The Unity Of Humanity Is Inside, Not Above, Not Beyond, The Plurality of Nations

Communication is evangelism, sharing.Trade is communitarianism, service.These are spiritual exercises. Leftists are right to believe that something more than scatter-brained nations is humanity’s condition and fate. They are wrong to believe that that something is above nations, beyond them, better than them, meant to rule the globe without them by dispensing with nations altogether. That…

House Cleaning

Everyone knows federal and state executive departments and agencies are excessively numerous. They outlive their mission, which is limited and contextual. In this way departments and agencies grow obsolete, but they continue to be funded, so, they persist. Their inhabiting minions find things to do to make it look like they are needed. Those things…

The Great Panic Of 2020

Because some jerks from the Charles River and NIH wanted to play with targeted germ warfare, other jerks from the Charles River and the White House wanted to virtue signal, and other, bigger jerks from the Housatonic River and Langley wanted to test their theories and capabilities for inducing simultaneous mass hysteria globe-wide. So, these…

Fanon’s Legacy Of Fanatical Fantasy

Afro-Carib is part of American DNA, so to speak, but not anywhere near all of it. There is much more besides that. To argue and shriek that Afro-Carib, Blackness (Negritude) is all of American culture, or the superior part of it, and should rule America is preposterous, a fantasy, not real, not happening now or…

Policy Makes Facts

Everything this junta does is un-American. Their facts are fictions, their policies are un-American. I suggest, therefore, that Americans read, talk, write, and walk among themselves creating American facts by creating American policies. Forget what the un-Americans are doing. Concentrate on creating actual American policy, across the board, for all areas of national interest. Broadcast…

Could CIA Possibly Be More Despicable?

Angelo Codevilla, Summer 2007: The CIA serves not the United States but its own corporate interests and its partisan vision. PDF Recall also that Angelo makes Barack Obama a CIA phenomenon. PDF Glenn Greenwald “The most significant Trump-era alliance is between corporate outlets and security state agencies, whose evidence-free claims they unquestioningly disseminate.” Daily Update…

Comments: Interim NSS Guidance

The gist of this document is the ideology conjuring it. That ideology is stated in the document’s opening strophes: 4th Industrial Revolution. This language is WEF Junta’s latest euphemism for Socialism. So Klaus Schwab’s Davos Junta sets US National Security Strategic Guidance via US NSC. OK, the rest is predictable from that. The chief aim…

The Family Economy

I have not read this man’s book. This review of it impels me to commend it to attention. It walks the path of The Mother Era. Rory Groves: Durable Trades: Family-Centered EconomiesThat Have Stood the Test of Time “If there is anything that can withstand the nihilistic effects of modernity and the uncertain outcomes of our…

To Pump Up The Self-Confidence

Mark Tapscott: So why has the [SCOTUS] conservative majority that doesn’t include Roberts so studiously declined to accept cases that might provide credible evidence that His Fraudulency’s handlers stole the 2020 presidential election? I commented five times: Because their social circle (CIA-Ds-RINOs-TWANLOCs) have leverage on members of the so-called conservative majority (a misnomer). What that…

Thandava XXV

I first saw the Jesus did not die on the cross discussion in the early 1980s and pushed into an examination of it for a number of years. It had, as I found it, numerous sources and participants ancient and current. I never heard the discussion at seminary in the late 60s, and believe me,…

The Mother Era

That mediacrats, medicrats, intellicrats, lawcrats, bureaucrats, democrats, educrats, republicrats, sexcrats, politicrats, philanthrocrats, racecrats, industricrats, cratcrats, pundicrats, drugcrats, and all other crats are criminally insane is not news. That these individuals and their groups commit criminal acts is not news. That they spend time, money, and energy inducing criminal insanity in others is not news. News…

Thandava XXIV

Two are Puget Sound, two are Bay Area, all four are West Coast, all four operate in the same industry, all four straddle global comms, all four are less than fifty years old, all four comprise red diaper children and grandchildren, all four depend on privatizing a public utility (internet), two are run by Indians,…

Changing Of The Guard: To De-Industrialize Education

arpad1000It should be kept in mind that this surge of interest in school choice, motivated as it is by the shut down of most schools, has been gathering momentum for thirty-two years. A whole generation of parents have gradually become acclimated to the idea that education, even education at public expense, doesn’t necessarily require a…

They Want American Farmland

Some months ago, Byrne mentioned something important that had escaped my attention: that when CCP express their strategic objective through the phrase unrestricted warfare, they mean warfare during which their enemy does not / will not / can not strike back. Since 1949, with the exceptions of June 1950 to April 1951 and January 2017…

The Scold

The irksome brawling scold is always with us. She is so common, in fact, she has her own place in the arsenal of The Immortal Bard. What’s new afoot is whole cities full of men afraid to wed, bed, and tame her. Queers and other scolds want their own country. They can make one somewhere.…

The Belly Of The Beast

For decades I looked for the proverbial belly of the beast, that critical point at which a successful attack would kill the beast instead of wounding her. That the country is hag-ridden by an ogress is obvious. But she has powers of regeneration, so a wound will merely enrage her the more, make her more…