Nothing Happens Unless It Is Forced To Happen

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Queen St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Feeds The Poor

What If America Isn’t Able to Stop a Surprise Attack by China?

David Axe

Toward the end of his middling-decent analysis/essay, Axe reports of some brainiac who flashed on one of the ideas I put forth at this time last year:

— stationing US forces on the flanks of potential ChiCom lines of march eastward.

Two other ideas I put forth are not mentioned by Axe but are integral with the first one:

— stationing those US forces — reinforced battalion strength, may be termed Joint or Full-Spectrum Battalion Combat Teams — on the flanks of potential ChiCom lines of march to the north, east, south-east, and south, forcing ChiComs to contemplate multi-front warfare, a condition they abhor;

Three Brothers Allegiance Alliance with Russia and India.

Five Axioms Of Pacific Pathways

Axiom One

To de-ramp ChiCom hegemonics, USA must ally with Russia and India to that effect.

Axiom Two

To de-ramp Arab/Pan-African hegemonics, USA must ally with Russia and India to that effect.

Axiom Three

To de-ramp Euro-American Socialist hegemonics, USA must ally with Russia and India to that effect.

Axiom Four

USA, Russia, and India should invite Japan and Egypt into their circle of decision and force.

Axiom Five

Hegemons do not de-ramp unless forced to it.

In this context, the following paraphrase of an observation by A. T. Mahan (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783) is apposite:

War against a nation’s commerce will not bring said nation to surrender sovereignty.  Quite the reverse, it will cause the majority of the nation’s citizens, namely the kulaks, the working and middle classes who actually produce goods and services, to redouble efforts towards their own sovereignty.

This observation applies also to plots, inductions dangerous incubated and hatched by hegemons in every era and in ours by the Big Three: ChiComs (aka CCP), Euro-American Socialists (aka Globalists, Progressives, Liberals, Leftists), and Arab/Pan-African Imperialists (aka Salafi-Shiite Jihadis).  Actions by those three globalists against working and middle class American citizens’ commerce, to steal it from them, to fleece them, correlate with Mahan’s observation.

Here are expository remarks upon the three ideas first mentioned above, these also from early last year:

The INDOPACOM region, therefore, is an array of opportunities to station US ground combat forces aside the throat and into the belly that communicates nourishment to Chinese Communist/Socialists’ appetite for aggressive, hegemonic imperialism.

Land War In China And Against China Is A Rational Problem Set


Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks


The body is the temple of the individual, so whatever happens in that temple is the concern of the individual.  So too, the world is the body of the Lord, and all that happens in it, good or bad, is His concern.  From the observed fact of the individual and the body, know the truth of the unobservable fact of the Lord and the world.  The relationship of the individual and the Lord can be grasped by everyone who acquires three chief instruments: (1) a mind unsullied by attachment and hatred, (2) a speech unsullied by falsehood and (3) a body unsullied by violence.  Joy and peace do not inhere in external objects; they are in you yourself.  But in your foolishness, you search for them outside yourself in a world from which you are bound to depart, today or tomorrow.  Try to know the essence of everything, the eternal truth.  Try to experience the love that is God itself.  Discriminate at every turn, accepting what is true and discarding the rest.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 19  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Myron Ebell and Steven J. Milloy: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Update 2: Saudi Arabia to stop funding mosques in foreign countries

If he is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, this is important.

Update 3: Texas Domestic Terrorism Threat Assessment, January 2020

Update 4: Ray Fava: Revisiting the link between leftism and Islamism

Update 5: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

Update 6: Daniel Greenfield: The Future Does Not Belong to China

Update 7: Catherine Smith: Trump Proposes 21% Cut in U.S. Foreign Aid in 2021 Budget Proposal

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