The American Red Army

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Seattle Society of Orthodox Theologians

John Hinderaker posted today under title The Latest From Portland And Rochester. A useful string of observations unwound in the comments. One such I started, copied below.

David R. Graham
Indications are these are better described as para-military operations than as riots. The participants are maneuvering in squad-to battalion-sized elements and formations stood up by funding, logistics, signals, infantry skills, artillery skills, S2 and S3 support, NCO solicitude, and officer command. They test strategics and tactics, they write AARs, they study improvements after every engagement, and they disseminate and observe lessons learned. Their action is anything but riotous. It is trained, planned, deliberate, careful, well-funded, and under strong and capable command and control.

Note that despite senior sectarian political officers asking them to cease work, senior sectarian operations officers persist with the para-military ops. I take this to mean, among other things, that the operations side of the D-R UniParty / US IC / US FPE / Deep State sectarian force dominates the political side of the same force and feels safely content ignoring the latter’s public speech.

Or, the political side of the force says Stop publicly as misdirection while they direct their immediate assets — police, prosecutors — to stand down while their operations side trains up, billets, and deploys their down-range para-military asset . . . .

The American Red Army is training up in American streets under allegedly American and certainly Chinese supervision and direction and protected by allegedly American professors, Executive Branch agencies, NGOs, and D-R UniParty bureaucrats and politicians. In other words, we behold CIA / FBI / Brookings / Ford / Princeton / Harvard asserting themselves over the nation’s political process as determinator of the nation’s — or whatever they want it to be — destiny.

In any case, all of this means, at least, that armed citizens, even massed, are getting less and less likely of success defeating these constantly improving para-militaries short of overmatching their comms, skills, organization, and — above all! — morale. Sharpshooters behind trees did not defeat His Majesty’s Royal Army. A Professional Revolutionary Army did that, trained up to professional military status by German, Polish, Scottish, and American Professional Soldiers.

Tardily we figured out what Moslems intend and do. Let us be on time figuring out what this sectarian force intends and does.

Postscript: American Red Army forces going fetal and weeping in police presence is a combat tactic suited to the moral and legal status of a modern American police officer, not a mockable or heart-rending indication of a jejune juvenile. Alinsky lists the tactic as Rule Four.

George B to David R. Graham
The rioter, para-military forces, etc. have only demonstrated an ability to sustain a fight on city streets in Blue States. They can’t keep the fighting going in jurisdictions were the state is willing to send in state police and, if needed, the national guard to restore order. They need government to hold back the police and they also need a lack of private land where business owners can set up effective private defenses independent of ineffective government and police. The most likely result of their efforts is to cause individuals and businesses to vote with their feet, moving to locations with buffer land where private defenses are possible. For example, here in the Dallas area “protesters” caused damage downtown, but NorthPark mall was able to shut down and get private security in place before “protesters” could enter their property. Downtown businesses next to the sidewalk lack this buffer land and suffered lots of damage. Where would you open a business?

David R. Graham to George B
Useful points, thanks!

Zumkopf to George B
More to the point, BLM/Antifa only make headway against purely defensive or utterly supine opposition. Against active counterattacks they have had zero success.

David R. Graham to Zumkopf
Properly multi-domain counterattacks, yes, but not melee counterattacks, which our thigh-thumpers — they were called fire-eaters in the Antebellum South — vainly imagine puissant, from their keyboards. And in any case, in a properly fought war, preemptive attacks aim to obviate the need for counterattacks.

Bill Befort to David R. Graham
Presumably the American Red medics will be standing by with fire extinguishers and burn kits next time around. This time they didn’t come across as terrifically professional.

David R. Graham to Bill Befort
True. S7 personnel are being airlifted all over the country to train up local squads, platoons, and companies in the several necessities of para-military operations. A near plane-load of them was reported in my view by an eyewitness of my acquaintance. So, early new operations in some cities are occurring as live-fire training exercises. They’ll learn, meaning the locals, as they conduct their AARs under expert oversight.

Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals

  1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
  2. Never go outside the expertise of your people.
  3. Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.
  4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
  5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
  6. A good tactic is one your people enjoy.
  7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
  8. Keep the pressure on.
  9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
  10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
  11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.
  12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
  13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it

Edward Ring: The Riots Ought to be Against Romney, Bush, Biden, and Harris
Elizabeth Weil: They Know How to Prevent Megafires. Why Won’t Anybody Listen?

Stick to your faith; do not change your loyalty as soon as something happens or someone whispers. Do not pull down Sai Baba’s picture from the wall and hang some other picture there at the first disappointment. Leave all to Him; let His Will be carried out — that should be your attitude. Unless you go through the rough and the smooth, how can you be hardened? Welcome the light and the shade, the sun and the rain. Do not think that only those who worship a picture or image with pompous paraphernalia are devotees. Whoever walks straight along the moral path, whoever acts as they speak and speaks as they have seen, whoever melts at another’s woe and exults at another’s joy — they are devotees, perhaps greater devotees.

Series of wildfires on the West Coast may be “coordinated and planned” attack

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