Current Strategic Reasons For ATU Troublemaking

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Christian Culture

Thandava And Christian Culture

There are strategic reasons for these stages of escalation of active force executed at this time by elements of The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union (ATU). These strategic reasons vary by component of the amalgam of troublemakers (ATU) jointly deploying active force.

For domestic troublemakers: CPUSA, Democracy Alliance (Globalists)

1- Distract from Hillary/DNC’s unfolding legal liabilities.
2- Snip off black American accomplishments towards affluence and independence.
3- Re-stuff black Americans into the Democratic Party stockade (same intent as Great Society, i.e., nullify the verdict of the US Civil War Between the States).
4- Distract from DOJ and Senate drilling into previous administration personnel and permanent bureaucracy deep staters.
5- Condition Americans to accept chaos as prelude to Communization/Globalization of USA in toto.

For domestic-foreign troublemakers: CAIR, IRGC/QF (Moslem Brotherhood and Salafi/Shiite Jihad generally)

6- Remove political and institutional impediments to ever-expanding Moslem sovereign territory exclusively under Imams’ Sharia.
7- Condition Americans to accept chaos as prelude to Islam-ification of USA in toto.

For foreign troublemakers: CCP

8- Subvert USA will and ability to defend herself against CCP attacks south into India and east into US property and influence (Palau, Guam, Midway, Hawaii, Aleutians).
9- Condition Americans to accept chaos as prelude to China-fication of USA in toto.

It is evident that Information Operations (IO) are the main battle weapon currently deployed by the ATU. They are doing a creditable job of it, though far less potently than they could have done absent scrutiny by webizens. Formerly, this weapon was called Psychological Operations (PsyOps). The American classic on the subject, Psychological Warfare, is a work of Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, whose nom de plume, as a sci-fi writer, was Cordwainer Smith. Soviets had and CCP have their classics on the same subject.

Domestic troublemakers’ ultimate battle weapon is:

If you want to vote and have medical care and police protection, you must register as a member of and vote only for Democratic Party candidates.

Domestic-Foreign troublemakers’ ultimate battle weapon is:

If you want to vote, have medical care, police protection, food, clothing, and shelter, you must become a Moslem and publicly support and vote only for Moslem candidates.

Foreign troublemakers’ ultimate battle weapon is:

If you are not Chinese, you are dead or a slave with brief life-expectancy. If you are Chinese, shape up or we will ship you out, permanently.

These troublemakers have a problem in their future: each wants to eat the whole enchilada called USA. Should they ever reach that denouement — they will not — CCP would be the only one of them left holding the prize because they control a sovereign nation state, at least awhile.

Roger L. Simon: Our Elites Suffer From China Envy

Ron Kampeas: New head of powerful US liberal donor group looks to shake secretive reputation

There is a second type of happiness: On account of the impact of external objects on the senses of perception, pleasure mistaken as nectar is aroused. But, in time, the pleasure turns into bitter and unpleasant poison. This is passionate (rajasic) happiness. When one welcomes this passionate sensory pleasure, one’s strength, awareness, intelligence, and enthusiasm to reach the four goals of human endeavour — dharma, wealth (artha), righteous desire (kama), and liberation (moksha) — become weak, because one’s interest declines. The third type of happiness arises from ignorance (tamas). It dulls the intellect from beginning to the end. It finds satisfaction in sleep, slothfulness, and faults, and it derives happiness therefrom. The dull (tamasic) person ignores the path that leads to the awareness of the Atma and pays no attention to it throughout life.

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