Critical Race Theory At West Point – I

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

  • GOA Douglas MacArthur Statue, West Point
  • George Washington Statue, West Point
  • Battle Monument, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
  • Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko

To Whom It May Concern,

If you believe the following is worthy of your making it make the rounds, I should not object to your doing that.  My name being on it or not is fine with me.

Spenser Rapone was a harbinger.

Note the pedigrees of the signatories:

The WP English-Philosophy Dept. already is CRT-active.  These recent Grads, high-pedigreed all, demand CRT Academy-wide.  Supe, Com, Dean, Faculty, and their staffs have had this demand before them since the demand’s date, 25JUN20.

Already, top leaders of the Corps of Cadets are chosen by Academy commanders primarily on the basis of race and gender, and when they are Plebes.  Chosen Cadets are then groomed to assume top Corps of Cadets leader positions, when they become Firsties. Cadet leadership is no longer meritocratic, as it was for two+ centuries.

The Academy, therefore, stands already in violation of 42 US Code § 1985, 1986.  The English-Philosophy Department stands already in violation of OMB’s recent Memorandum M-20-34.  Now these young Grads imply that the Academy stands already in violation of Civil Rights law, violation such as that regarding which DOE recently summoned Princeton with 476441457-Princeton-Letter-09-15-2020:

POTUS recently forbid expenditure to teach or practice CRT on Executive Branch property.  West Point is Executive Branch property.

 Joseph D’Hippolito: Antifa Is Not Fighting For Freedom, But For Communist Revolution
VDH: The Progressive Medusa
Victory Girls: Critical Race Theory Is Divisive And Discriminatory
L. Todd Wood: If You’re In The Military, Spreading ChiCom-Inspired SJW Critical Race Theory, You’re A Traitor To The Uniform
Paul Bradford: The Pathetic End Point of Racial Sensitivity Training
James McDonough: If West Point Tolerates Cheating, It Violates Its Own Honor Code
Hank Berrien: ‘THIS IS THE ANSWER’: Megyn Kelly Cheers Formation Of Legal Group Fighting Critical Race Theory
Epoch Times: ‘Critical Race Theory’ Being Taught at US Army’s West Point, GOP Lawmaker Says

You should not merely love God but become God Himself. It is only when you experience love that you would begin to get a feel for who God is. If you believe that God is far from you, He is definitely far away. But if you earnestly believe that God is very intimate and that He is the greatest friend of all, then He is as close to you as you are to yourself. It is a great mistake to believe that God exists only in a temple, or a sacred place, or in a pilgrim centre. All this has been explained very clearly by noble souls who have experienced Divinity within. Traditional and ritualistic practices are certainly needed to start with. It is like learning the alphabet first when one learns a language. Once you have learnt the alphabets, you can learn words like ‘God’. After learning words, one can form sentences. Once one can read sentences, one can then read an entire book. In the same way, wise men of the past initiated people to the concept of Divinity by advising them to visit temples, holy places, etc.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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