It Is Finished

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Four Faces Of The Avathar

War to defeat the clerisy (all Communists) has been resolved upon, fought, and won.  The job is done, completed, finished.  Clean up operations begin.

Expect Generals and Admirals suddenly to find their nerve.

Expect the clerisy and other Communists suddenly to lose their nerve.

Expect The Korean Armistice Agreement to be undone and Korea reunited and independent of CCP control, GA MacArthur and SCAP Command vindicated.

The Korean Armistice Agreement is the clerisy’s historic accomplishment Great Geo-Strategic Devastation still extant.  Their other historic accomplishments Great Geo-Strategic Devastations, effectuations of codicils concluded at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences, are inactive, irrelevant, or undone.

We await epiphany by the Army of Titus.

The Flynn case dismissal undoes the clerisy.  All of it.  Now we are in clean up mode and fated to hear and watch a lot of squealing and throwing by those undone [by their own colossal stupidity].  We will know clean up is nearly complete when the Korean Armistice Agreement is undone and Korea reunited outside CCP control.

Michael Balsamo and Eric Tucker: Justice Department dropping Flynn’s Trump-Russia case

Scott Johnson: What Gives In The Flynn Case? Finale

Sundance: DOJ Drops The Case Against Michael Flynn

Related here and here.

Mary Chastain: DOJ Drops Case Against Michael Flynn After Considering ‘Newly Discovered and Undisclosed Information’

Rowan Scarborough: President Obama discussed Flynn probe with Comey at White House meeting

Neo: The bigger picture on Obamagate

Thomas Lifson: The other secrets inside Grenell’s satchel are the key to the biggest political scandal in US history

J. E. Dyer: Beyond Biden, Brennan, and Clapper: How Grenell’s satchel tells us this is on the right track

DOJ Alumni Statement on Flynn Case

This anecdote illustrates a general deep-attitude difference between Americans on the one hand and Europeans, Asians, and Arabs on the other.  Americans’ deep-attitude tends to be ad melliorum whereas the deep-attitude of Europeans, Asians, and Arabs tends to be ad pejorum.  Over the past decades the American clerisy chose to be more European, Asian, and Arab than American in deep-attitude and to lead Americans’ children into the same disposition.  Now Americans are clawing back their precious, incomparable heritage, meaning, the ad melliorum deep-attitude.

The Arch Of Titus, Silent Reminder, Consequences Of Refusing God

Embodiments of Love!  If you wish to become eligible for God’s love, then your actions must be consistent with love.  It is impossible to secure God’s love without appropriate and sacred actions.  Can the one who is always hankering after rewards be ever truly happy?  The only compensation you ought to seek is the pleasure and joy of doing your duty properly.  The joy of service is the true reward!  If you go against the command of God, then everything is bound to go wrong!  As is the feeling, so is the result!  Hence, those desiring God’s love, must ensure that they act in an appropriate manner!  To receive God’s love, tell yourself, “I am doing this job as an offering to Him”.  Install this feeling in your heart and do whatever you want to or have to.  However before rushing to adopt this course, pause, reflect, and make sure that God would really be pleased with what you are trying to do and offer to Him!

Sathya Sai BabaVidya Vahini, Chapter 7  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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