Protect The Professional Guilds

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste


We should talk about protecting professionals in the discharge of their duties. We should not talk about the vagaries of conservatives, liberals, progressives, genders, races, political parties, etc.

Common thought takes as fact divisions over policies as well as general outlooks on life. Common commentators use words like conservative, liberal, libertarian, progressive, fascist, socialist, communist, minimalist, authoritarian, totalitarian, etc. to reference not only political affairs but also medical, legal, religious, moral, cultural, and military affairs.

Thus, the entire epistemological, analytical enterprise gets deposited on vagaries of language which cannot support its weight. What, after all, is a conservative vice a liberal? One man’s conservative is another man’s liberal. One man is conservative about one thing and liberal about another. So, these descriptors — conservative, liberal, etc. — are useless for understanding and worthless for guiding.

Did liberals just overwhelm conservatives? Did democrats just overwhelm republicans? Did one party of one outlook on life just overwhelm another party of another outlook on life? Are we seeing competing ideologies, where one has just beaten another?

I say, No.

We are seeing desecration of the normal activities of the professional guilds.

Common commentators say America has gone mad and insane because one party — theirs — is not ascendant when it should be. In other words, commentators are taking American affairs as war or at least conflict between parties defined by ideological allegiance to conservatism, liberalism, totalitarianism, etc., whatever those things are.

Linguistic vagaries are asked to bear the weight of analytical regimes which are meant, a priori in fact, to attack or support policies and outlook implementations implied by those very regimes. Common commentators are zeros resting on self-referencing meaninglessness.

One’s analytical regime, to be useful, must rest on the actual structure of a society and nation, that which makes them work and gives them leadership during the inevitable VUCA of life. The professions are that actual structure. Mere words — especially those employed as social and political science descriptors — are hollow eggs, not universal structure.

Our crisis is due to desecration of the labors of professional guilds, not conflicting vagaries of language. Our professional guilds, like Sages’ Yajnas of some ancient times, for decades have watched almost helplessly as ogres and ogresses (rakshasas) inside and outside their precincts desecrated their labors, disrupted their duties, and defiled their terms of art.

The basic structure of human society is fixed and immutable. It manifests as the professional functions, of which there are five: theology, medicine, war-fighting, law, and pedagogy. These functions are equally important and together provide human society opportunities for harmony and happiness. When the activities of these functions are desecrated, regardless of how or by whom, the functions do not cease to operate, much less change, evolve, progress, or cease to exist, but they do cease ensuring for society in general success at exploiting opportunities for harmony and happiness.

The task at hand is to stop desecration of the labors of the professional guilds. The guilds themselves are fine, clean because they are integral with universal structure (Genesis 1:31), which cannot be desecrated. Desecration of the guilds’ labors, however, must stop, must be made to stop.

Who are the desecrators? Who are their leaders and financiers? Who are these ogres and ogresses defiling the sanctity of professionals’ precincts and the work of their thoughts, words, and deeds? What can be done to arrest and prevent acts which desecrate the ministrations of the five professional guilds?

Let a guild’s members, each and every, make their way about doing that. Let them remember God and plead with Him for help and not with political parties, GOs, or NGOs. Forthcoming from God help will be when pleading for it is sincere and one’s faculties and fortunes already are full-spent at the task of protecting one’s professional duties from desecration.

In ordinary conditions, the members of each professional guild are responsible for ensuring that the labors of their guild are not desecrated. Each theologian, each, medical doctor, each teacher, each warrior, each lawyer is responsible for preventing and stopping desecration of their guild’s activities. In extraordinary conditions, such as obtain today, divine intervention is required alongside sua sponte professional self-protection.

Theologians recognize desecrators by their eisegesis of reason, scripture, and tradition. Medical doctors recognize desecrators by their advocacy for human die-off, abortion being a piece thereof. Pedagogues recognize desecrators by their argument for plunge into partisan politics by way of unionization. Warriors recognize desecrators by their determination to force fleeting infatuations on fighting formations. Lawyers recognize desecrators by their resort to lawfare.

See Theft Of Authority For What It Is.

Everyone has five advisors in life. They are who, when, what, where and how. Before undertaking any action, answers should be got for these five questions. When the correct answers are got, the actions based on them will be right. People today act without concern for these factors. In this matter everyone can rely on his own judgement using his powers of observation and discretion. All instruments for this purpose are available to everyone in his organs of perception and action. In every limb and organ there is a divine power. This divine potency is called Angirasa.  The name is derived from the fact that the Divine is present in every Anga (limb) as a Rasa (essence). There is no need to search for the Divine outside yourself. You are Divine. All your powers are Divine potencies! Your life must be based on truth and righteousness. Develop the conviction that whatever happens to you is for good.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Donald Trump won the election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025. Joe Biden will never be POTUS, nor will Kamala Harris. They did not win this election and Kamala will not win an election for POTUS. Stealing an election is not winning an election. What is stolen never belongs to the one who stole it. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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