The Spider: China On Her Web

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Old Man Receives Darshan Of Our Lord

SCMP used to be anti-Communist, now it is ChiCom Lite at least.

Deploying beguilement and deceit, China entered the World Trade Organization* and immediately used that opportunity to execute her long range plan to ensnare national economies in webs (nets) of her own weaving, so to absorb those nations’ energies as a spider does insects caught in her web.

Why the long-range plan in the first place?  It presents automatically from classical Chinese self-image: China is the central, commanding figure of the world in toto.  Nothing is outside China’s command responsibility, ownership, and pleasure.

“We’ve approached the center of the world stage like never before, but we still don’t have full grasp of the microphone in our hands,” said Hua Chunying, the foreign ministry’s chief spokeswoman. “We must assert our right to speak.”

Smart or stupid, successful or unsuccessful, good or ghastly, China’s every act subserves, in her minds, Chinese self-image and its implications.  Give her credit for single-pointedness, at least so relative to her self-image.

We have discussed this phenomenology as battle-weapon preference for nets and entrapment over thrust, slash, and lethality.  China is constantly fabricating nets, webs, to entrap creatures, nations, and persons, she wishes to consume for nourishment (wealth).

Making nourishment and maintaining its present is not the Chinese way.  Theft and concupiscence are the Chinese way.  Zero-sum, not synergetic cooperation.  Extract, not sustain.  That assumption and attitude are the cause of China’s pillaged landscape and foul atmosphere.

Besides kicking China out of the WTO and the UN — and kicking the UN out of the USA — how does an American patriot with responsibility of command proceed against China’s successes, potential successes, and weaknesses?  Here are two considerations:

1- Eschew expenditure to disabuse Chinese of their classical self-image.  Let their Christians accomplish that miracle, with encouragement as occasioned.

2- Search for the weakest points in the Chinese web-work.  As with a spider’s web, these are in three places:

(a)- Points at which the web’s supporting filaments anchor the web to a stable structure, such as the wall of a house, a tree limb, a garden ornament, or, an institution of government, education, war-fighting, or communications;

(b)- Points where filaments of the web intersect and knot together, forming the net the web is, such as, in China’s case, bulk and electronic trans-shipment nodes, trade organizations, banking products, HR departments, teaching, fellowship, exchange, and apprentice programs, joint military exercises, and NGOs.

(c)- Points where the spider herself likes to hang-out.

A spider’s favorite and therefore usual, but not only, hang-out is the center of her web.  Find the center by tracing inward along the web’s spoke filaments.  The spoke filaments of China’s webs include (a) her overseas intel operators and (b) bulk and electronic trans-shipment nodes she owns or dominates.  Others are discoverable, surely.  Trace these inward to find the most common hang-out of the spider.  Being seen, she is easy to swat at that point.

POTUS Trump recently did just that — trade agreement — and received acknowledgement of the spider’s pain — attack with a genocidal bioweapon — but not of her demise.

Severing points where filaments of a web intersect can be done but with three, at least, caveats:

1- Many such points have to be cut for the web to degrade enough to render it useless to the spider’s need for nourishment;

2- Cutting a web’s points of intersection risks the cutter’s ensnarement by intact elements of the web adjacent to the cuts;

3- The spider is not dead and may elect to repair or rebuild.

Pulling up a web’s anchors on stable structures is easier to see to do, less prone to unhappy unforeseens, and more likely of success in destroying the web if not also the spider than is cutting the intersection points of a web’s filaments.  Here, too, caveats apply:

1- Wind and its own elasticity may drive the unanchored web, perhaps with spider, back onto the de-anchoring agent;

2- Removing the web does not necessarily extirpate the spider who built it.

Epilogue 1

The CCP are spending qualities of time, money, and energy beating back the realization that they attacked the USA and the world with a genocidal bioweapon.  They must.  They want not to be seen.  By way of the attack, however, they self-revealed as a very large and nasty spider minding a very large and nasty web to ensnare very wealthy nations so they could have a very fulsome feast on those nation’s very great assets, ultimately to strip out their populations and replace those with themselves, with Chinese.

Red China does not want to be seen for what she is.  Her own actions, however, proclaim her truth.  Just now realizing this, she is resolving to shout down the opposition as well as strike it militarily in order to increase energy for building out her webs.  She really thinks she commands the center of everything and is accountable to the wish of nothing besides.  It is difficult imagining someone that full of themselves.  Yet, Chinese are.

