Wealth In Geo-Strategics

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

St. Teresa Of Avila by Bernini
Sarva Dharma Symbol

The ability to produce, not properties or money in a bank, is wealth. This is why a poor man can become a rich man.

One can make something from nothing, but a something is just nothing. Wealth is the ability to make, not the thing made.

Power is visible only as the act of conception by inception. Everything after that is spending consequences of a conception-inception, which is to say, consequences of an act of power.

His ability to produce — or his inheritance of consequences of an ancestor’s ability to produce, such as land (includes jewels), buildings, cash, or notes — enables the rich man to obtain for his comfort a mansion with grounds. His wealth, which is his power in life, is his or an ancestor’s ability to produce.

What a rich man leaves behind by way of properties attests his wealth — or an ancestor’s — once active, but those properties are not his wealth. When his ability to produce ceases, a rich man merely spends consequences of his — or an ancestor’s — former ability to produce. If he spends those out before he dies — living off the fat of the land, so to speak — then he dies as what most will see as a poor man.

Mansions turned into museums for this reason have an unspoken emptiness about them no matter the opulence of their presentment. Power is not in them. Like cadavers, they can produce nothing beyond decay.

Canyon de Chelly
The Golden Horde

The wealth of a nation bestir themselves in her homes and byways, not in her banks and conference rooms. Main Street, not Wall Street, is the wealth of America. The wealth of America is purely and only her citizens’ ability to produce.

Next to the productive ability of the man himself, land is considered the surest wealth because, of all possible properties, land has the ability to produce. Banks and investment houses make and take money bets on property valuations, including land, because money itself lacks the ability to produce.

Produce or die is sort of what is going on here. To put it mildly.

Slovakian Women With Antique Wheat Grinder

These considerations are salient factors in contemplations of USA grand national strategic objectives.

To have an ability to produce, one must be protected and have access to fuel (food) and coolant (clean water) sufficient to maintain the operating instrument, the human embodiment (body-mind-intellect-spirit-divinity). To maintain the ability to produce, one must produce what is needed to accomplish one’s protection and supply one’s consumption. Conclusion: production is its own end and means, both.

The most consequential production — to include so-called national productivity — is that of ideas. For both strategics and tactics, the production of ideas or concepts is of primary importance. Ideas, concepts, are of less consequence than the ability to produce them. This is why thriving civilizations invest time, money, and energy educating the generality of their citizens and morbid ones do not.

The ability to produce some improvement in national policy regarding some matter or other is more consequential down the corridors of time than the improvement itself. Absent an ability to produce an improvement, improvement never happens.

Words are power. Guns are power. The ability to speak or write words or shoot a gun in the propitious moment at the propitious place to effect a propitious development is true power. The sound, ink, or shot are mere follow-through, as a live-birth is mere follow-through on an act of conception-inception, which itself is consequent upon an ability to engage in the act, aka the ability to produce.

Power is the ability to produce what happens.
That is wealth.

A sculptor removes rock or wood
hiding an image within.

Removing the unwanted
that immures the wanted
is the very victory of spirit over flesh.

Movement is next after the ability to produce in the order of priorities of a man, a country, and a civilization. Consequences of the ability to produce must be sent thither and brought hither.

We call this communication. Movement is communication. Communication is movement.

The ability to produce cannot operate without its consequences moving away from and towards it. The world breathes. In fact, the universe breathes. In out, in out, a constant communication, or as philosophers describe it, an unending dialectic.

Considered at globe-scale, movement occurs along lines of communication embedded in geography. Waterways, airways, greenways, pipeways, spaceways, fireways (electrical lines), even ideaways attach to geography. Each of these ways is hospitable to egress and ingress moving bi-directionally by way of them.


Therefore, in the consideration of national necessities, wherein sovereign exercise of the ability to produce is paramount, the facility of movement through any or all of these ways is the next priority demanding successful stewardship from a nation’s public and private leaders.

Globalists/Jihadis/Communists abominate the nation state per se because her interest in self-preservation — done by cultivating the generality of her citizens’ ability to produce — thwarts globalists’ vision of ramping private interests towards globe-wide, now even solar system-wide, private monopolies. Globalists think big for a small reason. That is their weakness and it is fatal to their dreams, like unto waking up.

Every line of communication depends on land. Modern technological tools or any kind condition not that reality. Therefore, land geography is the supreme concern of leaders when contemplating grand national strategic objectives. Land-holding, or at least port-holding, is the sine qua non of maintaining a nation’s ability to produce.

