Messrs. President Putin And Trump

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Four Faces Of The Avathar

Gentlemen, please pick up the phone and say to each other,

Let’s work together, what would you like to do?

Invite PM Modi to join the institution.  This is a good start.

Do it in private for the time-being, OK, just do it.

On the world stage today, India is Dharmaraja, The United States is Arjuna, and Russia is Bhima.

Moksha means liberation.  Every living being is perforce an aspirant (mumukshu) for liberation, a practitioner of renunciation.  Everyone has to be a renunciate (tyagi), versed in detachment.  This is the final truth, the indisputable truth.  When we give up our body and leave, we don’t take even a handful of earth with us.  When we don’t learn to give up, upon death nature teaches us this great truth about the need and value of detachment and renunciation.  So it is good to learn the lesson even before this happens.  The person who learns and practises this truth is indeed blessed.  Detachment is the second valuable virtue that spiritual learning (vidya) imparts (the first being the absence of pride and egotism).  Empty a pot of the water that filled it, and the sky that one could see within the pot as an image or shadow gets lost along with the water.  But the genuine sky enters the pot.  So too, when that which is not Atma is discarded, Atma remains and liberation is attained.


Many people interpret renunciation to mean either giving away money and land as charity or performing rituals or sacrifices (yajna or yaga), or giving up hearth, home, wife, and children and proceeding to the forest.  But renunciation does not mean such gestures of weak mindedness.  These are not as difficult to give up as they are believed to be.  The real renunciation is the giving up of desire.  This is the real goal of a person’s existence, the purpose of all his efforts.  It involves giving up lust, anger, greed, hatred, etc.  The fundamental renunciation should be that of desire.  The other feelings and emotions are its attendant reactions.  Desire implies the presence of lust, anger, greed, etc.  These latter are veritable gateways to hell.  Envy is the bolt, and pride is the key.  Unlock and lift the bolt, and you can enter in.

Sathya Sai BabaVidya Vahini, Chapter 4  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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