Changing Of The Guard: To De-Industrialize Education

It should be kept in mind that this surge of interest in school choice, motivated as it is by the shut down of most schools, has been gathering momentum for thirty-two years. A whole generation of parents have gradually become acclimated to the idea that education, even education at public expense, doesn’t necessarily require a school district.

The Covid-19 shutdown accelerated things but we were, as a nation, already headed in this direction. Previous to the shutdown about 10% of kids were getting a publicly-funded education without the benefit of a school district. Since the school district’s the central institution of public education it’s the entire institution of public education that’s under attack.

In fact, I think we’re in the middle of a watershed moment. An educational tearing-down of the Berlin Wall.

Since the beginning of February thirty states have initiated legislation to expand school choice. Several have finalized the process so let that sink in. Against arguably the most powerful political lobby in the nation more than half the states are considering, or have passed, laws that would never have seen the light of day just a couple of years ago yet here we are.

David R. Graham to arpad1000
Well put and true. Thanks for taking time to write this!

GWB to arpad1000
One point to consider is that a great many school districts are much too large to ever be responsive to the communities they serve. This is true of city governments, as well (way below the level of monstrosities like NYC or LA). A truly community-based schooling option is why a lot of places turned to “pods” during the pandemic – it’s kind of the lowest level of community you can go with (a neighborhood or two).

Someday, Americans will figure out they’ve been hornswoggled into thinking teaching is a ‘profession’. (A ‘profession’ requires specialized knowledge, in addition to other varying requirements. [The definition of a profession has changed in the last 40 years.] Teaching below university level very seldom requires any actual specialized knowledge, except for some niche areas.)

arpad1000 to GWB
While there is an element of truth in the view that the size of school district encourages indifference to the public but small school districts can be every bit as indifferent to the public.

The problem resides in the traditionally light election turnout which allows various interest groups like teacher’s unions, administration, political activists, to elect their representatives to the school board. They don’t care what the public wants unless it aligns with their interests which it, of course, seldom does.

The solution that America’s clearly decided upon is that school districts must be dispensed with because they can’t be reformed.

Charter schools, vouchers, education savings accounts and tax-credit scholarship programs simply ignore the existence of school districts except as parents and school boards come to some mutually-acceptable interaction.

For the most part that means there is no constructive interaction.

With regard to teaching, the public education system is indifferent to it whether as a profession or a skill. That’s why teachers in public schools aren’t rated on their skills unless mandated by law and even then it’s a joke and why exceptionally skilled teachers are celebrated not by the teaching profession but by the entertainment industry.

David R. Graham to arpad1000
Man, your writing is a balm for sore eyes and hearts. You state so much truth in such calm and simple language!

Lawrence W. Reed: The Myth that Americans Were Poorly Educated before Mass Government Schooling

Ugadi celebration is an annual reminder of man’s obligation to express his gratitude to the Divine for all benefits received from God. We hail the new year as Samvatsara because it signifies omnipresence (in time and space) of the Divine. Samvatsara does not merely mean a period (of the year) made up of minutes, hours, days and months. Every moment is Samvatsara, because without seconds, minutes, etc. there cannot be a year. If the year is to be sanctified, every moment is to be sanctified. Every second constitutes a year. It is not the new year that matters. Every new second is significant. Hence, you should fill every moment with sacred thoughts, with pure feelings and pure actions. Every moment you should try to get rid of bad thoughts and fill your mind with good thoughts.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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