Not To Worry

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Four Faces Of The Avathar


As MacArthur sprung the trap by pushing a recon in force to the Yalu, Trump sprung the trap by enforcing fair trade.  In both cases, CCP moved earlier than their military assets were ready to sustain.  Only their friends in the US State Department protected the CCP from disaster consequent upon their PLA’s crossing the Yalu.

Even then, prevented by ChiCom friends in D.C. from dropping the Yalu bridges, MacArthur rolled with the punch and then rolled up some 15 PLA Field Armies, forcing ChiCom friends in D.C. to relieve him of command and seek an Armistice because PLA was facing annihilation.

Trump is not Truman, Pompeo is not Acheson, Esper is not Marshall, and Mnuchin is not Snyder.  CCP have gone kinetic a decade or more before their PLA can sustain aggressive operations.  They have o’ershot themselves.  Trump and team forced their hand and they acted stupidly.  Not to worry.  Annihilation of the CCP and PLA is on the way.  I guarantee it.


Thesis: the purpose of this study and report (also here) (and here) is to appraise the CCP of the willingness and resolve of other nations, USA in particular, to withstand and defeat their decision to take their war for global China-fication kinetic, of which this pandemic is the opening barrage.  Their spooks experts reported on the barrage’s effect in weakening the will of other nations, USA in particular, successfully to self-defend.  The CCP has run up the battle flag.  That is done.  They do not intend to bring it down or even to lower it just a little.  Their experts are reporting on the effect of the barrage by pandemic with respect to target degradation.


CCP were receiving battle damage/enemy morale assessments (SitReps) from their J2 following their barrage by pandemic that initiates the kinetic phase of operations aiming at global China-fication.

Austin Bay assesses that they were forced into kinetics a decade or more early by the virus accidentally jumping out of the Wuhan lab [where it was undergoing gain-of-function as a bioweapon].

I concur they were forced into an early jump-off for kinetic operations, but by PDJT’s trade negotiations and ultimate settlement, not by an accidental lab leak.  And the barrage, firing the virus outside the lab, occurred when, last fall, they tasted what they would be compelled to sign in re trade.

The Trump trade agreement is comparable functionally to Roosevelt’s strictures on Japan’s trade.  In both cases, a nation is using unfair trade practices to loot the wealth of another country, and specifically of the USA.  To Americans, that is an infamnia, even though not a few Americans delight in the practice themselves, for self-aggrandizement.


Communists have trained up two generations of Americans, at least, to think in Communist terms rather than Christian and American terms.  So, maladies easily enumerated are easily imbibed as candies when in fact they are poisons.

Dissipation of that vector and solution of that problem is in personal learning of proper conduct, which can be described as binding the mind to consciousness of personal and national sovereign freedom.

Fortunately, Communists’ intended and therefore inevitable devastation of humanness is its own worst enemy, as a waterfall’s is its water.  Or, to change the metaphor, Communists cannot help but self-reveal as vacuous, treacherous dirt-bags and thereby lay the foundation for their own exile and extirpation.

Eschew every last one of Freud’s ideas and procedures as poisons and, gradually, the calm happiness of one’s own interior grandeur will assert itself and propagate itself through the world where it needs to be rediscovered and stabilized.

That is what I recommend.


Three essays in the Claremont Review Of Books:

Angelo M. Codevilla: The Original Fascist

David P. Goldman (Spengler): The Chinese Challenge

Angelo M. Codevilla: Who The Hell Do They Think They Are?

Even the low of spirit and character can recognize and wish for elevation of character and spirit.  That is the gap in Communists’ line, and they are unable to seal it.  Quietly setting a good example in life exploits that gap.

One should not want thanks or other reward for doing so because that want spoils the example and arrests the exploitation.  Also, if you want reward for actions, you will receive them.  Some you will like.  Most you will not like.  That is because every action partakes of VUCA.

Duty is God.  Work is Worship.  Make it selfless.

Buddha taught one great truth to the world.  He declared that it is not what the Vedas and scriptures say that constitutes truth.  People should bear in mind that non-harming is the supreme virtue.  Do not cause harm to anyone by thought, word or deed.  What does Poornima (full moon) signify?  It signifies wholeness.  When the mind is filled with love, it achieves fullness.  As long as the mind is filled with darkness (evil thoughts) there is no meaning in observing Buddha Purnima.  Get rid of this darkness.  Without the light of love in the heart, what is the use of having illuminations outside?  Light the lamp of the Divine in your minds.  Banish hatred and envy from your hearts.  Man is the victim of two evil planets: attachment and hatred (Raga and Dwesha).  To escape from their grip, the only way is to cultivate love.

Sathya Sai Baba – Divine Discourse, May 15, 1997  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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