutions who and which embody the ingenious power of wealth belonging to a nation or civilization.  Sometimes this is called wealth transfer.  Looting wealth by any other name is just as odious.

Without the opiating effect of their ideologies, clearing the way ahead of them through a civilization’s natural defenses, its nation states, overbearing personalities — tyrants — would have to content themselves with the status, horizon, and perquisites of a village bully.  Ideologies are malware, fact-free opiates, not reality-heavy concepts.  As mental malware, i.e., gaslighting, their ideologies enable overbearing personalities to scale up their ambitions to gull into being looted institutions, cities, states, nations, and even whole civilizations.

Any document, speech, or activity directly or indirectly produced by Open Society Foundation, Atlantic Council, modern Jesuits, Salafi-Shiite Jihadis, United Nations, Democracy Alliance, or any of their affiliates or acolytes is a primary source for a study of ideology and of operations bent to opiate human individuals and groups into consigning their intellects, families, and wealth to ingress by proponents of global governance.  The chaps have yet to work out among themselves who of their company will stand atop, controlling undisputed, the global governance ideology which commands their aspirations and careers.

The sin behind it all is called concupiscence.  Concupiscence is far more than greed or gluttony.  Concupiscence is a desire to consume the entire world, to imbibe all wealth into oneself.  Medieval Christian iconography expresses concupiscence in the figure of a creature that is merely a stomach with a mouth in its middle, standing on legs.  Another depiction of concupiscence shows a bird-like creature sucking the world into itself through a face shaped like a horn.  Concupiscence motivates those seeking world domination, or, in contemporary locution, global governance.

Decentralization is to loss as a multitude of nations is to tyranny: protection from.

Christianity throws up free and independent sovereign nations with prodigious and seemingly profligate abandon, as if of flowers into a wind.  It is the nature of Christianity to do this because the genius of Christianity is Freedom.

Communism stands up very few nations, none free and independent and none having more than tenuous sovereignty.  Communism and Islam are today’s agitators for global governance, although they have not resolved among themselves which gets to do it when it gets done.

Judaism — so-called, since 70 AD it proper name is Talmudism — throws up one nation that is internally free and independent but has tenuous sovereignty and harbors an ebb and flow of ambition to control world affairs.

Islam — so-called, actually Asharite and Shiite Islam, both heresies of Islam — preens as one nation, produces some nations, and declares the rest illegitimate and therefore neither free, independent, nor sovereign.  Such freedom, independence, and sovereignty as are measurable in nations produced by Asharite or Shiite Islam derive from grace freely bestowed by nations produced by Christianity or Hinduism.  Christians and Hindus are the flowers in any nation nominally produced by Asharite or Shiite Islam.  Nations produced by Asharite or Shiite Islam rely on slaves for labor and Talmudists and/or Christians for provisioning.

Hinduism, or what is more accurately denoted by the phrase Vedic Civilization, has produced more nations than has Christianity, which is a flower of Vedic Civilization by way of Buddhism.  Vedic Civilization produces nations in a prodigious seemingly profligate manner, as throwing bushels of flowers into the winds of time to spread the seeds they bear.  Like Christian Civilization, Vedic Civilization is about Freedom — spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical, and political — maintaining its sovereignty.

Lesser religions — counted by number of adherents, not by historical importance (what measures that?), qualities (which are apposite?), or reality-congruence and therefore effectiveness of soteriological doctrine — have produced nations.  Some are inherently capable of sovereignty if not always freedom and independence.  Shinto in Japan is an example.  Some cannot discern their way out of the maze called Fear And Hatred.  Voodoo in Haiti, with its African antecedents, is an example.

Nations Christianity has thrown into existence — and even cities and institutions governed by Christians inside nations claimed by Islam or Communism as their own — are jurisdictions on the globe inside of which many want to live, even if only to loot them because those jurisdictions are where most modern wealth resides.  Freedom engendered by Christianity produces wealth the benighted, the lazy, and tyrants itch to appropriate to their control.

When human personalities lose their sanity, their health, as by falling under the thrall of a tyrant’s ideology, suddenly and unsurprisingly they conjure inside themselves a desperate need to loot the wealth of others.  This is unsurprising because personalities need to use wealth for self-maintenance and no ideology produces wealth.  Ideologies produce only desire for something unachievable, a dream, a vision, and that desire is bereft of power, which wealth is, to sustain a personality.  Only interaction with reality can produce a wealth of power to sustain a personality, and a personality in thrall to an ideology definitionally does not interact with reality.  Existence is dialectical or diabolical, rich or ramshagged.  Life is only dialectical and wealthy.

Fortunately, existence favors life.  Global governance is today’s tyrants’ bathetic plot to loot the wealth of nations.  The very efflorescent profusion of nations protects the wealth of nations, each to its own.  Christianity and Vedic Civilization are the world’s most fecund generators and protectors of the power of the wealth of free, independent, and sovereign nations.  Unsurprisingly, globalists fear and hate Christianity and Vedic Civilization.  They know their enemy even when their enemy does not recognize them as an adversary.  This is kind of humorous, in a way.

