Parish Posture During Parish Functions

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

New York City, 1925
Seal Of The Moravian Church

Thandava And Christian Culture

When what really exists is only One, there is no room for any difference in attitudes. The same life force that is present in an elephant is also present in a dog or in a cow. Since this life force present in all jivas is one and the same, we observe that everything is an aspect of the divine. So long as you have the feeling of ownership or keep saying, “Mine, Mine, Mine,” you will not have a chance to observe things other than yours. As long as you have this attitude you will never be able to understand what is not yours. On the day when you give up this idea, you will really understand this aspect of equanimity. You must reduce your attachment to things. So long as jealousy and ego are uppermost in your mind, God will be at a distance from you. When you are able to get rid of these qualities, God will come close to you.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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