There is some reason to consider that, in the event Chinese citizens and/or CCP leadership actually realize the truth, that they are a nation among nations, NOT the center of history and commander of earth — an event entirely possible even though appearing impossible — a schizophrenic breakdown of Gaussian proportions would transpire across China, land and all.

This despite traditional resort to opiates.  And with foreseeable consequences that commend others to remove The CCP’s ability to set off her most fearsome fireworks prior to as well as during the onset of said breakdown.  This scenario has to play out at some point in time.

China’s embrace of VUCA is inevitable.  That may be a more serious problem even for other nations than is finishing off China’s spider-hood, which can be done in a few strategic movements.

Epilogue 2

More than once in the Bible, evil men and the devil are described as hunters laying traps, and specifically, snares.  Temptation is the bait evil men and the devil place before men to entice them into their trap.  A snare is a noose-or net-like trap used to hang a creature from a height above them or to seize their legs or whole body as they walk through it and then to elevate them.  A snare immobilizes a creature so they can be dealt with expeditiously by the trapper.

The snare metaphor often is used in the sastras, wherein Yama, God of Death, is described as brandishing a noose He uses to drag a person off to hell.  A fine point of the metaphor is that, in reality, the person fashions the noose and places it around their own neck so that Yama has only to grab the rope’s end and jerk it.

Describing China as a spider spinning and waiting on her web, which is a snare, in order to trap other nations is to describe China in terms the Bible uses to describe evil men and the devil and the sastras use to describe the occasion and means of death.

Here are uses of the metaphor in the Bible:

Exodus 23:33; 34:12

Deuteronomy: 7:16; 12:30

Judges 2:3; 8:27

2 Samuel 22:6

Psalms 18:5; 106:36

Proverbs 13:14; 29:25

1 Timothy 3:7; 6:9

2 Timothy 2:26

*  Leftists who conducted the Battle of Seattle in 1999 against globalization are now Antifa conducting domestic terrorism in support of globalization.  I think: raising hell, being seditious is what makes Leftists, generally, happy.

Coronavirus isn’t the only Chinese infiltration menacing the U.S. College campuses are the target.

This is not a natural disaster, but a manmade one

Richard Fernandez: Why China Wants USA Destabilized

Major General Wang Haiyun: I advocate putting Wutong Taiwan on the agenda as soon as possible

Vijeta Uniyal: China, Iran Close to Signing $400 Billion Trade and Military Pact

Seamus Bruner: From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Owned by China’: 20 deals show how China is gobbling up U.S. assets

Jeff Becker: How to stop China completing its takeover of the South China Sea

Snehesh Alex Philip: Ministries of security, Strategic Support Force — China’s intel agencies & how they operate

Tsarizm Staff: Yes, Russia Could Work With US Against China

Deepak Nagpal: ‘Not a strategic threat’: In speech, Chinese envoy assures India as well as issues veiled threat

Classic Gaslighting.  Its purpose in this case is to tie India to China rather than to USA.

Sundance: Who is Taking the Beijing Bribes?

Michael J, Good: Chinese Strategy Of Total War

Andrew Latham: Mahan, Corbett, and China’s Maritime Grand Strategy

Tyler O’Neil: Gordon Chang: China Engaged in ‘an Act of War’ by Enflaming Antifa Riots in the U.S.

The Spider And The Fly

Rama’s heart was filled with compassion; he gave refuge to anyone who took shelter in Him and surrendered to Him.  He gave refuge to Ravana’s brother and treated him like His own brother Lakshmana.  Rama announced, ‘If anyone says once, I am Yours, they are Mine forever’!  Rama lived and taught right action (dharma) through His every act and established dharma in practice and precept.  He fostered and guarded good people (sadhus).  He removed their sufferings, drew them to Himself, and their lives were fulfilled through His grace.  He recognised no distinctions of high and low.  He was a master of all the scriptures (sastras), and knew the meaning of all the Vedas.  Rama transformed the world into a realm of righteousness through varied activities and examples.  Love, beauty, and virtue emanated from Him and spread to all.  For all householders, Rama is the ideal.  His advent was for restoring spiritual values and saving the world from moral disaster!

Sathya Sai BabaBhagavatha Vahini, Ch 33  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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