The Vote And The Ballot

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. What lawful claim has one who abominates their country to vote in that country’s elections? What lawful claim has one who abominates a country to vote in that country’s elections? What lawful claim has a political party who abominates a country to representation on a country’s election ballot?…

COCOM Revisits

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. In the grasp and design of US Foreign Responsibility and Policy, I have focused on the importance of the Combatant Commands, aka COCOMs. I have been dissatisfied with both the demarcation and the composition of the present system of COCOMs. I remain so. While I believe the COCOMs…

Little Man In The Promised Land

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. You already are in The Promised Land. You do not have to cross over the river to enter The Promised Land. You are in it. You have it. This is what it is, all of it. This is who you are, all of you. If you crossed over…

Teilhard, Big Data, And Zoom

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Zoom Research The original complaint against Zoom was that they lied about encryption, saying Zoom had it when it did not. It still does not, thus the high number of people able to use Zoom on one session, although they say they have added E2EE (End To End…


As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Does relevance mean desirability on the right gigs and cocktail circuits? A culture needs only a handful of intellectuals, culture leaders, and at any given time has only a handful. This murmuration of individuals self-identifying as intellectuals, culture leaders, cannot be intellectuals, culture leaders, because they are a…

July 4, 1802: West Point Opens Officially

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Transcript Todd Starnes: Heavily Armed “Black Militia” Swarms Stone Mountain on Independence Day Southern Californians respond to banon Fourth of July celebrations. Poornima means effulgent Full Moon. Guru means (Gu – ignorance; Ru – destroyer) He, who removes the darkness and delusion from the heart and illumines it…

Ora Et Labora

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Jan Hus, Jacques De Molay, or Jean D’Arc these fellows are not. Nor Madam Guyon. I am sorry, Scott, that you and two of your fellow bloggers here must undergo this humiliation and defeat. It is bitter, I know. My Ivy seminary did this devaluation to my pride of accomplishment…

The American Clearances

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. BLUF: the goal of our ruling class (oligarchs) and their satraps (bureaucrats/experts) is to turn the USA into regions of the planet administered by a global governance regime based somewhere. Over that where our oligarchs are not in agreement: Beijing, Washington D.C., or Ankara/Mecca/Tehran. Lipizzaners An actor’s failure…

A Constitutional Republic Under The Rule Of Law

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. A summary of Counselor Powell’s suggestions for restoring faith in our judicial system: Fire every DOJ prosecutor and FBI agent who has violated the Brady rule [to produce exculpatory evidence to the defense up to and beyond sentencing], criminalized innocent conduct, made up a crime against a person,…

Die Or Live

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. The ideas and pronouncements of others may often be personal, or they may induce feelings of hatred between people. Why should we accept them as ours and mould our feelings accordingly? We should not try to shape our feelings and patterns of behaviour to conform to those of…

The Facts And The Truth

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. BLUF: FLOTUS Trump Keep searching for the facts, but never lose scent of the truth. Facts embody truth, shielding truth from easy viewing, making truth not obvious or easy to grasp, so that truth has to be sussed out from facts, beaten out of them if necessary, while…

There’s A Criminal Conspiracy In There

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Criminal conspiracy indeed. Flynn was/is? the door to revealing it. It is American elected, appointed, and hired decision-makers embedding the Moslem Brotherhood, their cloud of Salafi fronts, fellow travelers, and IRGC allies inside DOJ, DOD, DHS, DOS, CIA, Treasury, White House and virtually all agencies. In other words,…

Russia Is Friend, Pakistan Is Enemy

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union by Webster G. Tarpley April 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War, which began when Confederate forces opened fire upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The following essay by Webster Tarpley, tells about the largely…

Viganò: The Voice Of The Magisterium

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. A Pagan–Christian Contrast The Fall Of Jerusalem The Arch Of Titus The Arch of Titus stands today.The Temple of Solomon does not. President Trump Tweets Thanks To Archbishop Viganò Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganòAddress to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on Fratelli Tutti: here,…

The Matter Of Force

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Background Forces Kurt Schlichter on the difference between kinetic and information warfare: This Leftist Tantrum Is an Information Operation and Trump Is Winning It Certain intending oligarchs of religion, academe, medicine, law, military, and industry have launched a show of force against The Constitution Of The United States…

Leaders: Find, Feel, And Face The Facts

As is the feeling,So is the result. Thandava And Christian Culture The Doctrines of The Church are descriptions of experience recapitulated and independently verified again and again over the millennia during operations in the soteriological battlespace. The Scriptures of The Church are logistical ur-text, conceptual/literary models for verbal articulation of those descriptions. Experience supports the