To Pump Up The Self-Confidence

Mark Tapscott:

So why has the [SCOTUS] conservative majority that doesn’t include Roberts so studiously declined to accept cases that might provide credible evidence that His Fraudulency’s handlers stole the 2020 presidential election?

I commented five times:

Because their social circle (CIA-Ds-RINOs-TWANLOCs) have leverage on members of the so-called conservative majority (a misnomer). What that leverage is I do not know. Some commenters here declare or speculate about what it is. I observe only that it is effective and that its targets therefore deserve POTUS Trump’s condemnation for cowardice. I include Justice Thomas in that observation.

Is the high number of Roman Catholics on the court a factor bearing on this question? I think not. I think not because, except in the case of Islam and Mormonism, institutional religious affiliation is of less import in DC’s decision making process than is common American culture of the Ivy League persuasion, which is an uneasy amalgam of Episcopalian, Congregational, Presbyterian, Quaker, and Unitarian liturgical practices.

Regular or even irregular church attendance is not a measure of religion. Religion is what you are doing when you are doing what you care most about doing. It is in those rare moments that body, mind, and spirit are truly united and experienced as such. That is religion. Your work is your religion. In this sense, everyone is religious all the time, just not successfully, which is those moments of palpable unity, of being reunited, re-bound together as one. Religion means re-ligatured, reattached to one’s essential self, who is God.

There’s a certain type of personality, a cliche in American culture, who starts every sentence with “Like ah dun told yah ….” Writers of The Mask of Zorro use that intro to humorous effect, namely, mocking the unrefined, the hick. One of my few acquaintances introduces almost every sentence with that phrase, “Like ah dun told yah ….” Sometimes I play with him and ask, “When did you tell me that?” He ignores the question and moves on to what he dun told me about something else.

I like him because he is loyal and I can depend on him to tell me what he is thinking, really thinking.

You, TempoNick, Troll Elect, are just a scavenger with too much time on your hands and no thought of not wasting it. It appears God’s omnipresence is what you wish to achieve for yourself, no? Where are you not? What puissance has your minatory language really?

  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell
  • Jane Russell

You are not ignoring [the invisible junta calling the shots]. I am not ignoring it. POTUS Trump is not ignoring it. Be of good cheer. Actually, everyone knows what happened. Everyone. And everyone knows why it happened. Again, be of good cheer. Shall a city be destroyed unless The Lord do it?

You make an important point about this USSC. It is moderate in the sense that it tries to decide according to its best sense of what is settled custom among a majority of Americans it could otherwise fear. Go with the crowd is how we used to put it, not realizing the reference is to mob movements. So, relatively easy cases are picked, those safe for the justices. As you say, no substantial constitutional contributions.

Meanwhile, the country, with the court, drifts with currents pushing the mob this way and that. That phenomenon is truly democracy, the polity our framers sought earnestly to avoid.

An upside here is that the times are propitious for people to build boats and oars from flotsam spinning about, to navigate out of the chaotic currents, and to safety.

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Take proper care of your body and always contemplate on the selfless, pure, and steady Atmic principle. You are a member of society. Your welfare depends on the welfare of society. So aspire for the well-being of one and all. May all the beings in all the worlds be happy! Eschew narrow-mindedness; cultivate broad feelings to experience bliss. Embodiments of Love! New Year brings with it some good results also. New Year is not celebrated merely to partake of delicious dishes. You must imbibe sacred feelings and resolve to lead a fruitful life. The good and bad of the world depends on your conduct, which in turn depends on your thoughts. So develop good thoughts. Only then will you be able to lead a noble life. Set an ideal to your fellowmen. Give them happiness. Show compassion towards them. Talk to them lovingly. This is possible when you acquire Divine love. So strive to become recipients of Divine love. Chant His Name wholeheartedly!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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