Re-Integrate The Professional Guilds

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Yes, thank you, Helen, for the request:

Specifically, re-integrate practitioners of the five professions — theology, medicine, military arts, law, pedagogy — and their correlating action arms — agriculture, project management, engineering, mining-metallurgy, architecture. Open communications between them and their guilds. Convene colloquia comprising at least one member of each profession. The purpose is to restore five-sided professional authority united as the leader component of any human group.

Self-allowed dis-integration of communications between the professional guilds at the start of the industrial revolution allowed industrialists to overwhelm civility and charity from one direction (private totalitarianism, e.g., Scottish Clearances and Child Labor) and then, in counter stroke, socialists to overwhelm civility and charity from the opposite direction (public totalitarianism, e.g., Communism and Fascism).

Now, as we see, industrialists and socialists realize they share the same spirit of rapacious totalitarianism and with that knowledge deploy themselves eagerly en masse to loot the wealth of nations.

Only reunited professional guilds can stand to defeat that power of evil. Reattach communications between the five professional guilds, and their correlating action arms, and structure and energy sufficient to ride out any storm and ride in any restoration is present.

BTW, the genuine structure of a university (turns to one) inheres in the structural authority of the five professions, and their action arms, united by open communications. There is your leader cadre. Integrated they make the world happy. Dis-integrated they let slip the world into hell.

Penance does not mean retiring to the forest and living on fruits and tubers. In fact such a life can be called a life of tamas (dullness) not penance (tapas). True penance lies in controlling one’s emotions, thoughts, words and deeds arising out of satwic, rajasic and qualities. One should contemplate on God at all times and achieve harmony in thoughts, words and deeds. He alone is a noble one, whose thoughts, words and deeds are in complete harmony. Do not be carried away by pain or pleasure. Bhagavad gita teaches: Sukha Dukhe Same Kruthwaa Labhaa Labhou Jaya Jayou – One should be even minded in happiness or sorrow, gain or loss, victory or defeat. One should discharge one’s duty and serve society without any expectation of reward. Such even mindedness and desireless state is true penance.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Donald Trump won the election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025. Joe Biden will never be POTUS, nor will Kamala Harris. They did not win this election and Kamala will not win an election for POTUS. Stealing an election is not winning an election. What is stolen never belongs to the one who stole it. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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