Little Man In The Promised Land

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

New York City, 1925
Seal Of The Moravian Church

You already are in The Promised Land. You do not have to cross over the river to enter The Promised Land. You are in it. You have it. This is what it is, all of it. This is who you are, all of you. If you crossed over the river, you would be leaving The Promised Land.

The past is gone. You know not its fulness. The future is not here. You know not its fulness. You have the present. You know not its fulness. This here is all you have, and you do not have it all. This is all you ever will have and ever have had. This is The Promised Land.

So what are your plans? God wants to hear them from you personally. Tell Him. He will take you to where they happen through how they happen. No other can do that for you. So do not look or hope for another. What are your plans, little man in The Promised Land?

Advesta Sarva Bhutanam (bear no ill-will against living being), Sarva bhuta hite ratah (always engage in promoting the well being of all beings), Samah shatrau cha mitre cha cha (consider foe and friend alike) – jewels like these contained in the Gita, are, as known to all, pointers to the need for Universal Love. By declaring that man shall not bear ill-will towards the entire world of living beings, the Gita is positing a lesson with invaluable inner meaning that in all beings and even in all things, there is a moving, revolving, and active illumining Principle which is the Divine, appropriately called as Atma. It is a wrong against God, this omnipresent Divine, to hate living beings, to injure them; that is to say, it is as bad as hating and injuring oneself – the reason being that the injurer is as much a living being with God as his core, as the injured.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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