Hell-Raisers, Seditionists

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole They should be arrested for disturbing the peace. And hauled up on charges of sedition. Observed at scale, several geo-strategic phenomena arrest one’s attention by way of their systemic import. One is the failure of the Trump administration, in the company of numerous and distinguished nation-states, so…

Auguries Of Pandemic

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Trade is one type of communications.  When discussing trade, one is discussing communications.  A synonym for communications is logistics.  The root of the word logistics is the Greek word logos. Logos capitalized is Greek for Reason in Stoic mystical philosophers’ sense of universal and essential order…

Improvements Caused By This Pandemic

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Advocate against personal and national sovereign freedom and The dialectics of reality throw you into dramatic irony you find Unbearably bitter and some find deliciously despicable. In that double bind, you have no exit save detachment of ambitions. Thus stand China today . . . and…

Perversity Enfolds Truth

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Any perversity enfolds a kernel of truth Which operates to undo it. Complexio Oppositorum Everything in nature, man, and history Has a place in the Spiritual Community, The Church. For example: the D-R UniParty Enfolds the truth that Russia and And USA are friends and allies,…

Literary Symbols

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Not so long ago, An American using literary symbols For evil and/or good Repaired to The Bible Or Church iconographic history. Now, an American Seeking such symbols Repairs to fiction: To Lord of the Rings, To Star Wars, Harry Potter. The same American mourns American decline,…

Leader Development Reading List

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Leader Development should include reading in classical theological literature and literature influenced by classical theology.  Really, leaders per se cannot develop properly, which is to say, they cannot grow careers that bear sweet fruits, without the benefit of this nourishment. In April of 2001, when our…

TN-TS: The Not-Two Standard

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole My wife and I have set a standard for all American families.  I will name it The Not-Two Standard. We are not the first to set this standard, nor shall we be the last. But we have set it, and for all American families.  The standard…

Christian Families And Monasteries

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole The Church is embodying in a freedom movement presenting as national patriotism, meaning, honoring the parents both physical and spiritual. The Great Trump Awakening for national sovereignty contrasts with and outruns The Great Clinton/Bush/Obama Transgressions for global governance. No games.  No appeasing tyrants.  Never lose faith…

Christian Theology And Biblical Exegesis

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole From now on, it is impossible to do either Christian Theology or Christian Biblical Exegesis outside appreciative familiarity with Indian Theology and Indian Scriptural Exegesis. From now on, one cannot preach the Christian Gospel unless one also is able to preach the Ramayana, Gita, and Bhagavatha.…

The Gods Abandon, They Do Not Hate

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Glenn Reynolds: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make ridiculous. The gods must really hate higher education lately. Abandon, not hate.  The gods walked away from the schools, leaving them to self-destruction.  Hating the schools is a waste of time, and the gods are not…


The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole CIA was created/structured/tasked to promote the Globalist/Transgressive agenda their authors called liberal hegemony or liberal democracy.  OSS, claimed by CIA as their ancestor, had a completely different, and military, remit and was shut down before CIA was opened up.  Some OSS operators came to CIA, but…

And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Devin Nunes, podcast of historic interview, 20 December 2019, including Lee Smith and Ray Appleton, discussing Smith’s The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History. Transcript Creatures — all of them — are by…

Abandoned To Self-Destruction – Take 2

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Ecclesia, Academia, and Iudiciaria are abandoned to self-destruction.  Resort is made to Abbatia.  There The Spirit rests and recreates awaiting orders to reædificabo. All this evidence of corruption and decay is signage indicating that breath has gone out of the body.  Life has left it and…

Mau-Mauing Stampede

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). For generations, Progressives Transgressives — aka…


AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). The tragedy inside their whole outlook…

The Truth Matters, After All

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). The foundations are shaking, at last.…