Repair And Rebuild Bridges Between And Inside The Professional Guilds – 1

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Do not re-burn them.

The professional guilds lead a society and a country. They are in number five: theology, medicine, military arts, law, and pedagogy. When a society or a country is in disarray, look to dis-integration among and resulting desecration of duties within the professional guilds as the cause. Professional guilds, not ideas or movements, fix problems afflicting societies and individuals.

When untoward ideas and behavior afflict the body politic, such as threats and violence, organize colloquia of the five professional guilds. Do not organize sensitivity training re-education classes, teach-ins, professional conferences, or the like. Those are meant to foster chaos, not terminate it. From five-profession colloquia will emerge desirable fixings. Together they will end chaos. All five professions must participate in a colloquium.

Let the colloquia aim to reunite the professional guilds, manifest their authority, and reopen communications between them. Aim not to change attitudes or articulations or to introduce new ideas. Every idea needed is already present. Forebear attitudes and articulations. Guild members have forgotten salient ideas and chased after ephemeral ones.

Unity by communications between the professional guilds is not present. Desecration of their duties is the consequence. That is the problem requiring fix. Faulty ideas are not a problem so long as salient ones are remembered.

We suffer from lack of structure among and resulting desecration of duties within the professional guilds. We do not suffer from lack of good ideas or plethora of bad ones. The structure needed is the guilds’ five-ness in unity achieved by inter-and intra-guild communications. Five is nature’s strongest system as long as communications move between and within its elements.

Professional guilds united by communications end desecration of their respective duties and thereby terminate chaos in society.

Professionals perform their duties eagerly and effectively when obstructions are not thrown in their way. They need no incentives. Fulfilling their duties itself is satisfying reward for a theologian, a medical doctor, a teacher, a soldier, or a lawyer. Let the five professional guilds protect one another as a common system of leadership in society and nation. Let communications flow between and within them. This is what fixes problems arising in any human individual or group.

Reuniting the professional guilds is a project
of Lutherian proportions and consequences.

All objects in nature are transitory. They attract man and delude him. The objects that are temporary in nature will give only momentary happiness. The Vedas speak about the principle of ritam. It symbolises the truth that is changeless. All worldly objects undergo change. When you develop ritam, you will be able to understand the changeless and eternal Divinity. You may question, “How can I have the vision of God?” Oh man! Y ou don’t need to search for God! Wherever you see, He is there. He is imbued in every object. You are unable to see Him because you are deluded by external appearances. In fact, you are God yourself. Hence, the Veda exhorts man to develop faith that, “I am God and God is none other than myself.” Names and forms are many, but God is one. Sarvam khalvidam Brahma (verily all this is Brahman). Such unity in Divinity has to be realised. Satsang means experience of unity.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Donald Trump won the election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025. Joe Biden will never be POTUS, nor will Kamala Harris. They did not win this election and Kamala will not win an election for POTUS. Stealing an election is not winning an election. What is stolen never belongs to the one who stole it. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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