Viganò: The Voice Of The Magisterium

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

The Arch of Titus stands today.
The Temple of Solomon does not.

President Trump Tweets Thanks To Archbishop Viganò

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on Fratelli Tutti: here, and here, and here.

Never doubt for one instant, Foster, the efficacy of prayer.

Archbishop Vigano:
Open Letter To POTUS 25 October 2020, Solemnity of Christ The King

Archbishop Vigano:
EXC – The Great Reset: Bannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano

Maike Hickson:
Archbishop Viganò discusses the Great Reset,
gives hope in light of Our Lady of Fatima

Robert Moynihan:
The Vigano Tapes

Archbishop Vigano:
On The Russia-Ukraine Crisis

One who condemns oneself day and night as petty and weak can never accomplish anything. One who thinks that one is unlucky and low thereby becomes unlucky. Instead, when you cultivate the awareness that you are a spark of God, that you have as your reality Divinity Itself, you can become really divine, and you can have command over all powers. As you feel, so you become (Yad bhavam, tat bhavati). It is how you feel that matters most. That is the basis for all that you are. Have faith in the Atma, the Self. In its absence, you are reduced to a monster, reveling in vice and wickedness. Your forefathers achieved prosperity, peace, and joy and successfully attained their goals through that faith alone. Remember, when you lose faith, you are certain to fall, for faith is the very breath of life. Faith in the Self is the expression of the Divine (Shiva) principle. Faith will endow one with all forms of power and render you full and complete (purna).

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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