Russia Is Friend, Pakistan Is Enemy

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

New York City, 1925
Seal Of The Moravian Church
U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union

by Webster G. Tarpley

April 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War, which began when Confederate forces opened fire upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The following essay by Webster Tarpley, tells about the largely untold alliance between President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Tsar Alexander II, which by many accounts was key to the North winning the U.S. Civil War, sealing the defeat of the British strategic design.

This elegant essay dates from 25 April 2011 at VoltaireNet, a Leftist/French publication, as one would expect from its name.

It notes a set of historical facts and indulges assessments of their consequences which prefigure and justify Three Brothers Doctrine.

A PDF of the essay is here, in case the link above the left column rots.

Officials and un-officials populating Washington D.C. since WWII have made a habit of throwing American boys and girls, men and women, into wars without naming much less targeting and extirpating the ur-enemies who started them. Washingtonians have grown accustomed to endless waring using America’s sons and daughters, excepting their own. Winning wars is rather the opposite of how Washingtonians deliberate, advise, and direct since WWII.

Washington D.C. is inimical to peace.
Not a few foreigners have said this.

Some time ago I read report that very soon after his inauguration POTUS Trump gathered the country’s senior military leaders and told them he would not go to war with them because they are losers.

The reliability of the report is unknown to me. It sounds like him, but I cannot verify the report’s accuracy.

More to the point, such as statement addressed to USA senior military leaders, generals and admirals, would be accurate. With few exceptions, our generals and admirals have neither advocated winning not won a war since GA MacArthur was relieved of command in Tokyo.




West Point leaders made the 74-years old POTUS face the June New York sun for three hours then descend a steep metal ramp lacking railings and traction aids while wearing leather-soled shoes, standard dress for men of his position. The Supe wore rubber-soled shoes. It was an ambush.
POTUS speech starts at @ 9:14:25 minutes.

David R. Graham
Churches, high rises, and mansions next. Then bridges and freeway overpasses. Four battalion-strength teams could grind the lower 48 to a halt in 24 hours or less. One on the east coast, one on the west coast, one in the east midwest, one in the west midwest.

mrdoug1 to David R. Graham
Honestly, if they could duplicate or exceed what Al Qaeda did on 9/11, they absolutely would, with gusto.

David R. Graham to mrdoug1
Oh, I think they have more than that in mind. The 9/11/01 attack was a recon in force, to test responses, not a main battle action.

And the rioters are not important, merely cannon fodder, like the pilots and crews of those airliners on 9/11/01. Their financiers and level 2 organizers are important.

Best I can see, DOJ is going after the cannon fodder, not the financiers and level 2 organizers. Same cover-up/misdirection as after 9/11/01. A genuine response would be organizing civil defense battalions attached to LEO agencies.


Much is written about insurgency and counter-insurgency warfares. What they are, how to address them, how to defeat them. These doubts trouble many. Writing and lecturing about them fills many a canapé plate and cocktail shaker.

Does anyone write or lecture about preventing insurgency warfare or ending it?

Who writes and lectures seriously about uprooting an insurgency, latent or patent, yet continues to receive invitations to desirable cocktail parties?

The cards are stacked in favor of enthusing over endless wars, little ones, bigger ones, but never decisive ones. Never winning. Never victory. For a host of irrational and fatuous reasons.

Take Afghanistan for example. A military logistical master stroke delivers a reeling blow to a minor host of the cannon fodder who flew American airliners into American persons and properties on 11 September 2001. Yet, principals of the counter-attack — POTUS, Secretaries, agency heads, Generals, Admirals, industrialists, think tankers — ignored and in numerous cases welcomed to their privatim major hosts, US-and foreign-based, of the same cannon fodder.

They [Washington D.C.] are not serious [about GWOT], said to me a retired senior military officer in 2007 when he shouldered high national responsibility as a civilian in command of a segment of critical US infrastructure.

The inner truth of the Washington D.C. establishment Intelligence/Foreign Policy Establishment is that while all are sworn, or assumed to desire, to protect and defend The Constitution Of The United States Of America, almost all act at every turn to protect and defend their careers in Washington D.C. or its outlying organizations.

Patriots and public servants they are not. Quite the opposite. They are self-promoters

Richard Grenell says truly that the conflict today is between Washington D.C. and the rest of the country, not Democrats and Republicans.

