Two Types Of Sedition, Two Types Of Remedy

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

St. Jerome By El Greco

Political sedition is one type of sedition. Intellectual sedition is the other type of sedition. Sedition is incitement of disorder. The word derives from a Latin compound, seditio (sed, specially seated, + itio, from ire, fire, heat), meaning angrily sitting apart. Sedentary means seated, not moving with the flow of existence. Sedilia is a Latin word for seat commonly used by Anglicans to designate the chair wherein sits a priest apart from a congregation.

Scholars of the Patristic oeuvre often refer to St. Jerome, pictured above as by El Greco, as the irascible Jerome, whose name in Greek, Hieronymus, also a compound (hieros + nomos), means he who is named as sacred fire. I chose St. Jerome and a large print of this his portrait by El Greco as my patron during my senior year at Union. Jean Theobald hated it.

A seditionist sets himself or herself apart, and angrily, against some structure of being, some institution, some custom or convention, some article of faith, some gender, some force of nature, some habitual practice, some quality of a society, some character of a culture. A reformer and a seditionist are identified by this measure: a reformer wants to help and a seditionist wants to harm. It is no more complicated than that.

All effects are indeterminate.
There is no isolated system.


Political sedition is called rebellion. Intellectual sedition is called heresy. Traditionally, political sedition is punished with prison, the rope, the blade, poison, projectile(s), torture, ravenous animal, crucifixion, mutilation, or some combination of these tools. Traditionally, intellectual sedition is punished with immolation at the stake, in a furnace, or by dousing with accelerant that is ignited.

The difference in punishment traditionally accorded to political and intellectual sedition is monitory. Traditional practice in this regard tells us that intellectual sedition is taken, rightly, as more destructive and therefore more dangerous than political sedition.

Rebels are hung or, if their offense is milder or their judge circumspect, imprisoned and thereby invited to penitence. In any case, their bodies and even their personalities are accorded some measure of respect. However, heretics are reduced to ashes, their bodies accorded no respect. Quite the opposite, even their personalities are obliterated from memory and from the earth herself so far as humanly possible.

Traditionally, heretics are not provided opportunity to repent — beyond an initial and single demand for the same at public — because intellectual sedition, which is infidelity to the human condition, is so much more attractive, facile, and therefore dangerous to a man, a society, a culture, and a nation than is political sedition.

Rebellion can be stamped out. Heresy must be burned out. Our forebears tended to grasp this simple truth. The consequences of unnatural ideas exceed in destructiveness those of straightforward rebellion. The wisdom of one’s ancestors is ignored at one’s peril.

Eadem Mutata Resurgo.
Though Changèd, I
Rise Again The Same.


Today, The United States Of America is accosted far more by intellectual sedition originating in her system of education / non-governmental organizations than by political sedition originating in her intelligence community / foreign policy establishment, Germany, and China.

A young female of wealthy, prominent New York City lineage illustrates consequences of uniting political with intellectual sedition: riot, rampage, arrest, charge, disgrace, and possible prison. Again. Patricia Hearst, she of wealthy, prominent San Francisco lineage, embarked upon this trail a few decades ago. Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, and not a few others of lineage types parallel to those of Hearst and now Kraebber, also took that trail and have never left it.

This may explain some of the attraction: Antifa/BLM operate as small-and medium-sized military formations complete with logistics, signals, officers and NCOs, maneuvering in squad, platoon, company, and battalion-sized elements and formations at least.

Kids whose life is empty of masculine energy, especially females, are going to be attracted to a presence such as Antifa/BLM because of its promise of structure, masculinity, something especially a shrink’s child is highly unlikely ever to have experienced, to their abyssal sense of regret.

Boys and girls whose parents were malpractitioners — that is, who let female energy range about without male structural guidance — will move towards what appears to be people who know what they are doing (structure, form) and set about doing it methodically with care and precision (energy, function).

Kneave Riggall to David R. Graham
But . . . but . . . if a boy/girl/it raised by malpracticing parents is seeking male energy, then why not join the Marines?

This is NOT sarc. The answer is that they only know “bad” parenting and seek the same in their search for “leadership”. The bad boy stuff they undertake is just the psychopathy they learned.

David R. Graham to Kneave Riggall
Well, yes, and: children of mal-or mis-practicing parents do seek and benefit from the structure (masculine characteristic) of military life, which also and of necessity comprises energy (female characteristic).

I suggest the pertinent question is: what drives a child, boy or girl, of a ruptured spousal union, a child in need and want of experience of proper male-female support and coordination, to seek a seditious organization (Antifa/BLM) rather than a patriotic one (Marines/Army/etc.) to supply their need?

I think that question forces inquiry towards the influence, for uplift, downfall, or numbing, of teachers Pre-K to Post-Grad. Teachers are not neutral agents in the rearing of children. Everyone knows that. Thus, responsible are teachers for their product, no less than parents are.

Also, after about age 28, appeal to childhood mal-experience to explain or justify adult-years mental, behavioral, or spiritual pathologies is not acceptable in cultured society, and rightly so. By NLT 28 years of age, a man or a woman is on their own in the personal responsibility department. Their own immutable inner nature makes them so.

nastycanasta to David R. Graham
Precisely. Great post.

David R. Graham to nastycanasta
A known negativity of war is rupture of the spousal presence and/or bond such that children following it lose experience of proper male-female cooperation and support. This phenomenon played strongly in the eager fascination German, French, English, and Italian young persons evinced for Fascist certainties and predictabilities following WW I. Less so for young Americans after that war because this nation’s spousal bonds were not so ruptured by it as were those of Europeans.

Following WW II, however, widely present rupture of Americans’ spousal and pregnant couple bonds did occur and with unsurprising consequences such as rowdy or marauding motorcycle gangs, dating-and marriage-mismatches, envy called feminism, applauded promiscuity, and a not-soon-enough perishing Boomer Generation of sententious, rattle-brained petty-fascists.

In war, one side is victorious but all sides lose value. Of war it truly is said: If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well It were done quickly. Win, get out, and get home.

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The Triple Revolution

The teacher is like a water storage tank. If there is clean and good water in the tank, you will get good water in the taps. Students are like the taps and will prove to be good only when the teachers are good. Teachers should have lofty ideals so that these can be reflected in their students, who are the future citizens and leaders. Teachers should first practise themselves what they want to teach to the students. They should have a feeling of sacrifice for the sake of the well-being of the nation so that the students will have a similar ideal. Before they try to correct the students, they should first correct themselves. Human values are not commodities sold in the market. They should be reflected in one’s behaviour and one’s way of life. They should be taught not as academic subjects but as the basis on which right living should be built up. The teacher should do Sadhana to ensure control of senses and achieve harmony in thought, word and deed. When you achieve this harmony, you will become an ideal teacher.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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