Cleaning Out The Clerisy, Albigensians

As is the feeling,
So is the result.

Sacristy Window, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Medina, WA

Funny reference to Albigensians.  White Gnostics would work also, in place of Sparkling Gnostics.  But the wry humor is fun.  Today’s Ruling Class Clerisy.  War against Albigensians (aka Cathars/Cathari) prompted the remark about killing them all because God will know his own.  They could not be converted.  They were that difficult to dislodge.

They remain to this day in charge of Toulouse (major EU departments’ center) and areas in and on both sides of the Pyrenees, their ancestral homeland.  Thus strong is our Clerisy’s delusion complex.

Albigensianism has no ancestral home in the USA, save in the Unitarian Northeast, where it mixes in with Orthodoxy, from which, in fact, it arose (at Harvard).  Our Clerisy tries to make USA an ancestral home of the Gnostic greed.  The Flynn case dismissal marks the failure of that project and the start of activities such as prompted the remark previously mentioned.

FWIW, the error of Albigensianism (aka Catharism) is assigning to one’s self a general purity (albi = white, cathar = clean) one does not possess.  Terms today such as narcissism, moral arrogance, self-righteous entitlement, social superiority, elitism, sententious spite, and smug pretension point to this assigning to one’s self a super-abundant worthiness one does not have much less deserve esteem for having.

This is a phenomenon with which the race struggles since ages.  Its destructiveness is matched by its attractiveness.  It is a trap played on us by ego and the mind when the heart does not fill the latter with equal love for all creatures.

On principle, all who get stuck in that trap can get out of it.  In fact, few want to.  For those who want to get out, effective assistance is readily available and in fact meets sincere effort two to one at least. A Christian dies a penitent.

Since ancient times, many noble mothers have guided their children on the righteous path.  The future of nations’ rest in the hands of noble mothers.  Hence, you call your own country motherland. It is your foremost duty to love and respect your mother.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is to touch your mother’s feet and offer your salutations.  Such a noble practice will always protect you and bestow on you all types of wealth.  A true human being is one who loves their mother and receives her love and blessings.  Mothers speak from their heart wishing the welfare of their children.  Many do not pay heed to the words of their mother.  One who cannot earn their mother’s love is verily a demon.  You may acquire any number of degrees or undertake many sacred activities; but all of them will be futile if you don’t make your mother happy.

Sathya Sai Baba – Divine Discourse, May 6, 2003  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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