And through all this welter of change and development, your mission remains fixed, determined, inviolable: it is to win our wars.

GA Douglas MacArthur
12 May 1962, United States Military Academy
Speech Upon Accepting Sylvanus Thayer Medal

GEN (R) David Petraeus swore an oath to protect and defend The Constitution Of The United States Of America. So has every officer of the US Armed Forces. None has sworn an oath in public to put stars on their shoulders.

Petraeus failed to tell POTUS what he, POTUS, and virtually every commander in Afghanistan knew: Pakistan is an enemy who must be defeated because they protect and defend the Salafi/Pashtun insurrection in Afghanistan, or, American assets exit Afghanistan. Petraeus and the rest knew Pakistan is the upstream cause of downstream mayhem by Talibunnies.

They lived a lie, they spent American lives and treasure to support a lie, the lie that AQ and the Talibunnies — Salafism writ large — are the sole and sufficient target of American diplomatic, financial, and military action. And even those assets they did not commit seriously to winning the war. Living that lie cost Petraeus his honor and opened him to despoliation by adultery.

Peaches Petraeus and fellow starred officers used the hopes and trust poured into their commissions by mothers and fathers of America to self-aggrandize rather than to defeat their nation’s enemies. They have cared more for their branch of service and their place in it than for their country and their place in it.

The duties of senior officers include (1) the responsibility accurately to identify their country’s enemies, (2) all the way to the top of that enemy’s chain of command, (3) so to advise POTUS on pain of resigning in protest if, (4) that command structure, in toto, is not given to US Armed Forces to force into unconditional surrender then, (5) follow through by standing up locally-supported civil authority not aggressive towards America.

Retired Generals H. R. McMaster and Barry McCaffrey, West Point ’84 and ’64 respectively, faulted Vietnam-era starred officers for not doing that. Then they themselves failed to do that when in like conditions.

LTG Victor Krulak did identify the true enemy in Vietnam to POTUS Johnson and counseled POTUS Johnson to win the war there. He was passed over for promotion in consequence of that frank discharge of his general’s responsibility, and then LTG Krulak retired.

Pakistan is an enemy of The United States Of America.

Any American activity in MENA — diplomatic, financial, or military — automatically excites direct opposition from three MENA nation states: Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey. This simplifies identifying America’s enemies in MENA. They self-identify. All three are in thrall to Jihadis: Turkey and Pakistan to Salafi Jihadis — the Moslem Brotherhood in their fronts and offspring — and Iran to Shiite Jihadis.

Jihadis unite regardless their origin.
They are Moslem/Sharia supremacists.

Saudi, Qatar, Syria, and Lebanon are intermittent and therefore unreliable friends of The United States Of America.

Unreported and likely unseen by generals, admirals, and the rest of the so-called Intelligence/Foreign Policy Establishment nearly all since 26 December 1991. are two decisive facts:

China Is Enemy!

Russia Is Friend!

Russian and American interests align throughout MENA and beyond. In fact, no where on the face of the globe do Russian and American interests conflict save only, perhaps, in the Arctic, where differences can be both tolerated and mitigated.

An American order of battle in Europe — if one is wanted, despite one being needless — would intend to forestall West Germanic tribes marching east — again — not to forestall East Germanic tribes — Slavs — marching west.

USA and Russia should share the burden of each other’s sovereign freedom and include India in that disposition and formula. Japan and Egypt should be added to the structure, whose major components are USA, Russia, and India.

The Vedas have declared, “Revere the mother as God, father as God, and preceptor as God.” In daily existence, they are gods for worldly purposes. For the human body, the mother, father and preceptor are to be deemed as divine. But for the pursuit of life, the Supreme Divine is the only God. There is another Sanskrit saying that hails God as mother, father, kinsman, friend, wealth, knowledge, and in fact the Supreme Lord of everything. This means that for the spiritual life, God is everything. The mother and father are residents of the home. The preceptor dwells in his ashram. But God is the indweller of the heart. Only God can reside in the heart. It is true that mother, father, and preceptor are divine, but they are not entitled to dwell in the heart. They have to be revered, adored, and made happy. God alone deserves to be worshipped. God is nearer to man than his mother, closer than even the father. To give up such God is a heinous sin. This is the truth proclaimed by Sai.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Pakistan Remains ‘Safe Haven’ for ‘Terrorist Groups’: US Report

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