Critical Race Theory Is Idiotic

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Rheiny Commie
The Rev. Dr. Paul Tillich

Critical Race Theory is a recent iteration of a tediously tendentious French Afro-Caribbean stupidity named, originally, Négritude. Partisans denominate the idiocy variously through the decades since its birth.

Critical Race Theory is an Afro-Caribbean mask of The French Revolution throwing a stink eye at whomever can be intimidated into handling over their women, their dominion, and their wealth. In that rank order of priorities.

A stick-up by any other name is a stick-up. Critical Race Theory is a stick-up.

Négritude (a neologism based on a French word), Black Power, Black Panther, New Black Panther, Black Is Beautiful, Liberation Theology, Black Liberation Movement, Black Moslem, Nation of Islam, Black Liberation Theology, Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter . . . these phrases denominate the same phenomenology: me (looks African) good and worthy, you (does not look African) bad and worthless. Me live, you die.

In The USA, prominently and effectively, Frantz Fanon, Langston Hughes, and James Cone carried Négritude’s guideon for forces prizing an alphabet soup of names, all having the same purpose: Afro-Caribbean ownership of the world.

Americans are not imperialistic. Critical Race Theory is imperialistic by nature of birth. Critical Race Theory is about as un-American as you can get.

Early in its career, a nuance moved into Négritude’s training and doctrine. Being of French Caribbean and therefore French Revolutionary ancestry, Négritude is Communist from birth and originally of Marxist character (worker overtakes owner). However, soon after birth, another characteristic emerged in Négritude’s so-to-speak TRADOC, a Mohammedan component (e.g., Frantz Fanon), the which comes naturally to persons preening themselves on Négritude.

The Mohammedan component, with its emphasis on singleness of the ummah showing in the ummah’s conformity to jurist / clerical dictat fatwah, compares favorably, in Négritude’s doctrinal warehouse, with a concept Lenin introduced into European Socialism: fealty to party above all other considerations (party over persons). Nation of Islam and Black Lives Matter illustrate the phenomenon. They take political cover from Moslem Brotherhood and CCP, and with the latter at least and surely, funding, training, and IO / logistical support.

  • Party over persons also is an Italian (Mussolini) and German (Hitler) contribution to Fascism’s tactical assets. The French Revolution seeded the concept of party over persons as a political tool. The tool was fashioned centuries earlier, however, at the Sorbonne, who remain its chief maker and distributor. Progressives’ observably quick and easy tactical alliance with Socialists — Fascist and Communist — is given in their doctrine that party trumps person. Their oft’-remarked propensity for lemming behavior is perfectly rational for that starting premise.

This conceptual / tactical refinement of Négritude, from Islam and Lenin — party over persons — force-multiplies (for the nonce) Négritude’s order of battle by way of:

  • appeal to the universal desire and respect for submissive self-less-ness, although here a fake one (party over person rather than Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of men), and
  • justification for insouciant zest when causing havoc, also here a fake one (what party says can only be good rather than work out your own salvation in fear and trembling).

Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism is the true name of Négritude and its succeeding denominations, to include its denomination as Critical Race Theory.

As between two forces resolved to own the world, Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism and Chinese Communist Imperialism, one can recognize which one Americans’ soi-disant ruling class believe most dangerous to them, which one most threatens their ownership of the world, by noting which one they appease. The FBI bears down on ChiComs and leaves BLM/Antifa at ease, in effect welcoming Négritude’s CRY “HAVOC!” at Americans. West Point imposes Critical Race Theory on The United States Corps Of Cadets, not Belt And Road Initiative.

Give Americans’ soi-disant ruling class credit on this one. Arguably, Négritude is of more imminence as a danger to their position than is armed invasion or missile barrage by the CCP. Certainly Négritude is easier to appease, at least awhile. It is also the case that CCP USA stir up, for their own reasons, the imminent danger of Négritude in its latest iteration, Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory opposes the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of The Constitution Of The United States. CRT is illegal.

Critical Race Theory opposes the Inscrutability of God in common experience. CRT is irreligious.

Critical Race Theory opposes Truthfulness. CRT is subversive.

Critical Race Theory opposes Statecraft. CRT is self-defeating.

And beyond that, boys and girls, horses and mules, I am not the issue. I am not the troublemaker. Critical Race Theory is the issue. West Point is the troublemaker. Americans’ soi-disant ruling class are crying HAVOC! If you want to take out your disappointment in life on someone, do it to the aforementioned, not to me. Whatever it is that’s buggin’ you, I didn’t do it.

Rick Moran: Black Lives Matter Activist Arrested for Using $200,000 in Donations to Buy a House

  • The headline is misleading. Scroll down. FBI is working for BLM on this one, and so is Moran.

 Joseph D’Hippolito: Antifa Is Not Fighting For Freedom, But For Communist Revolution
VDH: The Progressive Medusa
Victory Girls: Critical Race Theory Is Divisive And Discriminatory
L. Todd Wood: If You’re In The Military, Spreading ChiCom-Inspired SJW Critical Race Theory, You’re A Traitor To The Uniform
Paul Bradford: The Pathetic End Point of Racial Sensitivity Training
Cliff Kincaid: Red Faces Over Obama’s Red Mentor

CRT is a CIA import: here, and here, and here, and here.
Hank Berrien: ‘THIS IS THE ANSWER’: Megyn Kelly Cheers Formation Of Legal Group Fighting Critical Race Theory
Jesuit higher-ed association proposes anti-racism Examen that says White people are ‘fearful,’ should be ‘uncomfortable’

The human body has been referred to as tungabhadra. Tunga means infinite and bhadra means auspiciousness. Thus, it means that the body is an infinite reservoir of auspiciousness. Everyone must therefore carefully introspect to check whether this sacred gift called the body is being properly used or is misused and mishandled. It was sage Narada who after deep enquiry gave this name tungabhadra to the human body. We have to make every effort to understand the sanctity of the human body, use it for noble and sacred actions, and derive Bliss therefrom. Human life should not be looked at from just a worldly, material, and physical perspective. Through intense enquiry, sages of yore have unravelled the deeper significance of human existence. Man today faces misery because he does not make proper use of his body and does not live his life as it ought to be, that is to say, in the service of humanity. It is only when one becomes concerned with society one will begin to understand why the human body is called tungabhadra.

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