Human primary land movement follows greenways (to feed animals), roadways (to receive feet and wheels), and waterways (to float boats). Human secondary land movement follows pipeways, airways, fireways (electrical lines), and now spaceways. The most subtle and therefore portending human movement follows ideaways (language networks, literature, the grapevine, the jungle telegraph, the WWW).

H. J. MacKinder, in 1919, identifies eleven junctures in global comms (lines of communication) which must be kept free of encumbrance if humanity is to prosper and the nations repose in peace. They are:

The Bosporus
The Dardanelles

Today, because of production in uses of electricity (fire) that MacKinder cannot be expected to have foreseen, we can recognize a twelfth juncture of global comms:


Note that nine of these nodes lie on or near the Mediterranean Sea, two lie in the Western Hemisphere, and one lies in Southeast Asia.

MacKinder posits a nation or nations designated — by whom, probably themselves? — as World Trustee(s) to maintain these junctures of global comms unencumbered by privacy gates. The peace of humanity rests on, he asserts, the peace of the Ocean and of the straits connecting the basins of the Ocean.

  • The Ocean, recall, is wet land. Who speaks of waterways refers to geography, land.

MacKinder further posits that were there to be a League of Nations — which was under consideration as McKinder’s career was completing its course — its logical capitol would be Constantinople due to the super-abundance of global comms reaching that city from all points of the compass. His contemporaries’ enthusiasm for a League of Nations MacKinder essays to ease by pointing out realities human, national, and geographic. Yet, extrapolating Constantinople for special consideration by him I find notable.

I take MacKinder’s grand analysis as to this day correct and now also completed. In furtherance thereof I propose a particular of USA grand national strategic objective with respect to at least the European side of Constantinople and contemporary Turkey. Help Russia own it.

USA policy so directed would go long to calm MENA and the Balkan states, build Intermarium (today’s Three Seas Initiative, also here), and forestall or prevent the next German thrust against Slavs, who are in fact Germans’ geopolitical brothers no matter Germans’ taking Slavs for less than human, or at least less than German, who yet tend to self-regard as humanity’s permanent pinnacle of providential puissance.

Background for this proposal is indicated.

One Anthony Vinci has observed, accurately and therefore usefully, that the current global alliance framework — dating from the 1940s: NATO, Bretton Woods, United Nations, etc. — was constructed to address a now non-existing enemy of humanity — The Soviet Union — and does not, cannot address the now existing enemy of humanity — Communist China.

Vinci, despite his name, offers no suggestion regarding a global alliance framework, built fresh for the purpose, to address Communist China, despite his summoning creation of the same.

  • How many worthies fill their rice bowls by asking for this or that which they cannot deliver! What idiots pay these rent-seeking non-producers? What cowardice infects so-called thought leaders? . . . Who, you all know, are honorable men.
    • Fearful they are to get ahead of their herd of colleagues. Committees comprise people who individually can get nothing done and together decide nothing can be done.

Idea-less and solution-less he may be, but Vinci is right about who the problem is and that their conscience-less belligerence demands a fresh global alliance framework.

Three Brothers Doctrine is such a framework and truly the only effective one possible. Of India, USA, and Russia as the three brother nations tasked, at least by default, with holding open global comms in trust for humanity I am certain. On the Pandava model — India is Dharmaraja, USA is Arjuna, Russia is Bhima — if it applies, I suspect there are two step-brother nations, making the siblings five in number, and that these are Japan as Nakula and Egypt as Sahadeva.

In geo-strategics, Three Brothers cannot solve the problems or guarantee the peace and wealth of each nation, and there is no so-called Responsibility to Protect (R2P) citizens of nations not one’s own. However, Three Brothers can and should hold open the globe’s lines of communication, at the critical junctures, so that citizens in their nations, oppressed or not, have opportunity to move for their benefit consequences of their ability to produce such as they can.

MacKinder refers to this role as World Trustee(s) of humanity’s lines of communication. True to conditions of his time, he saw that The USA and Great Britain fulfilled that role, although by default rather than by designation. Indeed, power being what it is — good — any nation-based trustee(s) of movement for the consequences of humanity’s wealth, which is their ability to produce, definitionally fulfills the role of guardian of the freedom of the nations’ communications, and by default.

