How Did The Energy Of An Envious Female Come To Dominate American Institutions?

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France

Mothers, rear your sons to become men, they who do not wilt before the marshaled energy of an envious female.

We want men, not boys, for leaders and guides.

Maybe we’ve confused giving feminists what they want, with giving women what they want. Outspoken feminists are a neurotic minority of women, and what makes them happy — to the extent anything does — may not make women in general happy.

Glenn Reynolds

Simple explanation: the energy which initiated and expanded feminism sprung from envious female energy. By now, that is the only energy inside the movement for equality, which is feminist envy ramified to races, genders, political parties, and cultures. It is all envy now, only that energy in the movement. So of course, people who cultivate that energy or think it beneficial to imbibe are going to feel empty instead of satisfied. With envious female energy as their food and drink, how else could they feel? The antidote is clean hearts and homes, not drugs.

The neurotic feminists are never happy. They work and fight their asses off to the top, and suffer the same thing successful men suffer: the loss of their families. Worse, a 50 years old man can always make new kids and new families, a 50 years old woman cannot. How happy will one be when one has made all the money in the world, and no one to leave it to?

The world is made to be left.

Make the world to be made for leaving.

This is the role of Churchmen.


Mars Attacks!
Maybe we’ve confused giving women what feminists want, with giving women what they want.

David R. Graham to Mars Attacks!
Yes! And one effect of that is that men walk away from women whose wants are proper, and in one consequence of that, institutions/structures of being upon which both men and women rightly depend for happiness crumble, leaving more emptiness and grief.

It is up to men to discern what are proper wants from improper ones regardless of who expresses them. Women also can do that, and should, but the first responsibility for setting the tone of affairs that values such discernment belongs to men.

One could say without error that the US Intelligence Community / Foreign Policy Establishment have made such a laughingstock and wasteland of national affairs because the men whose responsibility it has been to operate those agencies’ mechanisms walked away from their responsibility to think, to reason, to discern, and flopped instead languidly into a condition of self-erotic lassitude, now screaming Foul when told they deserve the boot in favor of their betters who are men.

Always the envious female or one of her betas. They are a reactor in melt-down burning through the nation and her institutions. Only the clean and just can survive incineration by a harpy’s envy.

The envious female is jealous of what men can do. Some try to make themselves men. Some males try to make themselves females so they can have the harpy’s power to envy men and try to be a man, which is really back-up sick.

There is a place and a reason for a woman to be a woman. Filling her heart with equal love for all and calming her mind with ceaseless repetition of a Name of God is the precursor of a woman’s fulfilling her role in life as a woman. There is plenty to do in that role, more than enough, and gratefully is it received even by envious women.

Perhaps we should be happy envious females are burning through our system of education, like a reactor in melt-down, from their offices in HR and Admin. They are, after all, burning down a system that grew self-erotic, seditious, and anti-intellectual, which is to say, anti-educational. Is not this destruction a development devoutly to be praised?

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It was said (by a devotee who spoke) the world is becoming full of Sai (Saimayam), that the name of Sai is on everyone’s lips. I want it to go deeper. And I do not insist that it should be the Name “Sai”. The world must become Paramatma-mayam (suffused with the Supreme Lord), that is all; however many Names and Forms that the Paramatma may have on the lips of people and before their mental eyes. It is the same substance poured into different moulds. Like sugar dolls that children seek – cats and dogs, cows and horses, they are all of the self-same sweetness; this child prefers this shape and this name; the other one weeps for another doll. The same divine substance appears in different times and places, assuming different Names. When the forces of evil and hatred overwhelm them, the Good accept the Lord as their Charioteer, and He enables them to overpower foes.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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