Christian Theology And Biblical Exegesis

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Sacred Fire

From now on, it is impossible to do either Christian Theology or Christian Biblical Exegesis outside appreciative familiarity with Indian Theology and Indian Scriptural Exegesis.

From now on, one cannot preach the Christian Gospel unless one also is able to preach the Ramayana, Gita, and Bhagavatha.

From now on, we use Christian and Indian theological terminology and exegetical practices interchangeably where that is possible and correlatively for everything else.

From now on, we cross-illustrate theological and exegetical realities by referencing scenes and events in both Christian and Indian Theological History and Christian and Indian Holy Scriptures.

From now on, it is impossible to preach the Christian Gospel without pointing to Shirdi Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, and the coming — or, perhaps, recently arrived — Prema Sai Baba.

Sarva Dharma Symbol
Sarva Dharma Symbol

The great religions of man are Dharmas, roadways for working with God, for God, and to God all at once.  Taken together, they are Sarva Dharma, the full compliment of roadways divine.

Preaching must start from and point to Sanathana Dharma, Eternal, Unconditioned Truth.

Christianity is a species of Saivite Religion.  Elements of Vaishnavite Religion inside Christianity from its origin are emphasized by some Christians, especially Christians of The Greek Church, but the living root of Christianity is Saivism from India and Tibet, where Jesus the Christ lived the majority of His years in that body.

This is where we stand as Christians and as The Church.  This is Christian Apologetics today.  Nothing less or other is Logistical, Reasonable, Strong, Happy.

“Eating” doesn’t mean placing food on the tongue and tasting it; it is worthwhile only when food is chewed, swallowed, digested, assimilated into blood stream, and transformed into muscle and bone, into strength and vigour.  So too, spiritual understanding must permeate and invigorate all moments of life.  It must be expressed through all the organs and senses (karmendriyas and jnanendriyas).  One must pace up steadily and reach this high stage.  Mere accumulation of learning is not spiritual wisdom (jnana).  Only good conduct (sat-guna) is spiritual wisdom.  In order that one might do selfless service, a little eating (bhoga) has to be gone through.  Such eating is part of the sacrifice (yajna).  To make this body-machine function, the fuel of food has to be used.  Food is not sacrifice, but it makes sacrifice possible.  Therefore, eating food must not be laughed at as catering to greed or as feeding of the stomach.  It must be understood as part of worship.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 12  / Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1:

This is the WWIII President Trump seeking victory in Iran.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see Iran return to being one in which Zoroastrianism is the main religion of the country?  I’m certain if this were the case, that the leftists heads throughout the west would explode twice.

David R. Graham to dickhanson
Minority Zoroastrian, majority Baha’i, who are related.

dickhanson to David R. Graham
That will work as well.  Make Iran Baha’i/Zoroastrian Again!

David R. Graham to dickhanson
That would fit the history nicely indeed.

Mt Geoff-Debbie to David R. Graham
Baha’i is an offshoot from Islam rather than Zoroastrianism.  Both religions are more peaceful and less arrogant than Islam’s leaders tend to make that religion.  I’ve done some reading about each of them and I don’t find their theology very convincing; they’d still make better neighbors than the mullahs do.

David R. Graham to Mt Geoff-Debbie
It is more accurate to say that Baha’i is a reform of Islam in the direction of Mutazilite Islam, away from both Shiia and Asharite (Salafi) Islam but a progeny of Zoroastrianism.  Founder of Baha’i is of Persian ancestry pre-Shiite invasion, descendent of Cyrus, IIRC.

Baha’i is a Faith, not strictly a religion.  And they have no clergy, which is where The Church is headed, too.  Baha’i Faith is something new, genuinely Godly, a fresh restatement of eternal verity: the unity of man in God because his nature is divine.  Christianity shares with Bah’i a high view of man and his destiny.  Islam has a low view of both, thus Moslems’ incessant disturbance and violence, never happy.

Persia is Aryan, non-Semitic.  Shiites to Persia were Arab (Semitic) refugees expelled by Sunnis from Arabia for heresy (aka improper dynastic succession/authority claim).

Zoroastrianism is Vedic religion in a Persian garb.  Christianity, too, is Vedic religion, Saivite, to be exact, via Tibetan Buddhism, but in Semitic garb.  Persian is an Indo-European language.  Hebrew and Arabic (Semitic languages) are not Indo-European languages.  Indian Theology/Spirituality is the source of our central Doctrine of the Trinity.  Jesus the Christ lived most of His years, before and after His Resurrection, in India, Srinagar, to be precise.

Have fun. 🙂

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