Critical Race Theory At West Point – I

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. To Whom It May Concern, If you believe the following is worthy of your making it make the rounds, I should not object to your doing that.  My name being on it or not is fine with me. Spenser Rapone was a harbinger. Note the pedigrees of the…

This Insurrection Belongs To The Clerical Bench And The Professoriate

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Republican Campaign AideMurdered In MinneapolisJohn Hinderaker David R. GrahamBLM and Antifa are merely players. Clerical bench and professoriate made this insurrection, operating as they do through their trainees who populate the US IC / FPE / Press. Prosecute clergy and professors for incitement to sedition and disorder and…

National Elections

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Hold national elections when the parties to them share allegiance to the nation recognized by her citizens and established in union by them for posterity through The Constitution Of The United States Of America. It would be insane to permit a party comprising insurrectionists to vote or have…

The American Red Army

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. John Hinderaker posted today under title The Latest From Portland And Rochester. A useful string of observations unwound in the comments. One such I started, copied below. David R. GrahamIndications are these are better described as para-military operations than as riots. The participants are maneuvering in squad-to battalion-sized…

Two Types Of Sedition, Two Types Of Remedy

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Political sedition is one type of sedition. Intellectual sedition is the other type of sedition. Sedition is incitement of disorder. The word derives from a Latin compound, seditio (sed, specially seated, + itio, from ire, fire, heat), meaning angrily sitting apart. Sedentary means seated, not moving with the…

Thandava – XXVIII

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Reynolds awakes: Okay, let me just spell this out a bit more: The typical thing to do — and what critics would have expected Trump to do — is return hate for hate. All the white-people bashing at the DNC, with the platform mentioning white people 15 times,…

The Interior Castle

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Generations of parents and teachers taught children and young people to rely on others. Few were taught, properly, to rely on their own self, who is the same self as every other self, and that divine. Generations of parents and teachers taught collectivism, communism, not self-confidence. Now when…

Wealth In Geo-Strategics

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. The ability to produce, not properties or money in a bank, is wealth. This is why a poor man can become a rich man. One can make something from nothing, but a something is just nothing. Wealth is the ability to make, not the thing made. Power is…

The Vote And The Ballot

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. What lawful claim has one who abominates their country to vote in that country’s elections? What lawful claim has one who abominates a country to vote in that country’s elections? What lawful claim has a political party who abominates a country to representation on a country’s election ballot?…

Condemn The Election, Punish The Insurrection

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Hold national elections when the parties to them share allegiance to the nation recognized by her citizens and established in union by them for posterity through The Constitution Of The United States Of America. It would be insane to permit a party comprising insurrectionists to vote or have…


As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!Thou art the ruins of the noblest manThat ever lived in the tide of times.Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!Over thy wounds now do I prophesy,–Which, like dumb mouths, do…


As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. . . . every last shred of evidence as to what has been going on points to the FBI as chief and eager instrument . . . . Senator Cotton is pulling punches or being stupid. Street thugs are not the problem. Politicians and other community organizers are.…

And They Adulterated Their Own Breeding Ground

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. An old saying, usually expressed in terms customarily considered obscene, references the phenomenon of someone’s placing their personal waste inside something important to them, that belongs to them and should be kept in condition to fulfill its purpose: their cereal bowl, their back yard, their bed, etc. By…

Church And State

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. This one is a theologian’s candy garden. Rather goes to essentials very rapidly. The situation reminds me of a famous Aquinas dictum to the effect that an unjust law — one that restricts freedom without demonstrable intent to prohibit or punish a harm — is a species of…

Alba Gu Bràth

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Purity Always Breathing Power Everywhere you turn, you are looking at God, all God, nothing but God. Every time you listen, you hear God, all God, nothing but God. Everything you hear, feel, see, taste, and smell is God, all God, nothing but God. O for a Muse…

COCOM Revisits

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. In the grasp and design of US Foreign Responsibility and Policy, I have focused on the importance of the Combatant Commands, aka COCOMs. I have been dissatisfied with both the demarcation and the composition of the present system of COCOMs. I remain so. While I believe the COCOMs…