Three brother nations, plus two, hold responsibility today for maintaining open comms across the globe today and futurely. Their adversary is Communist China, who want a closed global communications framework and no alliance of nations because, in their minds, only one civilization and therefore nation exists: Communist China.

The three bothers, plus two, also experience two irritants:

  • Euro-American Socialists, self-described thought leaders — who are native to the three brothers’ countries and who by turns obstruct, subvert, and exploit scrutiny and discharge by the brothers of their grand strategic responsibility to hold open global comms, and
  • Arab/Pan-African Imperialists — whom Communist Chinese (CCP) incite against the brothers and who have their own hegemonic animus against humanity’s freedom and the nations’ sovereignties.

By seeming quirk of fate, current overseas deployments of US Armed Forces mostly match where they would be and how they could be constituted, with adjustments, for an ideal order of battle tasked with holding open humanity’s global comms. MacKinder’s eleven junctures (above) and the twelfth added here (The USA) comprise key battlefields on which
US Armed Forces have engaged in battle preparation and battle itself during the lifetime of the nation of which they are the progenitor and integumentary system.

This observation is confirmed by comparing on a globe-map the twelve junctures of world comms with the battlefields that have hosted US Armed Forces and comparing those with current stationing and operations of US Armed Forces. Americans have been guardians and enforcers of openness in humanity’s global comms since even before we had a constitution.

On the evidence of action, one can assert that holding open humanity’s global comms has always been and will always be the role of The USA inside the confraternity of nations.

Three Brothers Doctrine, comprising the alliance framework of five brother nations — India, The USA, Russia, then Japan and Egypt — is now the expedient opportunity, or opportune expedient, fate, history, and/or The Definite Partiality Of Almighty God — take your pick — present for accomplishing the ancient, primal, always inchoate, ineffable, and ineluctable right and need of men and nations, by virtue of their divine humanity, to move freely in confluence of their ability to produce.

If men and nations cannot make light,
they will make light from the very darkness.

In furtherance of which, it seems to me that the flanks of potential CCP lines of march westward, northward, southward, and eastward deserve each, stationed on and rotated through, a joint battalion task force within easy reach of the narrowest point — on dry, wet, or thin (air) land — CCP logistics must navigate.

For the purpose, many current US Armed Forces deployments, although with adjustments, some large, already fit the need. Many should be terminated, especially the numerous temporary cum permanent SOF/CIA/FBI/DEA stations.

With anchors at Constantinople (Russia), Singapore (India), Suez (Egypt), Okinawa (Japan), and Panama (The USA),

American deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Indo-Pacific,
Indian deployments to her northwest and northeast,
Egyptian deployments on the Gulf of Suez,
Japanese deployment to Okinawa, and
Russian deployments to Siberia, The Arctic, and Syria

— all threatening wet, dry, and thin (air) passage by China —

China is kept from controlling The Heartland — control of which MacKinder estimates, accurately, would effect control of world affairs — and set on the road to defeat.

In other words, the three plus two brothers mentioned here maintain open comms to and from The Heartland or China will close them and everyone else can suck hind tit.

China attends to force only, pressure. POTUS Trump appreciates this fact whereas the US Foreign Policy Establishment does not, to their ignominy. China does not listen to reason and verbal threats do not reach her consciousness as serious matters.

As a race, Chinese are prone to acting like animals with some human equipment, for example, consciousness of their own consciousness. But of others’ consciousness, Chinese tend to be not only uninterested but unaware. They get some thought in their mind and nothing else matters or even exists. The world is always something they have to possess before someone else does. And they are prone to incessant gambling on that account, hoping fate will make up for what they cannot make their own.

This quality, a sort of racism transcending racism, or, racism to infinity bang, makes Chinese unimproved by Vedic Religion (Sanathana Dharma) — such as Chinese Communists — dangerously aggressive, real hardons, and accomplished gaslighters into the bargain.

The CCP cannot be nudged into playing fair with anyone, not even with each other. And they cannot have self-respect except by robbing others. The Communist element of their composition reinforces the Chinese elements. Therefore, the CCP must be addressed first by check and then by defeat. They never will surrender.

The CCP’s objective is to remove everyone else’s ability to produce, thus reducing everyone else to poverty and dependence on the CCP, or, docility through the threat of poverty and then dependence on the CCP. They are quite serious about this objective and will brook — can brook — no interference with their achieving it.