Related 1: The Corn Lobby vs. Orange Man

Related 2: The overlooked epic-scale film The Fall Of The Roman Empire, from 1964, poses what for Hollywood’s principal persuaders then and now is an unusual and inimical theme: The Family of Nations.  The same theme carries the often-overlooked El Cid, from 1961.  Both films are produced by Samuel Bronston, both star Sophia Loren, and both are shot in Spain, where Bronston accepted film-making opportunities afforded by official hospitality and access to the Spanish Army for extras.  Much of the film Patton was filmed in Spain, using the same extras and even some of their tanks.  At his request, Bronston’s remains rest at the town near Madrid where he built large studios for film-making.

More common for Hollywood persuaders, when contemplating world affairs, is the theme of one-world authority, one government over all.  The film Cleopatra builds on this theme as do most other Hollywood extravaganzas of the 1950s and 1960s, even Ben Hur.  Articulation of this theme in recent years has effloresced among academic and political as well as infotainment operators.  We hear it in these phrases:

political correctness,
rules-based international order,
rules-based global system
social stability,
social credit,
core interests,
international community,
government by experts,
the expertise of government,
universal submission to Sharia Law,
global economic integration,
global economic union,
global economic cooperation
global communication network, and of course,
global governance.

These locutions are variations of one and the same theme: one authority as one government ruling the entire distribution of humankind.  This theme is an heteronomic (Socialist) eruction.

Give it credit for thinking big, or thinking it big.  Actually, it is small thinking, very, very small thinking.  The theme essays to compress the extravagant wealth of human genius into the febrile visions of a cabal of misanthropes.  Big this is not.  Stupid it is really.  Yet, this theme dances unapologetically through tyrants’ locutions of their visions of conditions for the rest of us: always rosy forecast, always bleak result.

The Fall Of The Roman Empire, like El Cid before it and Lost Horizon — a Ross Hunter film; he also made Thoroughly Modern Millie — after, ran against the then-and-still dominating Hollywood theme of world unity through the totalism of global governance.  Those three films spoke the American language of E Pluribus Unum: we find unity in the divine core of the blessed extravagance of our differences.  This is what Smith calls the invisible hand and what Tillich calls a cultural preference for theonomy — calm delight in acceptance of all through faith in God — as against merely secular excitements towards either heteronomy — grim stuffing of all into a few pre-prepared roles (Socialism) — or autonomy — hysterical screaming that nothing is anything (Socialism).

All three films, El CidThe Fall Of The Roman Empire, and Lost Horizon, were disliked and disparaged by the worshipful company of fish mongers critics.  None attracted high income at theaters.  Yet, all are or have been available on DVD in director’s cut version or close to it.  Neither is unknown or forgotten.

The Family of Nations, Brothers and Sisters, is our future and our peace.  This is God our Father’s will, not the will of tyrannical visionaries.  An allegiance alliance of Three Brothers is especially conducive to the strength and wealth of nations, our first-line protectors in this breathing world.

Related 3: Trump hosts Amish in historic Oval Office visit

Update 4: The Babylon Bee: Episcopalians Confused By Strange Book Trump Brought To Church

Update 5: Justin Haskins: Global Elites Announce ‘Great Reset’ Plan—And It’s Even More Radical Than the Green New Deal

Update 6: Lianne Laurence: UN secretary general calls for “global governance” with ‘teeth’

Rye catholic parish
If Mr. Guterres wants a global government, he should encourage people to join the Catholic Church, which is God’s global government. Mass, confession, great moral teaching, and marriage, all good for everybody. Yes, we even have statues of great saints who have made the world better for everyone, such as Fr. Junipero Serra.
Peace, Fr. Matt

David R. Graham to Rye catholic parish
I appreciate your desire to co-opt the enemy’s jargon, rejigger it, and launch the result in the right direction. I think that a useful address to this situation. For example, in place of meeting the needs, one can say serving the persons, in place of global governance, one can say spiritual guidance, in place of transforming the country/world one can say purifying the heart, and in place of sustainable development one can say joy in expansion.

In the present case, the Catholic Church’s use, and more to the point The Church’s use, of the term global government is not comparable to globalists’ use of it. Switching allegiance from the latter to the former would not accomplish anything of soteriological value, which is the core and core purpose of the Catholic Church and The Church in full, the Spiritual Community. Global governance (armed) to Guterres and like cocktail Communists is not what The Peace Of Christ as the infusing medium of peace on earth and among nations means to, say, Benedict XVI.

So, I know you want to do a right thing; you even identify where and how to do it; yet in this particular I think you have not thrown that good intention into patent fact.

Agenda 21, UNCED, 1992

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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