The System Of Education: Homeschool And University Of The Professional Guilds

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Every person deserves a diploma from a private school. Every person deserves a degree from a university. The private school is Homeschool (HS). The university is University Of The Professional Guilds (UPG). Homeschool replaces public school at the center of the system of education. The system…

Studies For A University Of The Professional Guilds

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Collected here are links to studies for University Of The Professional Guilds. These below are complete. Others await their writing and addition here. Protect The Professional GuildsRe-Integrate The Professional GuildsThe Professional Guilds Have Seen Their Authority UsurpedThe Professional Guilds Structure A UniversityRepair And Rebuild Bridges Between…

The Voice Of Terror

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Narrative Keepers = The Voice Of TerrorHollywood-MSM = The Voice Of TerrorD-R UniParty = The Voice Of TerrorThe Ivy League = The Voice Of Terror In many countries and human communities, we have only one faith, one path, one object of adoration, one form of worship,…

Repair And Rebuild Bridges Between And Inside The Professional Guilds – 2

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Do not re-burn them. Now is the time to repair and rebuildlines of communicationbetween and inside the professional guilds. Paul Tillich: The Courage to Be: It takes tremendous courage to resist the lure of appearances. The power of being which is manifest in such courage is…

Repair And Rebuild Bridges Between And Inside The Professional Guilds – 1

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Do not re-burn them. The professional guilds lead a society and a country. They are in number five: theology, medicine, military arts, law, and pedagogy. When a society or a country is in disarray, look to dis-integration among and resulting desecration of duties within the professional…

The Professional Guilds Structure A University

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Always, the key to winning the constant struggle against the powers of non-being is protecting the professions: the five professional guilds and each of their action arms. Professional Guild Action Arm Theology Agriculture Medicine Project Management Military Arts Engineering Law Mining-Metallurgy Pedagogy Architecture A university comprises…

The Professional Guilds Have Seen Their Authority Usurped

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Rudi Dutschke’s strategy and Gramsci’s tactics for desecrating institutions of The Latin Church worked because the institutions, the professional guilds, already had fragmented, dis-integrated, due to members forgetting their unity as leader component of every human group. Also, so-called social scientists and political scientists laid stratagems…

Re-Integrate The Professional Guilds

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Yes, thank you, Helen, for the request: Specifically, re-integrate practitioners of the five professions — theology, medicine, military arts, law, pedagogy — and their correlating action arms — agriculture, project management, engineering, mining-metallurgy, architecture. Open communications between them and their guilds. Convene colloquia comprising at least one member…

Protect The Professional Guilds

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste BLUF: We should talk about protecting professionals in the discharge of their duties. We should not talk about the vagaries of conservatives, liberals, progressives, genders, races, political parties, etc. Common thought takes as fact divisions over policies as well as general outlooks on life. Common commentators…

Power Emerges From Authority

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Mao said that power emerges from the barrel of a gun. The central task of theology is to demonstrate by reference to experience where authority can be found. The central task of political philosophy is to demonstrate by reference to experience where authority can be found.…

Condemn Theft Of Authority

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Theft of authority. Election fraud is a first-glimpse take on the situation today. At depth, it is theft of authority. The socialist business model rests in theft of authority. Judicial and Legislative Branches have committed or permitted theft of authority in this specific instant of election…

The Voice Of Reason: The Christian Liturgical Year

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste The Source-Code Of Western CivilizationIs The Christian Liturgical Year Holy Name, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,let it be known this day that you are The Living Truth in our hearts,and that we are your servants.Hear me, Gracious Master, hear me,that this people may know that…

Live Up To Your Role, Soldier: Letter To A Friend

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste I write to urge you to consider offering to serve your country and countrymen through an elected American civilian executive office.  Wherever you live now — I do not know where — the responsibilities of large city mayor, state governor, and/or POTUS are easily within the…

MAGA: Protect The Mother Country

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste 1- Rest the system of education in homeschools and private business / corporate apprenticeships and partnerships. 2- Defund public primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools. 3- Elect patriotic judges, sheriffs, election officials, prosecutors, tax assessors, school boards, mayors, town councils. 4- Form local Civil Defense Battalions attached…

Patience And Fortitude … And Civil Defense Battalions

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Driscoll plays his favorite game with quote from a fellow practitioner: Taunt The Anguished. Driscoll’s posts mostly play that game. It is sadism. Hayward and Mirengoff at Power Line also play it, pretty much exclusively. Patience and fortitude. Patience and fortitude. In context, which is not…

Lessons In Economy: Spiritual, Commercial, Political

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste First, lessons in spiritual economy: Archbishop ViganoEXC – The Great ResetBannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano Next, lessons in commercial economy: SundanceThere are Trillions at StakeThe Big Club and UniParty Opposition to President Next, lessons in political economy: The Rev. David R. GrahamTo Annihilate Political Subversion Stay clear…