The American Clearances

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. BLUF: the goal of our ruling class (oligarchs) and their satraps (bureaucrats/experts) is to turn the USA into regions of the planet administered by a global governance regime based somewhere. Over that where our oligarchs are not in agreement: Beijing, Washington D.C., or Ankara/Mecca/Tehran. Lipizzaners An actor’s failure…

Current Strategic Reasons For ATU Troublemaking

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Thandava And Christian Culture There are strategic reasons for these stages of escalation of active force executed at this time by elements of The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union (ATU). These strategic reasons vary by component of the amalgam of troublemakers (ATU) jointly deploying active force. For domestic troublemakers: CPUSA,…

The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Thandava And Christian Culture What passes for Democrat/Democratic Party (or, D-R UniParty) these days should be viewed as an amalgam of CCP, CAIR, CPUSA, IRGC/QF, and Democracy Alliance. The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union. CAIR, as everyone knows, is Moslem Brotherhood, and Democracy Alliance is monied Euro-American Socialists (Globalists). Troublemakers…

Air The Networks

As is the feeling,So is the result. Thandava And Christian Culture Jack Posobiec’s’ tweet, which Driscoll quotes for his headline, is inaccurate. AG Barr’s statement says no such thing. That said, their networks should be put out there to be seen. FBI knows exactly who those networks are, with whom they have comms, and who…

Prepare For War

As is the feeling,So is the result. Is this war with CCP/China just starting or has it been underway for some time? I would say it has been underway for some time. How else to view the push east into the South and East China Seas and the belt and road netting strategy? USA are…

It Is Finished

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole War to defeat the clerisy (all Communists) has been resolved upon, fought, and won.  The job is done, completed, finished.  Clean up operations begin. Expect Generals and Admirals suddenly to find their nerve. Expect the clerisy and other Communists suddenly to lose their nerve. Expect The…

Not To Worry

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole ONE As MacArthur sprung the trap by pushing a recon in force to the Yalu, Trump sprung the trap by enforcing fair trade.  In both cases, CCP moved earlier than their military assets were ready to sustain.  Only their friends in the US State Department protected…

Germ Warfare, Opening Barrage By Pandemic

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole “Every American should think of themselves as a warrior.”  (Paraphrasing.)  I submit: that single sentence holds a wealth of significance that will emerge gradually over the coming weeks.  China has run up the war flag . . . . Economics is one way, and needed, to…

Land War In China, A Rational Problem Set

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole   SCMP used to be anti-Communist, now it is ChiCom Lite at least. Marine Littoral Combat Regiment? All this seems both forward-looking and also very amorphous.  It suggests ‘we’re adjusting our force mix to better face off against China, but we’re not sure quite how yet.’…

The Spider: China On Her Web

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole SCMP used to be anti-Communist, now it is ChiCom Lite at least. Deploying beguilement and deceit, China entered the World Trade Organization* and immediately used that opportunity to execute her long range plan to ensnare national economies in webs (nets) of her own weaving, so to…

Heads Up, Guam, Chinese Netting Warfare

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Background: I wrote here that The CCP is throwing a snit fit over having been forced by POTUS Trump, through trade agreement, to abandon fleecing Americans.  Dynamics we see today follow upon that snit fit but also precede it, as discussed in the following. Caveat: Most…

Atheists Act Unfairly

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Nothing in their ideology counsels much less compels atheists to act fairly.  Into that void they rush headlong relishing a vision of victory.  The result is catastrophe* for the atheist and those he manages to subjugate. A benefit of nations’ reaction to the CCP’s efforts to…

Hell-Raisers, Seditionists

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole They should be arrested for disturbing the peace. And hauled up on charges of sedition. Observed at scale, several geo-strategic phenomena arrest one’s attention by way of their systemic import. One is the failure of the Trump administration, in the company of numerous and distinguished nation-states, so…

The Chinese Communist Snit Fit

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole TEACHERS URGE GOVERNMENT TO REOPEN SCHOOLS BEFORE STUDENTS LEARN TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES If the WWW is thought of as an ocean, one can observe that CCP aim to own it the way His Majesty’s Royal Navy owned the seas, at least awhile.  Ditto space. DJT…

Butterfly Wings A-Flappin’

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole The Representative is frustrated and therefore angry, to be sure.  I think her frustration is in something she is not mentioning here: that the D-R UniParty – aka Euro-American Socialists — have resolved to shelter under the wings of The CCP rather than under her preferred…

Auguries Of Pandemic

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Trade is one type of communications.  When discussing trade, one is discussing communications.  A synonym for communications is logistics.  The root of the word logistics is the Greek word logos. Logos capitalized is Greek for Reason in Stoic mystical philosophers’ sense of universal and essential order…