The Professional Guilds Have Seen Their Authority Usurped

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Rudi Dutschke’s strategy and Gramsci’s tactics for desecrating institutions of The Latin Church worked because the institutions, the professional guilds, already had fragmented, dis-integrated, due to members forgetting their unity as leader component of every human group.

Also, so-called social scientists and political scientists laid stratagems subversive and overt a century-plus long to usurp leadership authority from the professional guilds.

Dutschke advocated a long march through the institutions, especially the professions. Before him, Gramsci advocated replacing truths with narratives, especially common sense with contrived ideologies. Had the professional guilds remained united, projects launched by Dutschke and Gramsci would have fizzled.

Bear in mind, projects launched by those rakshasas worked to desecrate institutions of The Latin Church, but they did not eliminated them. Nor will they.

People should take great care that their senses do not go astray and commit offences. Thinking evil, speaking evil and seeing evil can invariably lead to total ruin. For example, in the Mahabharatha, Duryodhana had evil thoughts about the Pandavas, and ultimately he brought destruction upon his entire family. The Ramayana had the story of Kaikeyi, who listened to the evil counsel of Manthara and so lost not only her husband but also the regard and love of her son Bharatha. No one today likes to be known by these infamous characters Duryodhana, Keechaka, or Ravana. But though their names are not favoured, the bad qualities associated with them have not been given up by mankind. Strive to give up evil looks, vicious speech, and the greed to give ear to evil counsel and slanderous gossip.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Donald Trump won the election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025. Joe Biden will never be POTUS, nor will Kamala Harris. They did not win this election and Kamala will not win an election for POTUS. Stealing an election is not winning an election. What is stolen never belongs to the one who stole it. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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