Teilhard, Big Data, And Zoom

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

New York City, 1925
Seal Of The Moravian Church

Zoom Research

The original complaint against Zoom was that they lied about encryption, saying Zoom had it when it did not. It still does not, thus the high number of people able to use Zoom on one session, although they say they have added E2EE (End To End Encryption) as an option. Recently, China-born Zoom chief Eric Yuan told the truth: Zoom is not encrypted, implying not suitable for opsec/comsec use.

Zoom’s principal threat was/is when used as an app. It loaded itself with code that can access data on a device and perhaps on a hard drive. It is not clear that the app still loads with that code, or does not. Assurances one way or another by ChiCom-related organizations, such as Zoom, are prima facie unbelievable, as per CCP’s record on this virus of theirs and a myriad other war fronts where they operate.

Accessed through a browser, Zoom is safER than through an app because browsers sandbox data they receive from a server from data on a device or hard drive. This is SOP for browsers, has to be, or they would not survive market pressure.

Still, Zoom’s lack of encryption and proven penchant for non-transparency regarding data harvesting, gate crashing, and hookups commends its use to, at most, public, open source comms precluding anything private or sensitive, anything requiring opsec/comsec.

Checks should be frequent to ensure that even Zoom accessed through a browser has not begun to run cracking code that exfiltrates the browser’s sandbox to private data on a device or hard drive.

TikTok surveillance app invades
privacy more than does Zoom.

Recent Open-Source Reports

June 2015: Chinese Cabbage: Imperialism with Chinese Characteristics
April 2020: Is Zoom safe to use? Here’s what you need to know
June 2020: Zoom security issues: Here’s everything that’s gone wrong (so far)
July 2020: China engaged in large-scale campaign to subvert U.S. government, private sector: FBI
July 2020: FBI director: China seeks to become sole superpower ‘by any means necessary’… and how China is illicitly targeting U.S. communications the same way it has targeted education, research, and personal data ….
July 2020: From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Owned by China’: 20 deals show how China is gobbling up U.S. assets

Big Data

Nothing in life is free. Zoom, Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc., do not give away tens of millions of dollars worth of bandwidth every months for free. They want — and take — what is called Big Data, mass profiling, unmasking for a mass of purposes mercantile and statist.

In addition to lying about their encryption, Zoom has a history — at least a strong presumption — of linking meetings on their service to PLA/CCP Big Data servers and analytics. Who knows to what extent? Even if they have stopped that linkage — doubtful because they need only link through a third party’s facilities to be able to say they do not do it — they should be assumed to be amassing Big Data via voice-recognition, facial recognition, call indexing, and screen-shots of agendas, reports, pictures, briefs, charts, etc.

Asian nations used those things — massively compiled (Big Data) sold/purchased and passed through algorithms (sieves) — to contact trace their citizens for Wuhan virus detection, propagation, and intervention.

Police arrive at your door with an arrest/quarantine warrant, for your own good, not because you are Jewish or insufficiently enthusiastic about The Leaders’ latest vision, but because an algorithm scraping someone’s Big Data bin flagged you for your online, travel — think: smart car, smart phone, smart plane, smart bus, smartly passing your locations, with neighborhood details, to someone’s Big Data smart server farm — voluntary organization, socializing, disposable income spending, and other activities as evidence of someone who needs help to stay well in these trying times. By coming with us, please.

That is how it works in China and less rigorously but to effect in the rest of Asia. Not a few here, in industry, education, law, religion, and government, are keen to work the same here, and vigorously.

Zoom, Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc. are known proponents, past if not also present, of Big Data development and deployment for profit and social/political control. Nudging its practitioners call it. What they give for free here, in view, they take there — and much more — not in view. The house always wins because the house controls the game.

For most small groups handling non-private information, use of Zoom probably is not dangerous. Believe, however, that the service is not free. Something of value to Zoom and its sponsors is being extracted by Zoom at every session, and that includes contact and location information of session participants at least. Potential second, third, and fourth order contact information reaches large numbers quickly and exactly as Big Data users wish it to do.

Because Zoom is not E2EE, a group using Zoom has few defenses against an unwanted session lurker or scraper or against who/whatever scans the group’s session data at Zoom’s server farms.

Furthermore, a session scanner (real time or later) at a server farm may be not only Zoom, depending on who owns the server farms and how they run it. Zoom may not now mainline you to PLA/CCP Big Data servers and analytics, but do you know that they do not, and do you know that the owners of their server farms do not?

Exhibit A:

  • Ingram Micro — HNA Group bought California-based IT company Ingram Micro in 2016 for $6 billion.
  • China’s HNA Group was founded in 1993 and grew exponentially over the next 20 years (thanks in part to a sizeable investment by billionaire George Soros). Ingram Micro touts itself as “the global leader in technology and supply chain operations” and the “leading global cloud ecosystem and digital commerce platform,” generating $50 billion in annual revenue from operations across six continents (customers in more than 160 countries). HNA now controls all Ingram Micro operations. (HNA previously held a 25% stake in Hilton Hotels and formed a partnership with ride-sharing app Uber, among other major U.S. investments).

So pick your poison. When you are outside E2EE, you are inside Big Data and you are not getting out of it. You have choices as to how much of you you want to give the data scrapers by whether or not you use their service.

Your inner core, your divine self, of course, you cannot give away. Scrapers find that inner core, to their displeasure, out of reach. Perhaps treasure is best laid up there.

