The Professional Guilds Structure A University

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Always, the key to winning the constant struggle against the powers of non-being is protecting the professions: the five professional guilds and each of their action arms.

Professional Guild
Action Arm




Project Management

Military Arts






A university comprises five five schools in five campuses, one school for each campus. Each school/campus has a subsidiary school and its campus: the school and campus of its action arm. The number of campuses is vitally important. Five is the ideal number for span of control. More that five is dis-integration. Less than five is collapse.

Schools for action arms may comprise speciality schools and require much space, such as for farming, shooting, forestry, assorted experiments, etc. Speciality schools function inside the authority of a school for the action arm of a school for a professional guild.

When a specialty school is desired, it tucks into the school for the action arm of its relevant school for a professional guild. For example, an equestrian school would tuck into the school for the action arm — agriculture — of the school for the profession of theology. A school for computer science would tuck into the school for the action arm — engineering — of the school for the profession of military arts. (DARPA, after all, invented the internet.)

A university is an institution which, literally, turns to one. Its output and outcome is unity or it is not a university.

It is true that health is wealth.  Dharmarthakamamokshanam arogyam moolamutthamam – Health is the fundamental requirement to achieve the four goals of human life, namely, dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desire) and moksha (liberation). However, once you attain the state of bliss, you can always enjoy good health. Man is deluded with the feeling that he can lead a blissful life by acquiring wealth and position of authority. Neither wealth nor position of authority can confer bliss on you. Bliss can be experienced only when you visualise unity in diversity. If you do not understand the principle of unity and attain bliss, all the service activities like construction of hospitals will be of little consequence. Everyone working in a hospital, be they doctors, nurses, paramedical staff or technicians, should have the spirit of unity. This hospital demonstrates the ideal of unity. All the staff in this hospital work with the feeling that they belong to one family.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Donald Trump won the election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025. Joe Biden will never be POTUS, nor will Kamala Harris. They did not win this election and Kamala will not win an election for POTUS. Stealing an election is not winning an election. What is stolen never belongs to the one who stole it. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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