The Gods Abandon, They Do Not Hate

Grey Bear

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Glenn Reynolds: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make ridiculous. The gods must really hate higher education lately.

Abandon, not hate.  The gods walked away from the schools, leaving them to self-destruction.  Hating the schools is a waste of time, and the gods are not stupid.

BTW, the gods have done the same to the churches and synagogues.  And that, too, shows clearly.  Long since the gods abandoned the mosques to self-destruction.

In fact, the gods’ abandoning religious institutions to self-destruction preceded their abandoning schools to self-destruction, since schools come second in the order of causation after religious institutions.  Next after schools in the order of causation come governments . . . .

Scott Johnson: Even more surprising than fake religion from Pete Buttigieg is fake religion from the formidable Timothy Cardinal Dolan.  In his Christmas Eve New York Post column A Christmas lesson on housing the poor, Cardinal Dolan writes: The Son of God was homeless; his earthly parents were immigrants and refugees.

Joseph and Mary had a home in Nazareth.  They traveled to Bethlehem on Roman order for census/taxation.  The text makes this clear.  Travel within your own country, in this case the Roman Province of Samaria/Judea, is ordinary movement, not immigration.  Later, they were temporary residents in Egypt (recapitulating the story of Israel), still on Roman soil, so not refugees, and then returned home to Nazareth, also Roman soil.  Their temporary resident status in Egypt was caused by Jewish, not Roman, civil authority, and it was temporary.  Again, the texts make this clear.  The gods of reason have abandoned the Cardinal to self-destruction.  That is a good thing actually, right to happen, auspicious.  Fake religion indeed.  Too much meat and toddy.

For Christians since the era of Liberal Protestant Theology, late 19th Century, and Jacobin Jesuit Theology, since 1942, confusion traces to Christians being fed irrational exegesis and straight up eisegesis, such as this from Dolan, on the Parable of the Good Samaritan by clergy and soi-disant theologians.

That one parable has been made the occasion for a host of collectivist, aka demonic, ecclesial and public policy, to include taxation, economy regulation, military, diplomatic, and financial aggrandizement, and communistic academic indoctrination.

One little parable of vital importance twisted into something it is not, and voila, hell on earth.  Quite some monitory, and with luck improving, drama that.

The gods of reason abandoned the clerical bench some years ago.  This of Cardinal Dolan’s is one inevitable result.  Believe the gods of reason had a perfectly good reason for abandoning the clerical bench even if we do not know what that reason is.

Paridell1 to David R. Graham
Of course Joseph and Mary (and Jesus) were refugees in Egypt.  Their journey there is known as the Flight into Egypt because they were fleeing the Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem.  The Flight into Egypt closely parallels the flight of the Protestant Huguenots from the persecution of Louis XIV – which is the origin of the word “refugee”.

The fact that Bethlehem and Egypt were both ruled by the Romans is neither here nor there.  It is perfectly possible to be a refugee from one part of a jurisdiction to another.  Have you not heard of the French refugees flocking into Paris in 1940?

David R. Graham to Paridell1
You are looking at this through your own assumptions, not through those of Jesus and Evangelists.  The Flight to Egypt recapitulates the Sojourn of Israel in Egypt.  It was a temporary residential arrangement in both cases, in both cases because of dire conditions in the home country.

Only, in the 1st Century version both Judea and Egypt were home country, Rome, a condition reflected today in the fact that Egypt and Israel, states of, are at peace and trade.

The NT is written against the backdrop of OT (Hebrew Bible) hagiography, as fulfillment of the latter.  We are dealing here with hagiography, rooted in history, but not merely recital of events, than which nothing is more impossible.  The hagio bit is key and the OT sets the pattern.

No one moving within the Roman Empire could be a refugee.  St. Paul and St. Jerome relied on that fact and were proud and confident to say so.

Europeans returning home after WW II had been outside their home jurisdiction, thus refugees.  1st Century persons moving between Judea and Egypt were transients, not refugees.  You advance an incomparable correlation, which is a fallacy of logic.

What exactly is the meaning of ‘Sai Baba’?  Sai means Sahasrapadma (thousand lotuses), Sakshatkara (realisation or direct experience of the Lord), etc., Ayi means mother, and Baba means father.  Thus, ‘Sai Baba’ means “He who is both Father and Mother and the Goal of all yogic endeavour”, or “The ever-merciful Mother, the All-wise Father, and the Goal of all spiritual efforts”.  When you are groping in a dark room, you must seize the chance when someone brings a lamp into the room.  You have to hurriedly collect your belongings scattered there or discover where they are located and do whatever else needs to be done.  Similarly, make the best of this chance when the Lord has come in human form to your very door and get ready to save yourself from disaster!  The undue importance now attached to the satisfaction of sensual desires must diminish as a result of your association with sacred books and saintly personages.

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, February 26, 1961

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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