Leader Development Reading List

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Queen St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Feeds The Poor

Leader Development should include reading in classical theological literature and literature influenced by classical theology.  Really, leaders per se cannot develop properly, which is to say, they cannot grow careers that bear sweet fruits, without the benefit of this nourishment.

In April of 2001, when our family were members at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Medina, WA, I offered, to the Rector and Vestry, to lead a year-long seminar titled Religious Basic Training For Leadership In The Family Of God for St. Thomas Members.  I received no answer.  One can see at the link that stipulations were made as to participants and their expectations and responsibilities, very stiff stipulations.  Religious training is significant, not trivial.  Also visible at the link is this schedule and reading list:

September/October 2001

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Primary: The Phenomenon of Man

Secondary: The Divine Milieu

Tertiary: The Future of Man

November/December 2001


Primary: The Hidden Words

Secondary: The Seven Valleys

Tertiary: God, His Manifestations, and Man

January/February 2002

Gregory Bateson

Primary: Mind and Nature

Secondary: Steps to an Ecology of Mind

A Sacred Unity: Further Steps to an Ecology of Mind

Tertiary: Angels Fear: Towards an Epistemology of the Sacred

March/April 2002

Valmiki/Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Ramakatha Rasa Vahini
(The Rama Story, Stream of Sacred Sweetness, Ramayana)

May/June 2002

Paulus Johannes Tillich

Primary: Systematic Theology Vols. 1-3

Systematic Theology, Vols. I, II, III

The Rev. Dr. Paulus Johannes Tillich

Secondary: Theology of Culture

Tertiary: A History of Christian Thought, ed., Carl E. Braaten

July/August 2002

Seers of Tibet

Bardo Thodol (The Tibetan Book of the Dead)

In April of 2014, I published here at Theological Geography the Adwaitha Hermitage Leader Reading List.  This list comprised the following:

Ramakatha Rasavahini

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Bhagavatha Vahini

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The Jerusalem Bible

The Order of Preachers (primarily)

A History of Christian Thought

The Rev. Dr. Paulus Johannes Tillich

Systematic Theology, Vols. I, II, III

The Rev. Dr. Paulus Johannes Tillich


William Shakespeare

Letters and On Illustrious Men

Saint Jerome and here

The Confessions and Against Pelagius

Saint Augustine


General of the Army Douglas MacArthur

R. E. Lee

Douglas Southall Freeman

Commentaries On The Gallic War (and here) (Wikipedia)

Roman Proconsul Julius Caesar

The Influence Of Sea Power Upon History,  1660-1783

A. T. Mahan

Travels In Arabia Deserta, Volume One, Volume Two

Charles Montagu Doughty

Advice To War Presidents: A Remedial Course In Statecraft — excerpts here

Angelo M. Codevilla

Leftism Revisited: From deSade And Marx To Hitler And PolPot

Erik von Luehnelt-Leddihn

The Templars: Knights Of Christ

Régine Pernoud

The Geographical Pivot Of History

Democratic Ideals And Reality

H. J. Mackinder

On The Plurality Of Civilizations

Feliks Koneczny

Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucester Cathedral

General Kenney Reports and here in PDF (31MB)

General George C. Kenney

MacArthur: 1941-1951 and here in PDF (46MB)

General Charles A. Willoughby

The Russian Way Of War

Lester W. Grau and Charles K. Bartles


Aleksandr Svechin

The Evolution Of Operational Art
See also Deep Operation/Battle

Georgii Samoilovich Isserson

A Fateful Error

George F. Kennan

A Return To Glory, and here, and here

Sunday In Hell: Pearl Harbor Minute By Minute, and here, and here

On Hallowed Ground: The Last Battle For Pork Chop Hill, and here, and here

Scrimmage for War: Pearl Harbor, Football and World War II, and here, and here

COL (R) Bill McWilliams, and here, and here

Code Breakers (Movie), and here

Bill McWilliams Biography

Authors Guild Page

Bill’s New Page at New USMA Class of 1955 Website

Von Clausewitz And Trinitarian Warfare

Christopher Bassford

The Hymnal 1940

The Hymnal 1940 Companion

Canon Charles Winfred Douglas, et. al., and here

The Phenomenon of Man and amusingly Contra

Pere Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Wassily Kandinsky: Life And Work

Will Grohmann / Wassily Kandinsky

Chartres: The Masons Who Built A Legend

John James

Three Brothers Doctrine

The Rev. David R. Graham

The Glenn Gould Reader

Tim Page

The Elements


The Monastery Of Horezu, In Walachia, Romania
The Monastery Of Horezu, In Walachia, Romania

The Coloring Books of Adwaitha Hermitage

MaryRuth C. Graham

Whole Foods Companion

Dianne Onstad

The Iliad


The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid

Homer and Virgil

Elements Of Military Art And Science and here and here

Henry Wager Halleck

The Song of Hiawatha

Tales of a Wayside Inn

The Courtship of Miles Standish

Dante’s Divine Comedy (Translation)

The Landlord’s Tale: Paul Revere’s Ride

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Quintivium: The Integration Of Inquiry

The Rev. David R. Graham

Wassily Kandinsky, Composition Number 9
Wassily Kandinsky, Composition Number 9

St. Francis of Assisi

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The Interior Castle

St. Theresa of Avila

Phänomenologie des Geistes and here

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein

John Cage (Wikipedia)

Military Geography: From Peace to War

COL (R) Dr. Eugene J. Palka and Francis A. Galgano

Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

Born Fighting

James H. Webb, Jr.

How The Scots Invented The Modern World

Arthur Herman

Scottish Highlanders

Charles MacKinnon of Dunakin

Brotherhood of the Bomb

Gregg Herken

Finally, in September of 2019, and specifically for the Theology and War Leader, I published here at Theological Geography two Leader Development Discussions, one on the importance of war and the necessity of The Learned Warrior:

and one on National Freedom and Sovereignty as the common interest of Theologians and Soldiers:

The foregoing reading materials are nourishment for Theology and War Leaders developing their character and skills in order to bear sweet fruit for their persons, their families, and their country.

For some ailments medicines are prescribed for external application while for others, they are given for internal use.  But for this universal ailment of the cycle of birth and death (bhava-roga), listening to spiritual discourses (sravana), singing God’s name (kirtana), and other medicines are prescribed for external and internal use.  One has to utter as well as hear the Lord’s name.  God has equal affection toward all His children just like the nature of light is to shed illumination on all.  Utilising that illumination, some can read good books and others can do their daily tasks, whatever they are.  So too, uttering God’s name, one can progress in the realisation of God, another can even do wicked deeds!  It all depends on how you use the light.  But the Lord’s name is without blemish, always and forever.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 21  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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