Remove someone’s ability to produce and they have no wealth with which to maintain themselves and help others. They are finished as human creatures. The sheiks and sultans in all their magnificence never contemplated such an extent of sadism upon the generality. But Socialists — Communists and Fascists — do.

Stalin's Holodomor, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1933
  • Removing the generality of citizens’ — and especially of Black citizens’ — ability to produce, thus stealing their wealth, is the objective of the D-R UniParty in The USA. Welfare, abortion, and drug dealing, legal and illegal, D-R UniParty politicians and their supports — shrinks and shysters — control to facilitate achieving that objective.
  • Chinese long before the CCP deployed drugs to subvert target demographics’ ability to produce, thus to steal their wealth and preclude their self-defense. The CCP ramped up this practice many fold, globalized it, and for decades now have applied their assiduity to drugging Americans so that they embrace indecision and carelessness, the better to steal them blind, beat them senseless, and forget them as nothing.

The CCP’s method of war is that of a spider. They build webs and wait for an unsuspecting to be immobilized therein. Then they suck the trapped one into themselves leaving no trace of the creature thus ingested (robbed) on the web.

  • St. Augustine, and classical theologians generally, discuss this phenomenon using the term concupiscence, which is a desire to consume the world. Gluttony is consuming too much of something. Concupiscence is wanting to consume everything there is, everything at all. Concupiscence is to gluttony as hubris is to arrogance. One is a correctable sin (gluttony, arrogance). The other is primal Sin (concupiscence, hubris). Concupiscence is consuming the world. Hubris is claiming to be God. Chinese tend to and Communists Chinese do practice concupiscence.

The diplomatic-financial-military answer to the CCP’s method of war is to sever the strands which anchor their web to a fixed structure such as a school, a piece of land, a government bureaucrat, a private company, a grant, a trade agreement, etc. Detach the anchor points, or, as the word of the day has it, decouple.

A web, which is inherently impermanent, to be effective must be anchored by contact with something permanently not itself. On globe-scale and in the case of the CCP’s China, those are the land-fed straits, the land-dependent narrows — wet, dry, and thin (air) — through which pass her lines of communication westward, northward, southward, and eastward.

Deny the CCP’s China replenishment at land harbors — the permanent structures to which all forces, perforce to be forceful, must repair and report; the anchor points of her immobilizing webs — and she expires in confused starvation.

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  • This move is to protect Russia from Germany, not Europe from Russia. MacKinder saw this by 1919 at the latest and that building the Intermarium States (today’s Three Seas Initiative) to self-sustaining vitality is the surest way to calm Russia, by building her western near abroad into a strong obstacle to Germanic tribes’ incessant efforts to be strong on Slavs, who, historically, are their geo-cultural and geo-political brothers of The Heartland (MacKinder’s term).

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The Lord has endowed you with all his wealth and divine potentialities. You are inheritors of this wealth. You have to discover what that wealth is. Sai’s wealth is pure, selfless and boundless Love. This is the truth. It is not the edifices you see here that are Sai’s wealth. It is pure, selfless love alone. You must inherit this love, fill yourselves with it and offer it to the world. This is your supreme responsibility as Sai devotees. What is it that you can offer to the Lord who is omnipotent, omnipresent and all-knowing? The various things you offer to God are given out of delusion. Embodiments of the Divine! To realise the Lord, Love is the easiest path. Just as you can see the moon only with the light of the moon, God, who is the Embodiment of Love, can be reached through Love. Regard Love as your life breath. Love was the first quality to emerge in the process of creation. All other qualities came after it. Therefore, fill your hearts with love and base your life on it!

Mahishasura Mardini Vigraha (idol), created by Sathya Sai Baba during the inauguration of the Yagna in 1972.

We say, all are our brothers and sisters, but how many are translating this ideal into action? Our actions should be in harmony with our words. Jesus taught “Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God”. This truth is also the culture of Bharath. You may not have material wealth; it is enough if you have self-confidence and self-respect. Respect everybody. Offer your Namaskar (salutations) to elders wholeheartedly. What is the inner meaning of Namaskar? When you do Namaskar, you join your palms and bring them close to your heart. The five fingers of each hand symbolise the five senses of action (Karmendriyas) and five senses of perception (Jnanendriyas). These ten senses should follow the dictates of your heart (conscience). That is true Namaskar. Everyday, sow the seeds of good thoughts, water them with good actions and remove the weeds of wicked qualities. Only then will you reap the crop of bliss.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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