A Theological-Geographic Observation

Underlying the totality of this phenomenon — Big Data, free stuff, social credit/control, disease invention/prevention/intervention — is a grand historical phenomenon: all earth’s nooks and crannies are known, the Age of Discovery is completed and gone. There are no new physical frontiers. The globe appears to be now a closed system, offering no opportunity to open new lands and trade routes.

Space is silent land unsupportive of terrestrial life, which depends absolutely on dirt, water, and vegetation.

Man qua man is thrown back on himself because he has no where new to go. While his first instinct, as when discovering or making something new, is to install boundaries at its extents, consigning to himself sole proprietorship and use of everything inside the same, when nothing new can be discovered or made, man’s impulse for demarcation and ownership has a no audience, no subject, no predicate, no ground on which to play. Man is played out with respect to the physical domain of his multi-domain existence. Here we are today.

Rome, for example, seals the northern, southern, eastern, and western ports on the Mediterranean Sea, making that body a closed system — Mare Nostrum — worked now solely for Rome’s enjoyment.

Francis Fukuyama rightly feels the truth
then wrongly expresses it.

Software is equipment, like a pencil, as is hardware. Their owners’ first instinct, we observe, is to make those assets a closed system. Gate them, charge for entry and exit, or deny either, as China is doing at the East and South China Seas, the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea.

As much as possible do mercantilists and statists compel persons — employees, customers, dependents, anyone they can round up — to confinement in their proprietary closed system.

Big Data is being employed to facilitate certain oligarchs’ desire to close off, finally, the entire globe, man’s complete physical domain, to sole proprietorship and use by owners of personnel, equipment, and regulations that execute Big Data collection, processing, and decisions-making. To wit, oligarchs.

So now, at global scale, with no space remaining for creation of new closed systems, Big Data owners — mercantilists and statists (oligarchs) — see the globe itself, in toto, as the system to be closed for dedication to their private enjoyment. Big Data is their toolbox for accomplishing that self-made and anything-but-sensible mission.

Here in USA, mercantilists ride uneasily but necessarily with statists to make of mankind’s multi-domain a single proprietary and closed system — rules-based global order mercantilists and statists call it — worked and forced by appeal to the science of Big Data owners’ desired outcomes as specified by algorithmic sieves they engineer to the purpose. What I want, Big Data can be made to model as settled science. And that is that. No scrutiny allowed or necessary because: science. This is a scam.

In China, mercantilists have to be statists, China statists. And whereas state used to mean nation state, one among many such, each sovereign, now state means — among mercantilists and statists — every nook and cranny on and under the globe’s surface: one state, alone sovereign, no nations. Mercantilists and statists conjure Big Data in order to justify and accomplish a private mission, masquerading as a public good, called Global Governance.

Jihadists suckle a version of this vision, themselves in charge: universal Sharia Law.

Something like but very unlike this scenario Père Pierre Teilhard de Chardin anticipated fragmentarily just from observing evolutions, involutions, and devolutions in geological formations. Teilhard saw a liberation and delectation, which is natural, as in the geological record, rather than an oppression and depression, which although common enough, is fleeting because un-natural.

Looking wide and far but always from the geological/ethnographic record, Teilhard saw the physics of cultural complexity and compaction issuing in fresh, dynamic spiritual stasis necessarily global in scale:

  • physical compaction heats the globe’s psychological and spiritual temperatures;
  • complexification induced by massively redundant lines of communication, themselves agents of physical compaction and therefore of rising social/planetary heat, wring the globe of psychological and spiritual dross;
  • a sudden polymerization, attendant upon the wringing, yields a fresh, dynamic spiritual stasis (Christogenesis) comprising religion, culture, and morality around the world.

Man thrown back on himself is man given opportunity to delve into his abiding truth and saturate himself in the eternal sweetness of his own nature, which is divine. One observes that, in military affairs, the virtues of truth and happiness cannot be gainsaid.

Notwithstanding China’s efforts to deny reality, physical expansion across the planet is completed, and spiritual expansion is indicated so that happiness is achieved and maintained. Life is expansion, expansion is life. Proper conduct protects those who protect proper conduct.

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur referenced this reality while aboard the USS Missouri atop Tokyo Bay on 02 September 1945:

The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advance in science, art, literature and all material and cultural developments of the past two thousand years. It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.

You already are in The Promised Land. You do not have to cross over the river to enter The Promised Land. You are in it. You have it. This is what it is, all of it. This is who you are, all of you. If you crossed over the river, you would be leaving The Promised Land.

The past is gone. You know not its fulness. The future is not here. You know not its fulness. You have the present. You know not its fulness. This here is all you have, and you do not have it all. This is all you ever will have and ever have had. This is The Promised Land.

So what are your plans? God wants to hear them from you personally. Tell Him. He will take you to where they happen through how they happen. No other can do that for you. So do not look or hope for another. What are your plans, little man in The Promised Land?

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The reality is cognisable everywhere; why, it is evident most in oneself, when you earnestly seek it. You can experience it, even while performing selflessly your duty to yourself and others. I shall indicate to you today, four directives for sanctifying your lives and purifying your mind, so that you can contact the God within you. Tyaja durjana samsargam (give up the company of the wicked); Bhaja Sadhu Samagamam (welcome the chance to be among the good); Kuru punyam ahoratram (do good deeds both day and night); and Smara nithyam-anityatam (remember which is lasting and which is not). When one does not attempt to transform oneself thus, one is likely to blame God for one’s sorrows, instead of blaming one’s own unsteady faith! Such a person blames God because he or she announces oneself as a devotee too soon, and expects plentiful grace. Grace cannot be claimed by such; God must accept the devotee as His own.

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