The Vote And The Ballot

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

St. Teresa Of Avila by Bernini
Sarva Dharma Symbol

What lawful claim has one who abominates their country to vote in that country’s elections?

What lawful claim has one who abominates a country to vote in that country’s elections?

What lawful claim has a political party who abominates a country to representation on a country’s election ballot?

What lawful claim has one who abominates their country to vote in that country’s elections?

What lawful claim has one who abominates a country’s countrymen to administer penal authority against them

What lawful claim has one who abominates a country’s countrymen to administer penal authority against them?

What lawful claim has a political party who abominates a country’s countrymen to present candidates for public office on a country’s election ballot?

What lawful claim has one who abominates a country’s countrymen to administer penal authority against them

A century and more ago, seditious persons and political parties were few and small in membership. Today, they are many and large in membership.

A century and more ago, one could be sure that almost all seeming Americans were Americans, they loved their country. Today, one can be sure that very many seeming Americans are not Americans at all but TWANLOCs who do not love their country and quite abominate it as NOT their country. These are not-Americans.

One can be sure of this because not-Americans say they do not love their country and pour those words of theirs into deeds. So how can those who talk and act as not-Americans be deemed Americans?

By the evidence of their own tongues and hands they are not-Americans. They cannot be deemed Americans, is it not? Better were they deemed state-less beasts in human bodies.

By what lawful claim, therefore, are not-Americans permitted to vote or hold public office affecting the affairs of Americans? By what lawful claim are not-American political parties permitted to present candidates for public office on American election ballots? TWANLOCs deserve to exercise authority on behalf of Americans?

They are TWANLOCs, not-Americans, so they have put forfeit to rights they had as Americans:

to vote in American elections,
to put names on American election ballots,
and to administer penal authority against Americans.

Is it not?

TWANLOCs are proud to be not-Americans. They say so and do so themselves right out in public where they can be seen and heard. Why let them vote or stand for public office? Is not letting them do those things insane? Are we gone mad, we Americans?

Americans faced this situation — rule, not governance, rule, by Americans’ cultured despisers — fledging among and against them in 2007 and 2008, but many voters did not alert to the phenomenon for what it was, which included comprehensive election fraud. Yet, the phenomenon of TWANLOC rampancy was nascent and expanding among Americans since, I would say, NLT 1935.

Today, TWANLOC rampancy faces Americans full frontal, to terrify and subjugate them. Today, Americans are paying attention. Today, Americans cannot avert their eyes. Nor should they want to. Let us face what is for what it is.

St. Thomas. Episcopal Church, Medina, WA
Lauren Hanley

Elections can go ahead, but who can stand in them is another matter altogether. TWANLOCs, not-Americans — by evidence of their own words and deeds — have no lawful claim to public office or line on an election ballot by virtue of their being TWANLOCs. Americans would permit those who abominate them to administer penal authority against them? That would be insane.

By their abominating Americans, TWANLOCs put forfeit to rights they had as Americans:

  • to vote in American elections,
  • to put names on American election ballots,
  • and to administer penal authority against Americans.

Is it not?

Hold the election, let not one who abominates Americans — as evidenced by their own tongues and hands — onto the ballot.

Do not grieve that the Lord is testing you and putting you to the ordeal of undergoing the tests, for it is only when you are tested that you can assure yourself of success or become aware of your limitations. You can then concentrate on the subjects in which you are deficient and pay more intensive attention, so that you can pass in them too when you are tested again. Good students don’t study for the examination at the last moment; they study well in advance and be ready with the needed knowledge and the courage and confidence born out of that knowledge and skill. What you have studied well in advance must be revised over and over in the mind, just before going to the examination; that is all the preparation that is necessary! This is the pathway to victory.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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