National Elections

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Hold national elections when the parties to them share allegiance to the nation recognized by her citizens and established in union by them for posterity through The Constitution Of The United States Of America.

It would be insane to permit a party comprising insurrectionists to vote or have their vote counted in a national election.

The D-R UniParty have gone out of their way to demonstrate their intent to nullify, abrogate, ignore, or replace The Constitution Of The United States Of America.

The Constitution Of The United States Of America protects neither sedition nor insurrection against The United States Of America. The First Amendment thereof does not protect conspiracy to interfere with the civil rights of United States Citizens.

Why are The Squad outside of prison instead of inside of one? What irresponsible dimwits countenance that effrontery? Why are the Democratic Party congressional contingent and a goodly number of the Republican Party’s not serving hard time for extortion, kickbacks, and murder as well as in mandatory rehab for drug, alcohol, family, and constituent abuse?

Why is Sid Blumenthal at large? Why is Ibrahim Hooper at large? Why is Brookings Institution operating? Why are the DNC not convicted on a host of RICO, drug, weapons, and money laundering charges? Why are their foreign accomplices and illegal funding networks not publicized and immured or executed when possible?

Several states and numerous counties already conduct insurrection against federal authorities. These have no lawful claim to participate in national elections.

National elections are national, conducted in unity as one nation. Therefore, a state or county acting in insurrection against federal authorities either (1) precludes a lawful national election altogether or (2) precludes tabulation of their citizens’ votes in a lawful national election.

Insurrection deserves, at minimum, the punishment of disenfranchisement.

When there exist only parties loyal to The Constitution Of The United States Of America, it is lawful and safe to hold a national election.

Insurrectionists have no lawful claim to participate in a national election.

Everything has energy latent in it — a piece of paper has it, a strip of cloth has it. When the latent energy is exhausted, death results; when energy fills, birth happens. Being-awareness-bliss (satchidananda) is energy. We (sat) are (chit) happy (ananda). Energy is all, and energy is derived from God. That is the very basis of all people. Now, we are building super-structures somewhere else, not on the basis. The foundational divine principle is being ignored. We are fascinated by subjects and studies that promise to feed our stomachs and make us materially happy and powerful. But the hard truth is the Divine beneath all. People must either know the supreme truth of the One Being behind all becoming or at least know the practical truth of love and brotherhood. These two points are the limits that education must ever keep in mind — the starting point and the goal.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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